NR | 07 December 2006 (USA)
Re-Animated Trailers

Part live-action, part animated story about a boy who, after an awful amusement park accident, gets a brain transplant, which allows him to see cartoon characters in real life.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Wordiezett So much average
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
vsimon115 I see now that it's really bad.This movie (along with its TV spin-off) was a foreshadowing of Cartoon Network's demise. The network really jumped the shark here with this piece of sh*t!If I had a few words to describe this movie, it had to be stupid, awkward, and immature.Acting: Middle school play level bad.Writing: Awkward and clumsily unstable. (I've seen Michael Bay movies with more decent writing!)Animation: It's basically like a middle schooler's Adobe Flash animation projectSoundtrack: Lame.And don't get me started with the characters. The only sane people had to be Jimmy and his "sister" Yancy. (She's a f**king alien. Because that's normal, right?)Jimmy's dad is an hyperactive man-child, Craig is an unlikable and annoying jerk ass that tries to hard in trying to fit in with the popular kids, Robin may be bland at first, but she gets kinda creepy when her obsession with the cartoons is revealed, Sonny is a failure of a villain, the popular kids were unlikeable in a way, but I really didn't care about them anyway, and the cartoon characters were just blatant ripoffs of Disney.Bottom line, unless if you want to give yourself a lowered IQ, stay away from this movie.
HexInfinity Cartoon Network is a network for cartoons. Cartoon humor is different than other styles of humor. The slapstick nature and simplistic jokes are best when you expect them (it also doesn't hurt if you have a sense of humor.) As long as you do, this movie is an entertaining experience.While other reviewers expect all their movies to provide deep impact and insight into their lives, I do not. This movie will not make you question the nature of life and death, or the nature of family ties. It will make you laugh at some guy saying "Attention, citizens of Partyland!" in front of his grandparents, at a penguin saying "Zing!," and some guy burping from the sunroof of a limo.So, to summarize: Watch something else if you want to watch something else. If you want to watch an entertaining cartoon/real world mash up, with all the sensibility of a classic Saturday morning cartoon, watch this movie.
Yoshi6666 Though I have the program they edited this movie on, this movie was absolutely terrible. The acting was clueless, I didn't even know when they were making a joke or when they were really acting. The director seriously needs to wake up and see what was happening. I mean, the family was odd, and the whole plot was just a waste of two hours. If you want to watch some good movies, watch HBO. Dominic Janes did a pretty swell job at some points, but the rest of the cast I can't even describe. I mean, who in the world would be in the hospital in a costume and preparing surgery on a boy. The effect of how Dominic flew in the air when the train hit him was clearly fake, even with the lines not there.Thus, do not watch this film they say on Cartoon Network as the best movie ever. The cast will quite disappoint you.
Jonas_fan11 You should definitely see this movie! This is a very appropriate for all age groups. You are never too young or too old to see this movie. The acting is great and you act like you are in the movie. You definitely get into it! There is a lot of suspense and a lot of questions that you could and almost definitely will think or ask. The actors and actresses act like they are really in the situations that they are in in the movie. Once you see this movie you will want to see it over and over again. It never gets boring. I have seen this movie all the times it has been shown and it always seens like it is the first time you are seeing it. I most definitely recommend that you see this amazing movie!