Nude Nuns with Big Guns
Nude Nuns with Big Guns
| 24 September 2010 (USA)
Nude Nuns with Big Guns Trailers

Upon taking her vows to become a nun, Sister Sarah is abused, brainwashed and also drugged into submission by the corrupt clergy. On the verge of her own death from a lethal dose of drugs, Sister Sarah receives a message from God telling her to take vengeance on all those who did wrong to her. Armed with God's will and an arsenal of big guns, she dispenses Judgment Day on her former tormentors. When the church hires the merciless motorcycle gang "Los Muertos" to track down and to kill her they soon realize that this sister is one bad mother.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
jasontheterrible And thank you reviewers with a sense of humor that made me watch this. Most exploitation flicks have such bad lighting and guilt you never see much of anything good. Not this one. Is someone really going to tell me Robert Rodriguez and Tarantino are heads and shoulders above this director?! All the sycophantic sheep just keep on following the herd into pseudo intellectual dream land. Not only is it well shot using FILM in good lighting so you can actually see everything, the acting is even decent. Better yet, far more sex and nudity and good looking women than one usually gets. Right up there with I Spit On Your Grave type revenge flicks but better. So if you hate the Church, sinners and drug dealers, this camp feast is for you.
andre tacla If you like Italian western films, or Clint Eastwood's one, go straight to 1:09:50 - 1:15:00. It is brilliant! A romantic scene with a wonderful music in a trash movie.This scene reminds me of Sergio Leone's "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" with the music of the Ennio Morricone.It is like a video clip, most very good songs are from The Clinton Johnson Band (ex: Every Car Behind Me Is A Cop), an unknown band, and there is no other information from the others, that I would like to know.These guys have no money or resources, see how their website is at and the productions trailers. But they have plenty of talent, something lacking in many expensive films of Hollywood's.
kosmasp The title is unfortunately way funnier than the movie itself. I guess this also works as a trailer, but not as a whole. Acting and general "execution" (pun intended) are not up with the high concept idea of the movie. The main actress is anything but convincing, the villain on the other hand shows that he had the time of his life (actually some of his quote are really good, but I don't know who to credit for them: screenwriter or the actor himself).All in all a rather weak "nunsploitation" movie (I think that's the correct term/genre), but then again it is in good company I guess. And as I stated above, some of the quotes are really funny, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.
Tim Kidner Pun intended. This enjoyable thriller was on The Horror Channel and Radio Times didn't give a rating, nor even marked it up as a film, even! Their scantiest of synopsis forced me to look elsewhere and here on Amazon, a number of positive reviews had me checking it out. I had been expecting the worse and whilst not a classic, was certainly better than I anticipated.Yes, the nuns are often completely starkers and occasionally get shot in the head in a similar state. There is an element of style over substance, with the warm-tinged colours of New Mexico and with an atmospheric, screechy, very Spanish sounding wailing guitar soundtrack, that does indeed come right from a Robert Rodriguez flick. The ultra violence, with quite a lot of bullet generated spatter, with slo-mo camera and emphasised music is very Tarantino. The quick cut to red/sepia/black and white and meaningful-looking panning in some scenes add interest and variety.With a topless bar called The Cherry Popper and the film's title, you sort of know where you are with this one. Obviously one for adults only, for liberally minded heterosexual males (most likely) and for late nights, to unwind to and to not take very seriously.The actual story is a bit of a mess but I didn't watch this film for its storytelling, nor its screenplay - and I doubt if many will. Having said that, it's not just a soft core nude fest, this is also a thriller, with horror overtones.At the moment, I'm seriously thinking of buying the DVD, which is quite an endorsement as it means that I obviously want to see it again. I was a bit disappointed with the rather thin sounding, almost mono soundtrack and I'd be keen to know how this sounds on the DVD. I guess it would be the same.Yes, the title is shamelessly attention grabbing, but for once that's OK, because there are indeed nude nuns, with big guns. But you get a whole decent movie as well, which certainly wasn't expected. Bonus!
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