Henry Poole Is Here
Henry Poole Is Here
PG | 15 August 2008 (USA)
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Henry Poole abandons his fiancée and family business to spend what he believes are his remaining days alone. The discovery of a 'miracle' by a nosy neighbor ruptures his solitude and restores his faith in life.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
SnoopyStyle Henry Poole (Luke Wilson) has lost all hope. He tries to buy his childhood home but he can only get a house in the neighborhood. There's a water stain on the wall. His neighbor Esperanza Martinez (Adriana Barraza) insists it's the face of Christ. It starts to bleed and she gets Father Salazar (George Lopez) to test it. More and more people arrive to see the miracle. Dawn Stupek (Radha Mitchell) and her daughter Millie (Morgan Lily) live next door. Millie has stopped talking since her father left a year earlier. She has her tape recorder and she befriends Henry.It's a really touching movie at times. It's a spiritual movie that isn't too preachy. I would have liked Henry Poole do more than mop. Also Luke Wilson is a little limited as an actor. However, the touching moments are really powerful. Esperanza starts out as an annoying neighbor but her story is much deeper than that. Morgan Lily is unbearably adorable. This is a surprisingly little movie.
James Weinberg (jasarthur) Too bad some of the reviewers here and on Netflix couldn't get past the misnomer "comedy" enough to find the truly beautiful and uplifting aspects of this film. I did actually laugh in a few places, but at its core, this movie is an art film about hope, faith, the angst of human existence and the redeeming power of love. The editing, gorgeous photography and lush musical score were exquisite. I watched it for the second time with my wife, who said it's one of the best movies she's seen in a long time. Henry Poole is more inspirational than anything else. The comedy is not the main element. To anyone but a grumpy agnostic or die-hard atheist, it will bring a tear to your heart and soul. This is truly a movie for the family to see together. It does not have the sex and violence of much of today's Hollywood output. The cast was perfect in their roles. I rate this a 10/10.
Germain Grisez Henry Poole Is Here is an unusual film. Someone characterized it as a "black comedy," but I think that description misses the mark. Instead, it represents the drama of modern unbelief and genuine religious faith. In the face of imminent death, Henry Poole's unbelief is entirely honest with itself, and so results in his despair and lonely alienation. His Hispanic neighbor's genuine faith and her and others' compassionate caring for Henry challenge his unbelief. Remarkably, this film presents a Catholic priest behaving just as he should, with prudence about what his parishioner thinks is a miraculous and appropriate and respectful pastoral concern for Henry Poole. In the end, faith and love win out, supported by a series of events such that at least one of them--the restoration of good vision to the check-out lady--could reasonably be regarded as a miracle. While many committed nonbelievers naturally are offended by that plot and its message, believers ought to be grateful to those who made this movie.
pepekwa I only give a rating of 9 when after i see a movie, when it leaves me wanting more and gets me thinking about it long after it has ended. This is one of those films. What makes it special is the deft, subtle direction of mark pellington and great acting by the main leads. Luke Wilson is brilliant as the supposedly terminally ill man going "home" to live his last days in solitude and peace. His personality is constant throughout the shenanigans with the"face on the wall", unlike other movies where you can easily reach the conclusion that "he wouldn't do that or that couldn't happen", everything in this movie makes perfect sense. Reading some of the other reviews on here, i thought I was on an aethiest's forum! I didn't see this movie in this terms, it works on many levels simply because it reinforces the notion of the human spirit and that love does indeed conquer all. There are so many clever things here that make this superior to other films in the genre like the fact that even half way through you're not entirely sure if Henry is dying and the fact that although you really want his relationship with the equally impressive radha mitchell to get physical, it never really does. I'm going to watch this movie again soon and I'll reckon I'll pick up some more nuances and like it even more.