Christmas Cupid
Christmas Cupid
G | 12 December 2010 (USA)

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Sloan is beautiful, stylish, and on the fast track to success at her public relations firm. After her client Caitlin ends up in a coma and becomes her own personal ghost of Christmas past, present, and future; she finds out first hand that her unethical ways needs to change and reuniting with a past jilted lover may be the answer.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
JamieWJackson It won't win any awards, but it just might win... your heart! (Ha ha, I made you read that.)But seriously... I didn't think this would be a good choice for me, but I gave it a go.For the first 10-15 minutes I was thinking this was the worst movie I'd seen in a while. Everybody was so irritating!! Then the ghost showed up and it got nutty. From that point on, despite the predictable plot, the details of how we got there were (mostly) fun to watch and I got some good startled chuckles out of moments of disbelief.It really is rather thin and even offensive if you take it seriously, but if you can loosen up it's enjoyably tacky -- not a phrase I ever thought I'd need! I could have gone with a 6 or a 7, but I was generous because I really did have a surprising amount of fun watching this silliness. I think everybody involved knew they were making a cheesy movie, and that's why it works on its level. It knows what it's trying to do and it doesn't try to squirm away from that. If that's not your cup of tea, well, there are lots of other Christmas movies for you.Oh, and yes, the dead hottie was the cupid. Duh. I guess that in itself is the litmus test for a lot of viewers: if you're offended by it, this is so not your movie. If you're still with me, give it a watch. I'm lost as to why that would bother anybody, but maybe I'm unusually cynical or something.
HeatherHarris16 If your into sappy, cheesy romantic comedies like I am, I suggest you watch this movie. There were some parts of the movie that were horribly predictable, like many other romantic comedies.. I felt there was some truth to it. Things that could happen to anyone. Although Ms. Milian is not a great actress, I could really relate to the character that she was portraying in this movie. She makes plenty of bad choices which also, I'm sure that everyone does.. no ones perfect. And I'm just a sucker for happy endings :)I didn't think that I would have enjoyed this movie as much as I did, which is why I procrastinated on watching it for so long. After watching my opinion changed and I am glad I took the time to watch it. This movie ranks an 8/10 for me, and is now one of my new favourite movies. Also.. who doesn't love watching Chad Michael Murray ;)
little_nighty OK guys, let's face it. It's December, snow is falling and although we're stressed out, we want to relax and get into a Christmas mood. So we lean back and switch on "Christmas Cupid" in hope for a bit silly, but watchable movie.I'm sorry I have to stop you right here. This movie is bad from the beginning to the end. The acting is dreadful, not in one million years do I buy the businesswoman on "the fast track". The storyline is somewhat incoherent, yet unforgivably predictable. Yes, we have all watched romantic comedies with a predictable ending, but this one has got to be one of the worst. Even calling it a "comedy" does it too much honour. The take on Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" was nicely thought, but horribly executed. Not to mention, that there was no cupid in the movie whatsoever.This is not a movie I'd recommend for you to watch during Christmas time (or anytime, actually). Better go with some old classics, that'll really get you ready for the holidays!
CranberriAppl First off, where was Cupid? Was the dead, vapid popstar supposed to be him? If so, they failed terribly. This movie was awful. The story was weak, the acting was bad, and it seemed like ABC just needed a movie for the '25 Days' and settled for anything. This has to be the worst adaptation of A Christmas Carol that I've ever seen. Christina Milian did pretty good in Snowglobe, but this one is pure crap. I don't think Chad Michael Murray is the best actor out there, but he was wasted in this movie. He was barely in it! The story went in too many directions and was never cohesive. Christmas movies are usually fun to watch and I've always enjoyed ABC Family's even back to the days of 'Christmas Everyday' and 'The Christmas List,' but this one should have been sent back to the writer's table until it made some sense.