A Day Without a Mexican
A Day Without a Mexican
R | 14 May 2004 (USA)
A Day Without a Mexican Trailers

When a mysterious fog surrounds the boundaries of California, there is a communication breakdown and all the Mexicans disappear, affecting the economy and the state stops working missing the Mexican workers and dwellers.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
e_beaumont Astoundingly racist stereotypes -- hot-tempered construction workers, airheaded media personalities, a soundtrack in which the recurring refrain is "Cinco de mayo!" sung sarcastically -- abound, the director's contempt for his audience is smugly splashed across the screen with insulting subtitles (e.g., "Guatemala and Honduras are not from Mexico!" -- just in case you didn't get the the mind-blowingly stupid joke of a US senator complaining about "Mexicans from Guatemala and Honduras") -- and that's just the first four minutes or so. Move over, "Bad Lieutenant" and "Making Love": I think I've just found my new Worst Movie of All Time...if only I could bear to watch the remaining 96 minutes.
mexican_soccer_chica_20 I have seen this movie and I thought that it was good. Because it shows us how hard life would be if Mexicans were not in the United States. That is what is trying to show. It isn't saying that the Mexicans are going to disappear, but it is trying to show how life would be without them. I have only seen it once. But I would like to own it.I know the movie isn't for everyone. I liked it and I just wish people would watch it. because if they watched it they would see how hard life would be if Mexicans would not be here in the US. If you want to talk more about it just e-mail me.... mexican_soccer_chica_20@hotmail.com. I had never heard of the movie until I went to go rent some movies. I found it, rented it and watched it. At first I was confused but then I figured out what was going on.... So please just give the movie a chance.
junky_stuff69 The politics of the immigration issue aside, this is just a bad piece of film-making. As a pseudo-documentary, it is completely one-sided and this is painfully obvious in the cartoonish, 2D characters portrayed. All the Mexicans are innocent, hard working, unappreciated folk carrying the weight of American society on their backs. All of the Anglos are stupid, racist, lazy and greedy oppressors. This aspect plays well to supporters, but immediately alienates (no pun intended) everyone else. Michael Moore made this same misstep in "Fahrenheit 9/11" when he characterized pre-war Iraq as a happy place of playing children, chocolate rivers and gumdrop smiles. Even those of us against the war know that was far from the case and it turns you off as a viewer. Okay, so beyond the flawed message, it all comes down to the basics. The script is horrible...what is Spanish for "horrible"? The dialog is flat and corny. There is no consistent thread to keep your interest, instead the film just jumps from present to flashback to fantasy, so much so I couldn't keep track of where I was or which character I was trying to follow. And for a film that caught my interest because I kept hearing how "funny" it was,I don't recall laughing once. Production value is another problem - a low budget film can sometimes be obviously low budget and that is the case with this film. Finally, the acting is, minus some exceptions here and there, very poor and that makes it even harder to try and connect with any of the characters. Poor showing, mi amigos, poor showing.
crisis-9 This was one of those movies that is even mediocre at being bad. It's just a fluff of nonsense. It tries to shove some corny ideology down your throat. I agree with a lot of the other reviews here. It should have been funny! This would be funny maybe to some 10 year old kid in the barrio. And that's a big, big maybe. I'm doubting even that. I was expecting more out of it. I sat there for 1hr+ and all I saw was a silly whine-fest that was far from clever.Everything in the movie, from the plot to the characters, is ridiculous. I've seen Saturday morning cartoons with more personality than this. What was the point to this whole movie? It sure was not entertainment. Let's get serious. The material should at least be entertaining when it's trying to sell you some asinine propaganda.
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