Enemy Mine
Enemy Mine
PG-13 | 20 December 1985 (USA)
Enemy Mine Trailers

A soldier from Earth crashlands on an alien world after sustaining battle damage. Eventually he encounters another survivor, but from the enemy species he was fighting; they band together to survive on this hostile world. In the end the human finds himself caring for his enemy in a completely unexpected way.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
grantss It is the late-2000s and Earth is at war with the Dracs, an alien race. During a battle, an Earth fighter pilot, Willis Davidge (played by Dennis Quaid), crash lands on a neutral, seemingly uninhabited planet. A Drac also crash-lands on the planet. Initially the two try to kill each other but soon they discover that they need each other to survive...An interesting story of friendship and tolerance, with a good message regarding race relations, and the stupidity of war. Quite emotional at times, especially in the middle third or so.However, very similar to Hell in the Pacific, made in 1968 and starring Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune. This movie was set in WW2 and involved a US pilot and a Japanese naval officer being marooned on an island together. Similar story progression (to a point) and similar moral themes. Other than the feeling that this has been done before (though in a different setting and with a different ending), there are a few other negatives to Enemy Mine. Final few scenes are cheesy action scenes and ruin, to a degree, the emotional buildup of the movie.Furthermore, the production values of the movie are quite poor. Yes, I know this was made in 1985 but the special effects in Star Trek (series and movie) and Battlestar Galactica (the original series), all made well before this, are much better.Overall, worth watching, especially if you haven't seen Hell in the Pacific yet. Better still: see Hell in the Pacific instead. It has a tighter plot, is not sci fi, so is more realistic and relatable, has better production values and is more subtle in its approach.
SnoopyStyle Late in the 21st century, humans finally finds peace at home and venture out into space. There they discover the race of reptilian Dracs and war breaks out. Far from home, Will Davidge (Dennis Quaid) is a fighter pilot engaged in a dogfight with the enemy. He crashes onto a desolate alien planet with his enemy Jeriba Shigan (Louis Gossett Jr). He is taken prisoner by the Drac but the language barrier prevents them from communicating. Meteorites rain down on the planet from time to time. Eventually both realizes that they must cooperate to survive.It's a minor sci-fi movie with a big message. The special effects are generally inferior but that's not where the movie's strength is. It's the relationship between the two leads. It's a compelling relationship. I'm always a sucker for people trying to communicate by learning each others' languages. Honestly, the baby is weird but it pays off at the end. Many TV shows have done episodes like this movie. Star Trek has done it at least twice. It's a very compelling sci-fi standard story.
BA_Harrison Me and Enemy Mine go way back together: I first saw the film on its original cinema release, then I won it on VHS video (which retailed for a staggering £79.99 at the time!), I now own it on DVD (paying considerably less than it used to retail for), and no doubt I'll buy it again sometime in the future, on some other newfangled format, cos the film is a corker! Directed by Wolfgang Petersen, this sci-fi take on John Boorman's Hell in the Pacific is a visually arresting, touching and exciting tale with a heartfelt message about accepting someone (or thing) regardless of their race or creed.I understand fully that the film isn't perfect, with arguably lacklustre space dogfights (especially in comparison to those in Star Wars), and an ending that feels way too rushed (the final scenes were drastically cut to shorten the overall running time), but the wonderful cinematography, a poignant yet often amusing script, and superb central performances still make this a thoroughly absorbing movie that never fails to impress me. Gosset, in particular, is absolutely amazing, successfully emoting despite being hidden under layers of reptilian special effects make-up by Chris Walas.8/10, with an extra point for being like an old friend: always there when I need it!
g-bodyl Enemy Mine is one of those many cheesy sci-fi films from the 1980's, but it still is a fun film to watch. The special effects do not hold up that well compared to today but the alien makeup is actually really good. One thing that annoyed me the most is the annoying trilling of the alien. I just wish he would speak normally without that trilling.This film is about two mortal enemies who are at war with each other but they both crash-land on a planet and there they must realize in order to survive, they must rely on each other and become friends.The two main leads by Dennis Quaid and Louis Gosset Jr hold their own in this movie. I really like Quaid's character since be brought substance into his character.Overall, this is a good sci-fi film with a good message hidden deep within. This follows Close Encounters as one of those good films with good meanings on alien communication. I rate this film 8/10.