Christmas in Boston
Christmas in Boston
| 14 December 2005 (USA)
Christmas in Boston Trailers

Gina and Seth have been pen pals for 13 years and now will have the chance to meet. Both used their best friends pictures to send to each other and now will let their friends meet. True love is found in the end for all.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Christmas-Reviewer I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 400 (C H R I S T M A S ) MOVIES AND SPECIALS.BEWARE OF BOGUS REVIEWS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW. WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE PRODUCTION. NOW I HAVE NO AGENDA! I AM HONEST! I REVIEW MOVIES & SPECIALS AS A WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT I HAVE SEEN!Lifelong pen pals (Marla Sokoloff, Patrick J. Adams) send their best friends to pose as them when the opportunity arises for a face-to- face meeting.Now Marla has done many Christmas films. This one is her best. She is very likable in this film and you are pulling for her. The Christmas Setting makes this movie almost like a Fairy Tale.Very watchable and enjoyable. The film never lags and the pace is just right. Watch it under the blanket with a nice cup of Jot Chocolate
Jack Vasen This plot was so great for a Christmas romance. The hanging lie is a pretty common plot line for a romance, but this one kept evolving. By the end of the movie, the situation was so twisted it was great. I wondered what happened to the Christmas tree, but then when it showed up, it still left the question of where had it been if Seth was staying in a hotel. Marla S was good and sweet and everything you want in a family romance for Christmas. Meanwhile Lindy Booth was great in a sexy way. I thought the guy who played the real Matt was a little too crude for being Seth's friend and also being able to appeal to Gina or even Ellen if she was such a good friend of Gina. Still, I can't believe how enjoyable this was for a TV movie.
jotix100 Gina and Seth have been corresponding for thirteen years. Their friendship started in school when they entered a program of pen pals. They have never seen each other, both are shy people that hide behind their letters, at first, then behind computers, writing endless emails and instant messages about their daily lives. The only thing is neither of them has been true to the other. Gina has sent pictures of her friend Ellen to Seth, making him believe she is the other person. Seth, also has been deceitful in that he has passed his best friend Matt's picture as being himself. When the opportunity arises that at last the corresponding friends would have a chance to meet face to face, they panic. The real reason for trying to hide behind their friends' persona is because they are desperately in love with one another."Christmas in Boston", also known as "Instant Message" in some countries, is a pleasant film to sit through because of the work Neill Fearnley has been able to create with the help of his young cast of appealing young actors. This is a small television made film that is better than one expected it to be. The case of mistaken identities work to bring the correspondents and their best friends together unwillingly.Marla Sokoloff and Patrick J. Adams, who appear as Gina and Seth, are fresh faces that project a wholesome glow on the film. The multi talented Lindy Booth runs away with the film though. Her Ellen provides Ms. Booth with an opportunity to shine. As she proved with her work in previous work, and in "Dark Honeymoon", Ms. Booth is a natural and a welcome addition to any project. Jonathan Cherry rounds up the cast and has also excellent moments to shine.As Christmas movies go, this one is to be enjoyed because of the good job Mr. Fearnley did with the material.
bard-32 Christmas in Boston is, in a word, cute. It's the story of Gina, Seth, Matt, and Ellen. Gina and Seth have been pen pals for ten years. He lives in Denver and she lives in Boston. Gina's friend, and next door neighbor, Ellen, is a perky, rambunctious, redhead. Seth is an executive of a major toy company, Toy Matters, in Denver, Colorado, and Gina's a newspaper reporter in Boston. She's assigned to cover a big toy conference being held in Boston. Gina tells Ellen that the pictures she's been sending Seth are of her. Meanwhile, Seth and Matt arrive in Boston, and settle in at their hotel. Seth tells Matt that the pictures he's been sending Gina, are, you guessed it, of him. So Ellen poses as Gina, Gina poses as Ellen, Matt poses as Seth, and Seth poses as Matt. Are you with me so far? I hope so. Gina meets Seth at the toy conference. The presidents of Toy Matters and a rival toy company, are having an affair. She has a nice story to break but doesn't because she's falling for Seth, who's pretending to be Matt. Ellen, who's pretending to be Gina, is falling for Matt, who's pretending to be Seth. Remind you of anything? Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors, perhaps? What happens next? That's for me to know and you to find out.