| 13 May 1978 (USA)
Jennifer Trailers

Ostracized at a snooty private school because of her rural, poor background, a scholarship student is tormented to the point where her only remaining recourse is revenge, using the only method she knows: her psychic control over snakes!

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Alicia I love this movie so much
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Rich Wright It's Carrie!! With snakes!! Only it's complete s**t!! Yes folks, forget about school dances and buckets of pigs blood... here you have rubber vipers and hammy acting ahoy. EVERYONE is a stereotype with annoying put-on accents and awkward dialogue, while the so-called 'scary' scenes feel like something out of a bad spoof. The unfathomable truth that this was supposed to be a horror will go down as one of the great mysteries in life.Even the twee opening song is 50 Shades Of Crap. Try listening to it without your ears imploding. Does it do anything right? Well, it has an ending. That's something... right? RIGHT? 2/10
The_Void Anyone who knows anything about horror will have no trouble identifying Jennifer's main influence - it is, of course, Brian De Palma's Stephen King adaptation Carrie. The two share so much in common that I can't quite believe that director Brice Mack actually got away with making this film. It's not just the central premise either, things are ripped directly from Carrie wholesale; stuff like the overbearing religious single parent, the popular clique that takes a dislike to the outcast protagonist and the sensitive member of said clique that has a bit of sympathy for the outcast. The central character is, unsurprisingly, named Jennifer. Jennifer is a scholarship student at a relatively wealthy school and as such gets picked on for not having as much money as the other girls. She takes it for a while but soon the bullying is stepped up a gear and Jennifer decides that she just can't take it anymore. Luckily for her, however, she can wield a strange power over snakes and decides to use it to get her revenge.While the film is clearly a knockoff, it does have to be said that in its own right, it's actually a decent horror movie. Don't go into it expecting to be thrilled because it's very much of the slow burn variety, although it does manage to put forward some interesting characters. It's clear that it was shot on a low budget, however, and while the acting is largely decent; certain cast members are just terrible. Jeff Corey stands out in that respect as Jennifer's overbearing religious father. The central premise centres on snakes and as such you would expect the movie to feature a few of them; but actually they don't turn up properly until right near the end which is a bit of a shame. I'd have liked to have seen a bit more of a relationship between the lead character and the snakes. Jennifer is also not even nearly as big an outcast as Carrie was; she's just not weird enough and her reaction to the bullying even seems a bit extreme. Still, I wasn't particularly expecting anything great from this film and going in with expectations like that will ensure you wont be disappointed.
Art Tizon This could actually be considered a Carrie III. Sure, it may have been made before The Rage: Carrie II, but who cares? I think that Jennifer's father could have easily been the father of Carrie and Rachael. He and Carrie & Rachael's father are religious fanatics. The reason that Jennifer doesn't have telekinesis could be because her mother gave her the gift (even though the male is the carrier). Anyway, I have an idea to post a script on the internet where the siters are reincarnated as triplets and join forces.
Rrrobert Intriguing film clearly designed to cash in on the success of "Carrie" (the film's main protagonist is somewhat a misfit in her surroundings, is tormented by her cruel schoolmates, has special powers, and lives alone with one parent who is a religious fanatic) however this is also quite effective in its own right.Best thing in the film is the characterisation of the schoolgirls and their relationships with one another. Lisa Pelikan is effective in the title role and particularly well drawn is the chubby girl Jane who puts up with being used by her popular friends lest she be expelled from the group. The scheming schoolgirls are so evil and this is so well portrayed that the audience really wants to see them get it. This creates tension as we await the promised cataclysm and this helps keep the film bubbling along.Unfortunately when this cataclysm is finally reached it seems rushed and comes as somewhat a let-down. Though there are some chilling scenes throughout the film (particularly good are the scenes in the swimming pool at night) the only real mayhem is all saved up for the very end. And oh yes there are a couple of other "Carrie" inspired moments during the concluding scenes too.Most annoying thing is Jennifer's father who is quite dull and whiny and rambles on through most of the film. Unfortunately Jeff Corey is not good enough in the role to make us chilled or unnerved by his character's preaching, just bored.