| 25 March 2008 (USA)
Loaded Trailers

A young, wealthy club kid's life spirals downward into an out-of-control world of drugs, sex and violence.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
TrueEssence The trailer that I saw on Youtube made it look horrible. The movie wasn't really bad but it lacked...something, I mean I honestly only watched this movie for Chace Crawford but the movie confused me. There were so many lose ends that weren't tied up, the ending was horrible and I just wanted to slap the writer of this movie. Whoever he is, just like the writer for Eragon, should be fired.The characters were undeveloped, I personally hated the character of Tristan, he made me mad, he was stupid and he was supposed to be a BIG BROTHER but Hayden was more a big brother than Tristan and he was the younger one. The scene that he did with Jesse when Hayden was telling Tristan what he thought of problems was a good scene but he gets punched in the face for telling it like it is? Ugh... boys.Ohhhh and don't even get me started on the scene where Hayden gets beat up (Yes I pretty much scanned the movie for more Chace scenes since those were the ones worth watching) Hayden gets beat up and put in the hospital and for what? Because he made out with a girl who clearly didn't want to be there anymore? More could have happened with that whole thing, Tristan sees him in the hospital and now he wants to get Sebastian back? At first I thought they were gonna kidnap him and use him against Tristan like they were basically doing but I guess I was wrong, but if they did it like that THEN the movie would have had some kind of plot. But... we never know what happens to him... he just stays in the hospital, I would have rather watched what happened to him then see Tristan go on a rampage.I wish that April girl would have gotten a life, it was clear she didn't like him like that, guess he was just too drugged up to tell.Ugh...I don't know, there just could have been more to this movie then there was. Tristan shouldn't have shot Sebastian... movie was just way to rushed. All that crap in the beginning should have been cut out, if Hayden was going to get beat up they should have done more than just put him in the hospital because now they can REALLY frame Tristan. I don't know...I don't really recommend it but if you want to watch Chace Crawford then watch it.
Nick Damian Yeah, the poster is quite a horrible piece of work.I thought the movie was OK...nothing really outstanding...I just was hoping that he would be a hardcore druggie and totally trash his life.Ahh, but that can't happen to rich kids now can it? Not to the son of a wealthy businessman who holds big ballroom parties and has a nice manicured lawn on the front of the mini mansion.No...the kid is too good to have his life totally trashed. After all, who will drive the brand new SUV and who will go to law school? Ah, the poor little rich kids...in their quaint pretty house, with their ivy league schools, ultra clean homes and socialite parties...what will the world do without them? I hope they all get addicted to drugs, pass-away their life and end up in jail...so maybe we can see movies that don't all revolve around the poor little rich boys and girls of the surreal world.
wev567 Weak plot, predictable violence, only semi interesting characters. Like the writer (also one of the stars?) was fictionalizing his own screw ups and added an incredulous fantasies of drugs and murder to make it "hot". From the predictable rap and house soundtrack, to the family conflicts, it's poorly acted, stereotypical, and ultimately terribly boring. Even the title has been done before - IMDb lists FIVE movies with the same name released in 2007-2008!! Note: Saw it on Showtime, which listed the synopsis for one of the other movies. Was halfway thru before I realized no one was an undercover cop. Even tho another stereotype, would have made it interesting if it happened.
J P This is no art-house film, it's mainstream entertainment. Lot's of beautiful people, t&a, and action. I found it very entertaining. It's not supposed to be intellectually stimulating, it's a fun film to watch! Jesse and Chace are funny too, which is just gravy. Definitely worth a rental.So in summary, I'd recommend checking it out for a little Friday night entertainment with the boys or even your girl (if she likes to see other girls get it on!)The villains are good too. Vinnie, Corey Large, the hatian guy from Heroes. Very nasty villains.