Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
PG | 04 December 2015 (USA)
Christmas Eve Trailers

Hilarity, romance, and transcendence prevail after a power outage traps six different groups of New Yorkers inside elevators on Christmas Eve.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Lem Int My wife ordered this based on reading reviews in IMDb, which I had always suggested is a good idea. Apparently she read only the first review, which gave it high marks. She did not notice the average rating, which was quite a bit lower.In addition to transparent characters, a predictable plot, and a disappointing ending which left lots of loose ends, it was clear that the script was not given any technical scrutiny.At the beginning of the movie, a single vehicle takes out a single ground-based transformer and wipes out the power for Manhattan. That can't happen. The fire department comes and cannot remove the van because it has become an electrical conductor which is supplying power to the only thing holding up all of the stuck elevators in the city.The most important quality of the elevator, which opened the door to building skyscrapers, is that the braking system, developed by the Otis Elevator Company, has fail-safe, mechanical brakes. They fail only if that part of the building is destroyed. But there's more...Although the van mysteriously supplies power to "elevator brakes," it also apparently supplies power to brilliantly light up all of the elevators in the plot. If, OTOH, the backup power system in (for example) the hospital is working, the elevators would be powered.And then there was the construction elevator, located outside of a building, which now traps a single passenger. This elevator seems rather clumsily built, in that if one leans on the door, it falls off, and you fall out, but you can hang on and climb back in if you're lucky. Still, it is temperamental. If you yell too much, it drops several floors and slams to a stop, warning you that something, somewhere, is angry with you. This elevator finally brings its passenger to tears, who finally regrets all of the horrible things he did.But was I warmed by the courageous woman who recovers from heart surgery in an elevator full of strangers, only to be told by her surgeon, right then, that she as a month to live? Well, she got over it in a few minutes, took control of the situation, and convinced the atheistic surgeon to lead the elevator in prayer, asking God if he could maybe do something. The dying woman was already getting snarky, goading the atheist to perfect his praying. Snarky and smiling, she finally let him finish. Really?Watching this movie was like buying a car. The more time you have invested, the more want to just get it over with. Too much time invested to go to the next car dealer...or movie.I voted this the worst movie my wife has ever picked. So far.
Ettin I'm secular but usually get into the holiday spirit just out of habit (my family and several friends celebrate Xmas, and hey, there's no work on the 25th), so I figured why not watch a dramedy with Patrick Stewart?The movie is not terrible. The ending ties characters from different elevators together, so that's a plus. If anything good can be said about the film, it's that you dislike most of the characters less by the end, even the two who were written to be the most unlikable (played by Margaret Clunie and Roxanne Cook). Christmas Eve is a "White Christmas" in more ways than one: outside it's snowy, and 95% of the actors are white (which is almost demographically impossible for 6 random elevators in NYC). The token black dude plays a semi-imbecile (sembecile?) who figures it wouldn't be in the holiday spirit to urinate when trapped in an elevator. The token Hispanic dude is the one who causes the power outage in the first 5 minutes thanks to his Virgin Mary statuette dropping off the dashboard of his van (I am not making that up). Patrick Stewart enjoyed his role as a Scroogy billionaire a little too much, perhaps due to his off-screen socialist leanings.The cardinal sin (no pun intended) of Christmas Eve is the sick patient demanding that the atheist/agnostic physician pray for her. As someone who knows many physicians: Please, if you are religious, don't cow a secular doctor into this even if you have a poor prognosis and are trapped in an elevator. While it shouldn't've surprised me that the Virgin Mary statuette was also part of the ending (and was the subliminal instigator of events), I was nonetheless hoping for a little less religious silliness. Bill O'Reilly would probably endorse this flick as part of his waging war against the theoretical War on Xmas, and for that reason and those stated above, I will not endorse this flick (at risk of being shunned as a Grinch).
girlboygraveyard I really liked this movie. It has been getting torn apart by critics, but I tend to be member of the Birdman train of thought about Critics, "A man becomes a critic when he cannot be an artist…" This film isn't pretentious, nor is it trying to be anything it isn't. It is a thoughtful and goofy Christmas movie.If you feel like you need a laugh, you will find many in this movie.Highlights of the movie for me:-It is refreshing to see James Roday in something that isn't Psych. He does a great job being the most endearing creep there ever was. By the end of the film you feel really bad for him!-Jon Heder and Max Casella's elevator was just delightful. There is nothing more awkward then running into an old boss, especially one that has just fired you. Now imagine being stuck with that guy overnight, in a cramped elevator. They both handle the arc of their relationship well. Jon Heder does a great job at not being the abnormal nerd, but a character with distinguishable layers.-The film bears an overall message of the interconnectedness of us all, and how we need to slow down to see it.Cons for me:-A little more Roday would have been nice. Can we have a film just about his character? I mean he works at a morgue how cool is that.I will be seeing this again! Soon!P.S. Watch this movie with people, it's one of those movies that is better in a group of people, not locked away in a dark closet with your laptop.
buzzn-66238 Sat down with the girlfriend thinking let's watch a Christmas movie, we were both excited by the idea of another funny Chrissy flick especially coming up to that time. We made a mistake. It cost us our night. Absolute waste of time.. the reviews were a lot higher a few days ago which makes me think maybe it was the creator's friends jumping on? 2 stars for effort but this was nothing but frustrating and I can't for the life of me imagine who it might even appeal to.It wasn't bad acting, it was simply unlikable characters with zero story line. Like a bunch of unfunny skit shows thrown together and no point.WHY?! WHY would you make this?!Doesn't matter how many times you've seen Jingle All The Way or The Santa Clause... Watch anything that made you laugh once, even for a 5th time over, before you even look at this "movie".My first review ever on here... I just had to warn the people.