Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
| 02 June 1995 (USA)
Mad Dogs and Englishmen Trailers

Gorgeous Antonia is on a dangerous downward spiral caused by an addiction to heroin when she meets Mike, a tough drifter who helps her score more smack. Although they're not attracted to each other initially, Antonia and Mike eventually give in to their growing feelings for each other. But this leads to a dilemma: How does Mike help the woman he now loves kick her addiction?

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters. I don't usually make a point to watch films this bad (predictable plot, laughable dialog, horrible music soundtrack, etc), but when I saw that my all-time favorite actor Jeremy Brett had a brief but memorable role in "Shameless" (originally titled "Mad Dogs and Englishmen"), I couldn't resist. It's a bizarre experience to witness an actor -- who so perfectly embodied the iconic Sherlock Holmes in the beloved Granada TV series -- appear in such an odd role of a drug-supplying sugar daddy. It's even odder to see a glimpse of him in a modern-day sexual scene with a young woman. Regardless, as usual, he stole the movie even if he was only barely in it. I only wished the director has used Brett to his fullest talents instead of as an aside eccentric.A young Elizabeth Hurley makes a mediocre attempt to portray a bored little rich girl with drug problems and C. Thomas Howell does his best to seem sexy in a grunge biker kind of way. But Brett's booming voice, subtle expressions and dynamic presence wakes you up for just long enough to pay attention to his character. Once he disappears from the screen, you realize all too soon that the rest of the film is worthless. It takes a great actor to lift up a role from the muck, and I'm sorry to see that this was Brett's only chance to do a modern-day storyline from his usual historic epics before he passed away.He briefly commented in an interview why he did the role, and soon realized the film was a disaster.On "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" (1995)-- "I was mad to do it, but I wanted to show the world that I was still alive and I could do other things apart from Sherlock Holmes. I hope they don't release it..."
janus-25 Liz hurley 5/10... mostly for her bod joss ackland 8/10 ... Good acting everyone else ... pretty forgettable... Strange twisted plot to emphasise the "decadence" of the upper class .. who even despise the QUEEN!. Yes, cockneys, toffs and a bit of rough... Burke and Hare ... semi-gay drug lords... RIGHTEOUS justice (no mention of Alan titchmarsh tho). It's all here with colorful red buses and lovely old country houses. Shame about the plot and the acting. Erotic? no!
alicecbr You keep thinking that the cliches will stop, that someone will show some emotion, that an English word besides 'f...k' will be used to describe something.....but no, no, NO!! You are condemning yourself to a monumental waste of time if you think things will get any better.The plot is so confusing, and then it becomes not even worth the bother to sort out. Maybe Elisabeth Hurley was playing a stony-faced, no-emotion, no-care druggy; or maybe....she CAN'T ACT!!! Whichever, even the coupling scenes (it would be an insult to call them 'love scenes') are amateurish. You don't even care about the torture scenes. Glad I couldn't recognize Claire Bloom...she was probably glad, herself.The lighting is haphazard, the dialogue hardly comprehendible. I wasted $10 on this dog....mad, it was not. Boring, it most definitely was.
roland-27 Mad Dogs starts off well-A police raid of a local drug store, but after the first half an hour, it becomes incredibly boring. It focuses on the romance between a hard ass American biker and a lonely druggy.No-one really deserves any real recognition for this, but Jock Ackland is probably better than the rest. Elizabeth Hurley is patchy. In some scenes she does well, but in others you wonder why she is such a big success.Despite a decent beginning and a good ending, this is nothing compared to other British films like Trainspotting, The Full Monty and Face. Rating=2/5
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