Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire
Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire
PG-13 | 09 July 2017 (USA)
Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire Trailers

When the King Gareth dies, his potential heirs, twin grandchildren who possess the dragon’s unique strengths, use their inherited powers against each other to vie for the throne. When Drago’s source of power – known as the Heartfire – is stolen, more than the throne is at stake; the siblings must end their rivalry with swords and sorcery or the kingdom may fall.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
NoeliaZaballa I can see that most of the male contributors hated the movie and most of the female contributors loved it. This could be happening because the movie revolves more around psychological and emotional aspects of both dragons and humans insted of bloody wars and fights as you would see in, for example, game of thrones.I think Rafaella de Laurentis is giving her fans something that is almost non-existant in the movie market. Yes, the plot is extremelly weak, as have been all of the Dragonheart plots after the first movie. The dragons and the effects are probably not the best in Hollywood either. But these movies keep coming out despite their poor economic revenues, and that's something dragon fans should be greatful for.NOT EVERYBODY likes beastly, evil, brainless, pet dragons as those of games of thrones. When I picture a dragon, I picture a wise, elder creature, just as these movies present them. If I want to see a winged dinosaur out of control, Hollywood is full of them. I am more than willing to sacrifice CGI perfection just to see dragons as those from the DragonHeart franchise. I've fallen in love with every one of them. The plot, however, should be improved. The first DragonHeart had an awesome plot and I'm sure they can go back to that.
adonis98-743-186503 A dragon known as Drago tries to end the rivalry between a brother and sister, both having dragon-like powers, who are after the throne of their grandfather while a new threat steals Drago source of power. Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire is one of those films that i expected to suck really hard but it ended up surprising me a hell a lot. For instance the acting is really good, Patrick Stewart as Drago is perfect voice casting because he does have a great and iconic voice. The whole story with the 2 twins was interesting enough and sad enough for me to care. The movie even has an unexpected ending that it really moved me plus there are some great fight sequences and some pretty good humor that brings more levity to the film. The characters were also pretty well return and i really liked Edric and Meghan's characters and last but not least it actually has some pretty damn good cgi effects for a straight to DVD sequel. Overall i would advice you to give this film a chance it might surprise you just like it did with me. It's definitely a rent for me!!!
grisharkramer I must preface this review by saying I love trash. When I saw that the fourth Dragonheart movie was on Netflix I couldn't have been more thrilled. I was astonished when I saw the opening sequence, and could not believe how genuinely I was enjoying the directors touch. I usually watch this sort of thing to enjoy the flaws, and luckily soon after the credits it really starts to deliver on that front. The acting is actually fine, but the script delivers some genuinely terrible lines, most notably "A man's smell is his soul." There's a beautiful "Hey you are the King do some charming King stuff" montage. Patrick Stewart uses all his acting power to convey to the audience that he didn't want to be in a sound booth that day and that he has genuine disdain like the script, and also that he's reading it in the sound booth for the first and last time.The director and the costume designer are wonderful and deserve to work again with way more money. As far as whoever "wrote" the screenplay, thanks for all the chuckles.The CGI looks real bad.In closing: Directing 10/10 Costumes 10/10 Cinematography 10/10 Acting 9/10 (Except Patrick Stewart who is purposefully awful) Script 1/10 CGI 1/10 Stunt Choreography 7/10So it's a real mixed bag. If you love trash, it's beautifully shot and competently acted and everything else is hot garbage.
davemfawcett Big fan of the first movie and went into this movie with no expectations having never heard of it. The Good; the CGI was respectable, the acting was god, Patrick Stewart is always a win; and root story was decent and had one decent plot twist. The Bad; it felt like the movie was in slow motion in the story telling much of the time. On one hand they needed to spend more time with the development of the early story, but the mid story dragged. The Ugly, too many plot holes and things the director and writers did to just move the story on without explanation. The Other, had they pursued more of the angle with (Slight Spoiler) the female lead character emboldening the women and wanting to be a good queen, I believe they could have made a much more rewarding ending. The ending, as is, was just ho-hum so what; predictable, leaving many questions from the final battle unanswered.