Bitter Feast
Bitter Feast
| 08 July 2010 (USA)
Bitter Feast Trailers

A celebrity chef exacts revenge on a food blogger who torpedoes his career.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Boptrax The chef takes issue with a bad review which the script writer wants us to believe ends his TV cooking career. I knew this was a revenge movie but thought, perhaps, that said revenge might have a subtler, more intellectual edge than simply abducting the offending food critic and chaining him up in the cellar to subject him to a series of arbitrary culinary tests based on a few of his previously dismissive reviews. But, no....this movie only has sadism on the menu. If the captive critic fails the test, he doesn't eat, doesn't drink and is subject to physical abuse. The flashback beginning of the film, when we see the chef as a child murdering his older brother in the woods, telegraphs the ludicrous ending. On the plus side, a handful of actors were gainfully employed for a time, but once they did their jobs and were paid, there was little excuse for inflicting this film on an unwary fast food acclimated public.
Paul Andrews Bitter Feast starts as Peter Grey (James LeGros) the head chef at an up market restaurant called Feast is fired by his partner because of venomous & scathing internet reviews by influential food critic JT Franks (Joshua Leonard), soon after Grey's television cooking series is cancelled by TV bosses who are alarmed at the ratings slide. With his career & reputation in tatters Grey has also suffered great personal tragedy after having lost his son to cancer, having gone past breaking point Grey decides to take revenge on Franks. Grey kidnaps Franks & imprisons him in his country home far from the city & any means of help for Franks who is at Grey's mercy, Grey sets Franks various task's & if he fails the task he is punished. From frying the perfect egg to cooking the perfect steak, Grey taunts & tortures Franks but he has been missed & people are looking for him & Grey soon becomes the prime suspect...Written & directed by Joe Maggio I have to say right away that Bitter Feast is the worst film I have seen in quite some time, I must admit that I have been taking a bit of a break from watching & commenting on so many films & Bitter Feast is a prime example of why I have lost a little bit of love with the genre lately. All I want from a film is for it to entertain me, to have some fun with it, for it to succeed at what it sets out to achieve & come away from it feeling good. Unlike when I watch a film like Bitter Feast which bores me to death, annoys me & has me constantly looking at the counter on my DVD player as I literally count down the seconds until it's finished. I hated Bitter Feast. Plain & simple. The script features nothing but unlikable character's, from the chef Grey to the critic Franks I just hoped everyone would die as soon as possible & put us all out of our misery, Grey has no plan or reason behind what he is doing as far as I could tell. Sure there's the revenge angle but if that's all he wanted why not just kill Franks & be done with it? Why the pointless games? Why make him try to fry an egg & then slap his face when he fails? The film never builds up to anything either, there'#s no great ending or anything & it just sort of fizzles out after a predictable chase & fight. Bitter Feast could have been a lot of fun with a snobbish critic getting his comeuppance in a grisly & fitting way as witnessed in the excellent Theater of Blood (1973) but it takes itself so seriously, is so drawn out & dull & uneventful that I found it really hard to get to the end, I did make it to the end but it more a test of endurance than a fun & entertaining way to pass 100 odd minutes.Reasonably well made there's nothing wrong with the way Bitter Feast looks but it's pretty forgettable, there's not much tension or any scares as such. Forget about any gore as there isn't any really, a knife is stuck into someone's hand & a couple of people have blood spurting neck wounds but otherwise this is really tame.Probably shot on a really low budget this was filmed in New York. The acting is alright but many of the performance's are far too one dimensional & flat. I can't say i cared about anyone or anyone creeped me out or made me laugh or anything really.Bitter Feast is a film that I really disliked & it's films just like Bitter Feast why I just don't watch as many low budget horrors as I used to, I just find them an annoying & frustrating & boring waste of time. Bitter Feast is a film I happily will never have to watch again & be thankful for it.
Tony Heck An uptight cooking show host and head restaurant chef (LeGros)loses his jobs and takes his revenge on the critic (Leonard)that caused his downfall. After a scathing review from food critic JT Franks causes chef Peter Grey to lose his job at his restaurant, and the cancellation of his show, Grey kidnaps Franks and the torture begins. It sounds pretty cheesy but Grey reads reviews Franks has given and forces him to do better in order to eat the food he is preparing. The movie is slow moving in parts but overall a pretty good movie to watch. I was going to give it a B- mainly because the torture movie genre is all the same, but the last 20 minutes strayed away from the aspects that made this seem different and into "really, they are doing this??!".The ending brought the grade down, it could have been so much better. I give it a C.
TrukDrivr I have no idea how anyone could possibly say anything good about this crap movie. I'm a B movie fan and not even I could stand this yawn-fest. Totally predictable and you knew what was going to happen 10 minutes into the movie. You just had to sit, *yawn* and try to stay awake for the next hour or so until it came about. No surprises here. Same old, same old, except with nothing to keep you awake or keep you from shutting it off and completely forgetting it. There Is Nothing Even Mildly Interesting About This Lame movie. The dialog is dull and predictable. It drags on so slowly, for so long, and the characters are so idiotic and shallow that you don't care who lives, who dies or what happens to them along the way. You just want them to all s.t.f.u and die already, so this slow, boring movie can be over with!"Bitter Feast" is one of those waste-of-your-time movies that deserves a negative star rating.