Santa Claus: The Movie
Santa Claus: The Movie
PG | 29 October 1985 (USA)
Santa Claus: The Movie Trailers

In ancient times, a man named Claus, who delivers toys in his small village, fulfils his destiny to become Santa Claus after meeting an expert toy-making elf, Patch, in the North Pole. In the present day, Santa Claus has become overwhelmed by his workload, and the disgruntled Patch flees the workshop to New York City. There, Patch unknowingly threatens the fate of Christmas by taking a job at a failing toy company run by a scheming businessman.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Sam Panico These are the kind of movies I hated as a kid - message films that told me how to feel, act and behave. This is why Godzilla and King Kong are my idea of holiday films - beasts condemned by the world who only want to destroy the works of man! Feliz navidad!
Mr-Fusion Tonight marks the first time I've seen "Santa Claus: The Movie" in just about 30 years and it brought back a few memories. And as an adult, there's a lot to like about this; good sets. great special effects, David Huddleston puts out just the right genial vibe. I could see a lot of "Superman: The Movie" in this, it's such a white bread and apple pie origin story. But the pacing's off. There are long plodding stretches of flatness while most of the action's kicked to the very end. You've gotta give Jon Lithgow credit for chomping the scenery and I really don't have any serious gripes with this movie. Its heart is in the right place, but it could've used a nit more of a pulse.6/10
Eric Stevenson After seeing such horrendous Christmas films like "Elf Bowling: The Movie" and "Saving Christmas" it was great to see something...mediocre. Now here's the thing that's weird. The beginning of this movie is great. It wonderfully sets up the Santa Claus mythos and adds new things to the classic icon. The sets are so beautiful and everything is bright and colorful. As the film goes on, however, it starts to get goofy. It seems like the plot about the evil CEO at the end just came out of nowhere. It's like we're in a different movie at that time.I still really like Tom Huddleston as Santa Claus. Well, it's great to see a movie simply called "Santa Claus". That was the title on screen at least! It's certainly much better than the Santa Claus movie shown on MST3K. Many of the actors are really good and everything looks nice, but the story just gets weak in the second half. It features an elf making magic lollipops that make people float. Later, they try to make them more powerful but they explode! Yeah, this is where it's too silly to like. It's too long as well. There are some great parts in this movie, but it does get bad at the end. Hey, it's the new Christmas movie I saw in December this year so it can't be that bad! Oh, and Merry Christmas. **1/2
Leofwine_draca I saw and liked this as a kid, so I thought I'd see how well it holds up as an adult. The answer is that it doesn't: every scene I found charming as a boy I now find embarrassing. SANTA CLAUS: THE MOVIE turns out to be one of the most twee and overly mawkish Christmas movies ever made.The problem with the film is the script, which just meanders all over the place, plotlessly and painfully without focus or insight. It appears that the producers realised they could use the same kind of 'flying' special effects from the SUPERMAN series except swap them for Santa and his reindeers flying through the air. But that's no basis for a movie.It takes an hour or so for the storyline (involving an evil toy manufacturer) to get moving, and before then there are just lots of annoying scenes with the elves, who make the Ewoks look appealing. We get Dudley Moore mugging shamelessly in one of his irritating kid's film performances, and David Huddleston overegging it as a good-natured Santa. One of the sub-plots, involving floating kids, seems to have been stolen from WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.Thankfully, the film does pick up a little in the latter stages when there's actual stuff going on (even if it still isn't much), and we do get a scene-stealing turn from John Lithgow as a remarkably slimy villain. Sadly, his presence isn't enough to stop this from being a film that's a worthless watch for anyone over eight years old.NB. I recently watched this film one more time just to see if I was being too harsh on it above. I guess I was - a little. If you're in the mood for cloying sentimental and feel-good Christmas fare, then I guess it's the film for you. It certainly looks nice in high definition and the early storyline about how Santa Claus became Santa Claus is quite well done. A good kid's film then, although adults may want to pass on it.