R | 04 February 2014 (USA)
Scorned Trailers

Sadie and Kevin have decided to spend a romantic weekend together at his lake house. But when an unexpected- and unfortunate- text from her best friend Jennifer to Kevin reveals a lurid love affair between the two, Sadie spirals into a hunger for revenge.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
lavatch On this website, "Scorned" is listed under the tripartite heading of comedy-crime-horror. The best match is the horror genre. There is also a seemingly endless spate of crimes committed. But the comedy portion of the film is difficult to discern even at the darkest level of dark comedy.The film's title derives from the scorn felt by a woman named Sadie who learns that her boyfriend, Kevin, is sleeping with her best friend, Jennifer. Sadie improvises a ghoulish revenge scheme on both her boyfriend and her best friend. When Jennifer arrives at the home of Kevin and Sadie, she is invited to "follow the rose petals,' along with her little dog named Bootsie. Little does Jennifer realize what lies ahead along the road strewn with the petals.The actress playing Sadie creates a character worthy of her namesake, the infamous Marquis de Sade. But the main problem with the film was the excessive violence in Sadie's sadistic acts of torture. It was far too gruesome to extract teeth, place a hand in a vice, and use electric shock on the eyes of her victims. It is odd that the filmmakers would not rein in the long string of acts of revenge. After a while, this film became nauseating, due to the violence. The defining moment of "Scorn" occurs when an hardened criminal escapes from the local prison and is walking in the vicinity of the home of Sadie while she is torturing her victims. In the film credits, the convict is known only as "Scary Guy." While hitchhiking, the man is picked up by Sadie. At that moment, the viewer has great sympathy for one of the characters who is unaware of a portending doom. And the character for whom we feel sorry is the Scary Guy.
Kat Webb AnneLynne does a great job at playing the twisted psychologically deranged girl in whatever movie she appears in and this movie is no exception. One minute she's all the sweet and flirty southern girl stereotype the next minute she's a deranged killer, a woman scorned.There was nothing really bad I can say about this movie and the people who don't like it are probably male and don't like it because it has such a strong female lead. Notice how all the reviewers who are writing this off as a comedy are male. Women have feelings.As a horror movie fan I felt like Sadie was a character and found myself cheering for her at some points. The victims were just typical selfish middle class people. I didn't feel sorry for them at all. One scene that was probably way over the top was the puppy in the microwave scene. Like Sadie said herself it was hardly his fault all this had happened.
Jesse Boland Decent little Anchor Bay movie with some twists, and a nicely unfolding story line. Billy Zane plays what appears to be mostly himself, and the little lost girl from Degrassi is truly all grown up now. The overall story is good, and most of the acting is good enough, the main plot is unfolded for you really nicely like I said, but there are a lot of big holes in the actual reality of this little movie that some of them just break the movie. I won't get too much into that I am reviewing the movie, not summarizing it, but a rich man would know how to press the emergency button on his alarm panel on any one of a number of occasions. So my overall impression of this film is that of a scattered mess that could have been a nice psycho woman scorned story, and I didn't Enjoy most of it because of the holes that would just never be. I don't really recommend this movie, sorry, but it is not actually good enough for that.
Jay Luster Mark Jones (Leprechaun) & Sadie Katz (House of Bad) have put together a really fun dark comedy.The premise is simple, a pair of love birds head out for a romantic weekend but the plans are derailed when the boyfriend(Billy Zane) is found out to be a cheater. The girlfriend (AnnaLynne McCord) learns of the situation and becomes unglued and then the fun begins.Many of Mark Jones films feature malevolent midget monsters but with Scorned Jones & Katz have created the monster girlfriend that every man should rightfully fear. The movie is worth seeing just to watch AnnaLynne McCord (90210, Dallas) ratchet up the crazy!!!