| 15 October 2015 (USA)
Patchwork Trailers

A delightfully dark, Frankenstein-themed horror comedy about a re-animated corpse, made from the stitched together body parts of three murdered young women, that decides to go on a bloody quest to find their killer and avenge their deaths!

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
bizzywiththefizzy If, like me, you adore 'Frankenhooker', this film will irritate the hell out of you.I don't know if it was created with the okay of Frank Henenlotter - I doubt it.It has the 'date night with a severed head' scene, the crunchy, clicky staggering of Frankenhooker, even a failed attempt to replicate Patty Mullen's iconic facial expressions and the 'mad doctor' looks like he could be the son of James Lorinz. There's even the 'love interest dies at the end and the girl monster brings him back as a boy monster' ending (granted, without the boobs).It takes what is a classic, brilliant, funny film that's full of heart, and rams it in a blender with everything that sucks about the Millennial generation.I'm not even going to start on the continuity issues (arm falls off during sex, but magically reappears back on the monster. Arm falls off after a fall, magically reattaches itself, inability to move at all to sprinting in a matter of minutes - the list goes on)If you've seen 'Frankenhooker' and adore it, steer clear.If you haven't seen it? Watch it instead. The source of the body parts is far funnier and more imaginative, for a start. There's also no tedious, obligatory 'makeover' scene.
re-animatresse i've been feeling anxious and low on mental spoons, and i wanted a movie that doesn't require too much thought and analysis to appreciate. this feature film debut from writer/director Tyler MacIntyre is a fun, absurd horror comedy, more comedy than horror, that nicely fits the bill three women are cut up, patched together and injected with a luminescent reanimating reagent in the style of Re-Anamitor; they awaken with a scattered memory and begin a violent rampage, to a lively indie pop soundtrack, in search of whomever did it to them the sets and make-up are well done, and Tory Stolper gives an excellent performance as the patchwork protagonist. the cast is almost entirely white though. and does a film still pass the Bechdel test if the only dialogue between women occurs between women who all share the same body? all in all, this is no masterpiece of modern cinema, but it -is- highly entertaining and worth checking out
Otkon If you enjoy absurdist horror comedy with some surprises, this is not a bad little movie. It is well-acted by a very competent cast, especially the three leads. The effects and make-up are quite convincing. The director of photography actually knew how to light a scene to fit the story-telling.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Patchwork" immediately caught my attention with its interesting and alluring movie cover/poster. I continued on to read the synopsis, and the movie still seemed to sound interesting still.The movie starts out quite good and does prove to be quite interesting and entertaining. Well at least up until around midway or so, then the movie starts to lose its momentum and becomes somewhat of a more confusing and messy act. And it didn't really recover its former momentum and gained pacing again. And I must admit that from about halfway and to the end then my interest in the movie was fast dwindling, but I stuck with it to the end.The concept of "Patchwork" was quite interesting, and it was a nice approach on a classic Frankenstein-story. However, the movie just didn't really stand out as being memorable. This is the type of movie that you will watch once, then am unlikely to return to it and watch a second time around.I will say that the special effects in "Patchwork" was quite good, and there was some interesting make-up on the three young women whom were stitched together into one woman.Tory Stolper (playing Jennifer), Tracey Fairaway (playing Ellie) and Maria Blasucci (playing Madeleine) were doing good jobs individually and together with their given roles, and they carried the movie quite nicely."Patchwork" is listed as a horror comedy, but there is very little elements of horror to be found in the movie, so it is more of a comedy with a pinch of horror spice added to it.I must admit that I had somewhat higher hopes and expectations for "Patchwork" than what director and writer Tyler MacIntyre managed to deliver. As such, my rating of "Patchwork" ends on a very mediocre 5 out of 10 stars.
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