Amira & Sam
Amira & Sam
| 30 May 2014 (USA)
Amira & Sam Trailers

Sam, a soldier who had served in Afghanistan and Iraq, meets Amira when he visits her uncle, Bassam, who had served as Sam's Iraqi translator. Bassam and Sam have a special bond due to their time together in the war. Initially Amira does not trust him because he was an American soldier and her brother was killed by a bomb from American troops in the war. Sam's cousin, Charlie, asks Sam to help him with illegal hedge funds unbeknownst to Sam at the time. Amira is staying with her uncle Bassam since her father died. She sells bootlegged films on the street corner but is forced to stay with Sam after getting busted; immigration officials begin pursuing her. As the film progresses, Sam and Amira fall in love.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Irishchatter I would call this film a very easy seeing romantic movie I have ever came across.The storyline had so many surprises to it like Amira wasn't just an ordinary Muslim girl, she acted so chilled and hip unexpectedly . As for Sam, he locked a couple of teenagers to an elevator, just because he was cheesed off with them picking on him. It's a very odd twist that Sean Mullin wrote in the story. You wouldn't see a solider doing that kind of thing but I was wondering why it didn't show his flashback as soldiers would unfortunately experience.Anyways, I honestly thought Paul Wesley was James Franco. He has the attitude and the looks. He seriously needs to be in more movies and be in Franco's films. Then people will think he is James Franco's clone.Watch it peeps!
hjflood This was an entertaining and upbeat film, a well crafted love story. The acting, screenplay and cinematography were all excellent. I found the story line to be very compelling. The actors were all convincing in their roles and the story was beautifully told. Sam, a former Army officer who had supposedly returned "unscathed" from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan was nonetheless having problems adjusting to civilian life. Amira was an Iraqi immigrant who was also having difficulties in America, and in particular had suspicions about American soldiers. Their meeting (through her uncle, his former translator in Iraq) led to romance. How they both dealt with the prejudices of the people around them was very revealing.I thought the screenplay was excellent and the production values were superb.View and enjoy!
holdenkatie-231-898286 I really enjoyed this sweet brave film. I laughed and cried. The film made me think about religious tolerance, cultural awareness, and the impact of war. The movie is also witty with many funny scenes while dealing with complex issues. I hope to see more from this director. The acting was great and I liked the intelligence and chemistry of the main characters. I really enjoyed the scenes on the sail boat, the bed, and in the veterans home. An interesting twist having the soldier not 'damaged' by tours abroad and not working the system. I agree and like the theme of the world operating based on connections and relationships. Sometimes the bad luck of Amira was hard to believe but needed for the movie. I highly recommend seeing it!
allymwhite Amira & Sam is a delight - tackles multiple political and social issues with finesse - great acting and witty script that will have you laughing out of loud.Don't be fooled. Amira & Sam is not just the standard indie, rom-com, boy meets girl story. The movie shows a different perspective on struggle of a solider returning from war and weaves together a sweet story with fabulous acting that feels raw, genuine and unpredictable. The chemistry and depth of characters portrayed by Starr and Shihabi brings the film to life. Perfect for a date night or rainy afternoon - a must see! And looking forward to more from first-time writer / director Sean Mullen.