Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura
| 09 June 2017 (USA)
Camera Obscura Trailers

A photojournalist suffering from PTSD returns home from Iraq and finds himself struggling to keep his sanity and family intact.

Micitype Pretty Good
Steineded How sad is this?
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
eloisebean Started out okay, typical B movie, but eventually nothing was happening. I began to space in and out of the movie, and lost track of what his motivation was. At one point he was trying to find a job, and was complaining about having to take pictures of real estate, and then the next moment he's looking at photos. He suddenly comes to the conclusion that the pictures were telling the future. Maybe it was edited poorly, or maybe it did explain, but I dozed off because it was starting to get boring. Either way this is a snooze fest. I personally thought they should have ditched the whole camera storyline, and gone with the fat greasy stalker that was following the girlfriend, while she was jogging. That was the only creepy thing in this entire movie.
jmix66 The actress portraying Claire in the film is untalented and unattractive making it a two-fer. And things get worse from there.The plot isn't too bad (haunted camera) but film was ruined by mediocre to terrible acting by the leads. You just never believe the protagonist and his girlfriend are really couple or that his problems are really driving his motivations. They just seem to "show up" stand around and repeat their lines,I rented this RedBox which is how I would advise people to watch , if they care to. Better yet...see if you find it on a streaming site and watch it there. It's not worth a purchase if you looking to do that.
omendata Movie had a good premise and started off quite well but soon went down the toilet with its over the top gore, poor photography and confused story.The music was actually not bad; very reminiscent of John Carpenter and in many places seemed out of place , the plot was confusing - was he actually a psycho and imagining everything which i presume was the end game there wasn't much explanation at the end and it seemed to end too soon. The over the top gore actually began to make it look like a comedy and we started laughing at points when we really shouldn't have!Some poor acting and bizarre plot holes didn't help.Overall it could have been good but ended up in the bargain bin bucket!
manuelasaez For the life of me, I don't understand why Chiller continues to make movies. None of the films have been successful as horror movies, and I actively avoid movies that are made by the network. I rented this movie based on some glowing reviews, and I feel like I deserve to have my money returned to me, and the contents of this movie erased from my memory. It was just awful, boring and tame in the way Lifetime movies are. Nothing about it was scary, nothing about it was particularity well done, and the gore and blood that is shown is tame and limited. The acting was competent, I suppose, but it's unfortunate that the rest of the film is such a travesty. DO NOT PAY TO WATCH THIS MOVIE. This studio really needs to take the hint that their output is not doing anything to advance the horror genre in any meaningful way. SAD!