Black Moon
Black Moon
R | 24 September 1975 (USA)
Black Moon Trailers

There is a war in the world between the men and the women. A young girl tries to escape this reality and comes to a hidden place where a strange unicorn lives with a family: sister, brother, many children and an old woman that never leaves her bed but stays in contact with the world through her radio.

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
JeremyATurk I'll give it a two because the lighting and the cinematography are well executed. Also, one would have to say that the scenes were probably directed as well as they could have been.That being said, there is no plot. It is a jumble of senseless scenes. There may be a statement in there somewhere, but it is my opinion that the job of the filmmaker is to make the point clearly. Not to hide it in nonsensical scenes. Sure, we all like a mystery, but the mystery shouldn't be what the plot is. I mean a baby, wearing a necklace, lying with two swords, while two strange children sing opera (they sing it actually quite beautifully) and naked children dance around, a woman paints war paint on her brother, other naked children play with jewelry... it just becomes cumbersome. Perhaps the intent was to make this movie literally painful to watch.I know that there is an audience for this stuff... somewhere... but the vast majority of people (even the type of people that like some of the more strange movies, or avant guard movies) will not like it. As other reviewers have said, there are so many other movies out there. Ones that actually tell a story that you can comprehend that do not involve 16 year old girls breast feeding old ladies that talk to wallabies. Hey, you might even find one that doesn't involve a man cutting the wing off an eagle! I know that all these images have some background story that is related to some mythology, but who really cares? If it doesn't tell the story of the mythology, or doesn't inform us what these things mean, hasn't it failed as a film? I suppose it depends on what the director intended. In this case, it appears that the director intended for people to have no idea what the subject matter is about, and for his movie to be seen by as few people as possible. A shame really. He had the opportunity, the means, the resources to make a movie (something many of us dream of doing, but lack the resources) and he used it on this. As I stated earlier: The lighting is beautiful. The cinematography well done. The technical aspects performed so well. All wasted.If you have the opportunity to watch this film, even if you are a film buff, a huge movie nerd, don't. It's a waste of your time.
Martin Teller Another Louis Malle film that's not much like any other Louie Malle film. A kind of Carroll-esque dreamworld where a young lady flees from a literal war of the sexes and takes refuge in a farmhouse with three strange inhabitants, a flock of naked children and numerous animals. The movie is light on dialogue (the most significant conversation includes a unicorn) but heavy on surrealist, symbolic imagery. And it's a big borefest. I have no objection to non-narrative films, but something has to hook me. Otherwise it's like someone describing his dreams to you -- dreadfully dull. The few intriguing elements of the film aren't even worth mentioning, the rest is an exercise in sexually-charged non sequitur. The photography by Sven Nykvist is nice, too bad it's not in the service of more engaging (or less annoying) material.
HumanoidOfFlesh The free-flowing narrative of "Black Moon" is hard to describe,but basically it's the story of a teenager(Cathryn Harrison)who witnesses a war between the sexes and finds herself involved in numerous dream-like situations at a country estate.She meets strange family,naked children and various animals including unicorn.Obviously inspired by "Alice in the Wonderland" and Robert Altman's "Images" "Black Moon" is truly bizarre and unforgettable.Here is what Louis Malle said about this peculiar fantasy piece:"I don't know how to describe "Black Moon" because it's a strange melange-if you want,it's a mythological fairy-tale taking place in the near future.There are several themes;one is the ultimate civil war...the war between men and women.I say the 'ultimate civil war,'because through the 1970s we'd been watching all this fighting between people of different religions and races and political beliefs.And this was,of course,the climax and great moment of women's liberation.So we follow a young girl,in this civil war;she's trying to escape and in the middle of the woods she finds a house which seems to be abandoned.When she enters the house,she obviously enters another world;she's in the presence of an old lady in bed,who speaks a strange language and converses with a huge rat on her bedside table.She goes from discovery to discovery-it's a sort of initiation."
mrgan_t PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING!!!!!!!!! OK, anybody who says they "liked" this movie or thought it was "intellectual" is a complete idiot. this movie had absolutely no plot, fun, entertainment, point, theme, message moral, or anything else that you would watch a movie for. seriously, was the first scene with the woman driving and hitting the badger or whatever really necessary? and the part where she drove down a hill and saw some weird guy and some sheep was totally pointless and gave me a headache. and another thing, what was with the naked little kids runnin around? that was just stupid. and is there really a war going on who was that old lady callin on the radio? one more, couldn't they make a more believable unicorn? it looked like someone rolled up a newspaper and taped it to a donkey's head. they only give me 1000 words to review this move, but that most certainly isn't enough. i could write at LEAST five hundred pages on why this movie was awful, but i would have a stroke if i had to relive this piece of crap again. you would have a more fulfilling experience if you boiled garbage in cat urine and ate that while having weasels gnaw on your feet, and that would leave you feeling much better about yourself than if you watched this movie. whoever decided to curse the world with this grotesquely bad film should be forced to watch it over and over for the rest of their lives. seriously, DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE.