Live Nude Girls
Live Nude Girls
R | 08 December 1995 (USA)
Live Nude Girls Trailers

A group of old friends at a Hens Night discuss their issues, uncertainties, fears and fantasies.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
MBunge This movie is like a precursor to the HBO series "Sex and the City", except it's less cutesy, less melodramatic and not at all obsessed with puns. If you'd like to see what Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte looked and sounded like about a step earlier on the evolutionary scale, you'll find it in Live Nude Girls.Less a story and more an extended monologue on women, sex and relationships that's been split between 6 different characters, this film is about the night some old friends have a bachelorette party sleepover. I don't know if a group of women all pushing up against 40 getting together for a slumber party was considered normal in Los Angeles in 1995 but it's the nail this story is hung on, so you've just got to go with it. Georgina (Lora Zane) is a confused bisexual who's thinking of switching back to men. Jill (Dana Delaney) is the raunchy one with the happy marriage that's never really talked about. Rachel (Laila Robins) is Jill's uptight sister who's staring down spinsterhood. Marcy (Cynthia Stevenson) is the awkward one who ends up banging her house painter, who then starts stalking her. Jaime (Kim Cattral) is the neurotic B-movie actress who's freaking out about her impending third wedding. Chris (Olivia D'Abo) is Georgina's current girlfriend and one of the least convincing lesbians in cinema history. A cross-dressing Benny Hill would have been more believable.The entire film is essentially these 6 women sitting around and talking about sex, with occasional cutaways for flashbacks and fantasies, with undercurrents of Georgina's sexual indecision, Jill and Rachel sniping at each other, Jaime's overwrought case of cold feet and a couple of secrets that, of course, end up blurted out before the night is over. There's also a decent amount of female nudity, an embarrassingly bad gay stereotype and a weirdly sympathetic view of men for this sort of film. Nothing in this story ever gets resolved or figured out or fixed. The movie just starts and these women yap away until it's over.If you want to watch women yapping about sex and relationships, you'll probably enjoy Live Nude Girls. If watching "Sex and the City" feels like someone is trying to suck your brain out through your nose, you probably won't like this movie. There's nothing wrong or bad about it, but it's entirely one of those things you either really like or you really don't. You're going to have to make that call yourself.
dredyoung This movie was exactly like what I have witnessed in real life. It captured the essence of the woman's take on sex in modern America. It was a delight to see it played out so true to life on TV. It portrayed both the angst and delight of women's growing sense of sexual freedom. It also captured classic types and how they differ as they venture onto this new, uncertain ground. Talking more frankly as the tempo from the day through the evening quickens and each confronts and encourages the others to drop their public persona, revelations shock and titillate each in different ways. They also try to temper their tendency to be judgmental and recover and be supportive. As they reveal their idiosyncratic, even kinky, fantasies, the defenses gradually drop. Actual sexual behaviors are revealed. Those more modest and fearful of disapproval relax their defenses when they hear their friends daring escapades. These revelations stimulate recollections and reminiscences of 'first' experiences and youthful sexual foibles. This allows them to become really transparent about their suppressed unconventional longings. Gradual mutual acceptance and support leads to a sense of empowerment to experiment and take a chance of being themselves, insulated from traditional female fear of losing their reputation and becoming stigmatized. A new strength comes from their new bond in womanhood that gives them a new found freedom and courage to own their authentic sexuality.
ladylibrary I consider myself very critical of movies, so if I have something good to say, it means something! :) The title initially put me off. Here I was thinking it was going to be a senseless comedy about Live Nude Girls (wonder why I thought that!), but it turned out to be a funny view of what happens when girlfriends get together. I found it to be quite honest! The best part was when the friends are sharing their dreams, and Cynthis Stevenson's character imagines herself as a Barbie Doll. That part had me rolling!!!
Ale/Mfk Now when I say boring I don't mean it isn't realistic I have no doubt that women do talk this much about sex when there alone but since they all seem so unlikable (with the exception of Olivia D'Abo who plays the lover of one of the women who reunite in this film), I didn't care about what happened to them.