Mermaid Chronicles Part 1: She Creature
Mermaid Chronicles Part 1: She Creature
R | 02 April 2002 (USA)
Mermaid Chronicles Part 1: She Creature Trailers

Two carnies (Sewell and Gugino) abduct a mermaid in Ireland, circa 1900, and decide to transport her to America. As their ship loses its way and heads towards the mythical Forbidden Islands, the mermaid begins to display its deadly side.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Nigel P Otherwise known as 'The Mermaid Chronicles 1: She Creature', this enjoyable TV movie has credited, as executive producer, the mighty Samuel Z. Arkoff, who has enjoyed a similar role on a huge volume of films with sci-fi/horror connotations. Sadly, he was to die shortly after completion of this.The rich, plummy voiced Aubrey Morris, whose career is made with playing eccentrics, played Mr. Woolrich who has imprisoned in his dark and gloomy castle, a mermaid (Rya Kihlstedt) in a water-tight cage. Showman Angus (Rufus Sewell) sees the business opportunities available in owning such a creature himself and shortly, she is part of his exhibition. Angus's partner who gets closer to the She-Creature than she might like, Lily is played by Carla Gugino. All four are excellent in their respective roles, and are aided by a terrific supporting cast.SPOILER – the fully manifested creature is pleasingly CGI-free and only occasionally betrays the project's modest budget. There are some well-conveyed gory moments too, but this is in the main a psychological horror which, although talky in parts, is highly enjoyable. The ending may not be totally surprising, but it is pretty satisfying.
kosmasp But one that has a fine cast, especially in the lead roles. I wonder if Carla and Rufus are invited to Horror conventions. But back to this movie, that has a nice creature feature feel to it. You know where this is going, you also realize where the motivation of the main actors comes from.That doesn't mean you'll agree with their decisions at all. It's really obvious and predictable and made a bit better because of the acting at hand. That doesn't mean you'll like it, but the make-up on the "creature" is really good. Also they didn't "hide" her upper body, so there is partial nudity (not from Carla G. though, just in case you were wondering). Overall a nice little film that does what it says on the box (apart from the fact that there weren't more than one of these)
BA_Harrison Angus, an Irish showman (Rufus Sewell), and his gang of carnival pals steal a mermaid and set sail for America to try and make their fortune. The mermaid, however, is not as innocent as she looks and has her own plans for the crew and passengers of the ship.For a made for TV feature, She Creature is a surprisingly effective little movie with good production values and a pretty decent cast. Produced by Special FX wizard Stan Winston, the movie is worth watching if only for the fact that it features one of the creepiest mermaids in movie history (Ariel she is not!).Things go awry when the fishy female starts to show her true colours by developing psychic contact with Angus's girlfriend Lily (Carla Gugino), scaring her senseless with nightmarish visions and dreams. As the journey progresses, people mysteriously vanish, and Lily suspects that the mermaid is responsible. By the time Lily discovers the dreadful reality of the situation—the mermaid is leading the hapless seafarers to her home island in order to feed them to her piscine pals—it is too late: they are destined to become fish-food! With a nicely realised mermaid which transforms into a vicious monster towards the end, lovely Gugino getting jiggy (surprisingly hot, despite her remaining fully clothed), and a smattering of gore, the film delivers enough chills to keep on entertaining until the end.
TdSmth5 I had little expectation for this movie. In general I don't like time piece flicks especially when it comes to horror movies. But this one was quite good. Excellent production values, good acting. Somewhat of an original and intriguing story. The mermaid was very sexy and the actress who plays it, Rya Kihlstedt, did an outstanding job of playing the part even though she didn't have any lines to read; she's quite mesmerizing to watch. It helps that she's topless, too. Gugino does a nice job as well. There is some interesting sexual tension between the mermaid and Gugino's character but that never pans out. The final act goes into full monster mode and is the weakest part. The mermaid leading the boat to her lair would have been interesting if the producers hadn't opted to turn her into an all out monster. It would have been great to see the boat boarded by dozens of beautiful naked mermaids who carry their victims onto the island. This movie could have been improved with more nudity. I'd like to see some sequels to this.
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