12 Rounds
12 Rounds
PG-13 | 27 March 2009 (USA)
12 Rounds Trailers

When New Orleans Police Detective Danny Fisher stops a brilliant thief from getting away with a multimillion-dollar heist, the thief's girlfriend is accidentally killed. After escaping from prison, the criminal mastermind enacts his revenge, taunting Danny with 12 rounds of near-impossible puzzles and tasks that he must somehow complete to save the life of the woman he loves.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
crewegaylepetrou The word 'crap' is the only word I can say about this movie as Cena once again is portrayed as 'SuperCena' for some odd reason. Like I said in my summary, I would rather watch Dooley's Day Out than this crap. No actually, watch DDO all day and night.Cena just needs to stop making these stupid films as it makes John McClain (from Die Hard) and other legendary action stars look like a complete and utter joke. I highly recommend you to go on Jappercake on YouTube to watch DDO as there is a lot of banter and jokes that have been applied to his videos so please for the love of God watch DDO.
Prismark10 Renny Harlin directed Die Hard 2 rather apt considering the plot for 12 Rounds borrows elements from its sequel Die Hard with a Vengeance.WWE wrestler John Cena plays a cop who arrested a wanted Irish terrorist and in doing so the bad guy's girlfriend gets run over by a vehicle.The said bad guy escapes prison and takes revenge on Cena by holding his girlfriend hostage and getting him to partake in various tasks if he wants to see her alive again.These 12 Rounds of tasks seem to make no sense at first. Cena has to get to one part of the city to another very quickly and in doing so he tends to hang around fretting and talking to the FBI officers who at first seem to be an obstacle. In fact you wonder why the FBI officers pursuing the terrorist were not on his hit list considering they were more responsible for him being arrested in the first place.Eventually Cena realises that he did once watch Die Hard with a Vengeance and figures that the bad guy may have an ulterior motive in his mission and it may not be just revenge because the tasks Cena has performed had some after effects which left parts of the city vulnerable.Harlin is a frustrating director and has been in a downward spiral for some years. This film has a good budget, some good action scenes and rather watchable despite some duff lines, poor plotting and ludicrous scenes. The finale was rather poor in my opinion but for Cena, at then new to movie action roles this was a decent starring vehicle and he was less wooden here than he was in The Marine.
Lost in Film UK Story/Plot - Officer Danny Fisher (John Cena) is picked up by his partner and they go about their daily duties, when they get called in to help find and apprehend villain Miles Jackson (Aiden Gillan). A chase is started and Danny catches Miles and his girlfriend, however his girlfriend runs and is hit by a passing SUV and is killed instantly.A year later and now Detective Fisher, Danny has to get the plumber over and the action begins. Molly (Ashley Scott) leaves for work, leaving Danny with the plumber. Danny's cell phone rings and on the other end is Miles who has managed to escape from prison and is on a mission. Molly has been kidnapped, Danny's house has been blown up killing the plumber and the start of a game has begun. A game of 12 rounds, each round Danny must succeed in order to see Molly again.As Danny progresses through the rounds, causing mayhem and the deaths of a few of his friends and colleagues, he suddenly realises that the rounds are set up to give Miles certain tools and aid to carry out a robbery from the federal mint. Now with this information Danny is on the hunt to catch Miles before he leaves the country and kills Molly. Miles forces Molly to fly a helicopter to aid his escape but doesn't count on her stalling and giving Danny the chance to jump onto the helicopter and subdue Miles. A fight on the helicopter ensues and the helicopter loses hydraulics. Who will survive...................................My verdict - A good action thriller with plenty of explosive action within. The stunts are realistic and the chases have that feel of reality to them. A must watch for any fan of WWE star John Cena and anyone who loves films jam packed with action and explosions.
richy1024 As the World Wrestling Entertainment lease out their luminaries to the big screen, we are seeing further additional faces from the ring taking the time to tell stories in front of the film camera. John Cena's categorical success in front of the WWE universe has provided him with prospects elsewhere, following in the footsteps of former wrestling heavyweight Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Cena enables himself to balance between filming and hurling himself around the professional brawling courts around the United States. Cena is comparatively convincing between the camera lens as Danny Fisher, a police officer who undergoes a challenging ordeal to rescue his beloved girlfriend from the hands of Miles Jackson (Aidan Gillen). Following being bolted behind bars by Fisher, Miles seeks reprisal by following is altercations with the American cop with the death of his lover-come-accomplice. To unshackle his girl, Fisher undergoes a tribulation of twelve rounds, chasing clues, causing un-wanted damage and making ruthless but repentant decisions along the way.Renny Harlin's action flick is occupied by unqualified nonsense but does have an exhilarating feel about it. We are relentlessly on the go with 12 Rounds, exploring many areas of the city locations of New Orleans, glorified explosions and heaps of sweaty t-shirts. Considering Cena's bodily fluids are typically exchanged mutually with his fellow contestants, posing in full attire must have been a tricky and confusing trial for the champion. There are more detonations than dialogue which after a short while laments the monotony of the cat and mouse adrenaline rush. One will only ramble in search for the puffed up sequel involving thirteen knockout blows before our hero rescues his sweetheart from his menace foe. As a villain Miles Jackson is a week character, persistently on the run himself, whisking up trickery of poor imagination, using banal forms of criminal injustice to get his own way.Of course these in-ring 'athletes' are actors themselves, predominantly more than they're puffed up heroes. Unfortunately the calamitous material they quote on a weekly basis to the American nation has propelled itself to the big screen. Let's just hope this campaign of non-money-making futile reel usage doesn't pull off to be as successful as the acrobatic floor mattress arm-bars and headlocks have done.