Vampire Academy
Vampire Academy
PG-13 | 07 February 2014 (USA)
Vampire Academy Trailers

Rose, a rebellious half-vampire/half-human guardian-in-training and her best friend, Lissa -- a mortal, royal vampire Princess - have been on the run when they are captured and returned to St. Vladamirs Academy, the very place where they believe their lives may be in most jeopardy. Rose will sacrifice everything to protect Lissa from those who intend to exploit her from within the Academy walls and the Strigoi (immortal, evil vampires) who hunt her kind from outside its sanctuary.

Lawbolisted Powerful
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
silverbrumbyfan Now I love the books but even as a standalone movie this is awful. The editing is rushed and makes no sense, one scene Rose is climbing out a window and without even a cutaway or anything in between we get Rose and Jesse about to make out.The characters are sort of like they are in the book but there is far too much attitude. Lissa is meant to be gentle and kind and although the darkness from the spirit does get to her she never takes it out on Rose like THAT. Rose is OK, her behaviour is pretty close to the book and one of the only characters who should be behaving like that. Kirova, my god I just, I was stunned at how aggressive she was being. In the book she's frustrated and doesn't quite understand the situation with Rose and Lissa, she threatens to send Rose to the blood whores but she treats Rose like that because she broke the rules not because she hates and loathes her with every ounce of her very being. OK movie we get it we need to hate her, especially when she pulls out the syringe, seriously movie. Lastly we have Queen Tatania, first of all the Queen is supposed to come in when they are all sat down at tables and the Queen will move around chatting to the Royals if she wants to, its considered a great honour to have the Queen stop and talk to you so that's why its a big slap in Lissa's face when the Queen SUBTLY says while commenting on the power of her names that the name does not make a person. She doesn't just point and scold and she definitely doesn't mention the dead animals (Why the cat, it was a bird in the book), its not meant to be private it is meant to be overheard but she doesn't just say it outright and then she goes on to say I hope you'll turn it around somehow, just no.No, just no, you got the Strigoi right guys good job but um YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE THEM UNTIL THE END OF THE MOVIE or at least ROSE ISN'T. That's why she loses the fight at the end not just because its Natalie but because she's the first Strigoi she's ever faced but no you had to introduce them at the very beginning so the audience knows about the 3 types of vampire. You couldn't have just I don't know showed the Strigoi attacking someone who is not Rose.Lastly, there was no mention of Dhampir's biology and genetics. No acknowledgement to why Dhampir's exist and why they protect Moroi which I would think is pretty damn important to the plot especially for Dimitri and Rose as the reason they shouldn't get together isn't just Lissa's safety.I just don't understand why they added so much that wasn't in the book, rivals that don't exist and the cliffhanger at the end makes no sense if you know about Strigoi and how they live.But one thing I liked, a teeny weeny bit, was the last action scene because of Rose's talk with Victor and Natalie as Strigoi was pretty cool, I especially liked when it cut back to Rose and you could see the guardians dying in the background.
Taxiridefan I was looking forward to the release of Vampire Academy. I had read each of the books thoroughly and was anticipating seeing each character and plot come to life on the big screen. What we got instead was Mean Girls with fangs.While most people seemed to blame the bad movie on the cast of (at the time) lesser known actors, I blame it entirely on the writers. Instead of actually delving into the books and writing a script that paid credence to Richelle Mead's writing, they gave us the same "Plastic" drivel that comes from any Waters Brothers movie.If this movie had been written and directed as it should have been, this would have been the beginning of a long lasting movie franchise. Instead we get this one movie flop and may never get the chance to see a "proper" adaptation on the big screen within our lifetime.
avidmoviewatcher1221 The Vampire Academy series written by Richelle Mead is one of my all-time favourite series ever. I will continue to re-read the books because they are that awesome. However, I can't say that I would re-watch the movie inspired by the books, mainly because . . . well, it sucked.I feel like there were so many things wrong with this adaptation. Like, the majority - if not all - of the characters were miscast; the actresses who played Rose and Lissa were far from how I imagined them in the books, and they could've cast people who could actually embody these characters I love. The same goes for Christian - I like the actor as Jace in the Shadowhunters, but I don't think he was right person to play Christian. There were so many unintentionally funny parts, and they are, like, the only goods things about this movie. For me, they basically made it Mean Girls with vampires. And to be honest, I don't think it can be compared to Twilight; they have both have vampires, yes, but they are still completely different from each other. It really devastates me that I didn't like this movie. I really, really wanted to, but I really, really couldn't. A while ago, I remember seeing Julie Plec, who developed The Vampire Diaries into a TV show, and who created its spin-off, The Originals, tweet about making Vampire Academy, along with others, as a TV show. And to be honest, I would love that; not only do I feel like I can trust her, but I believe making Vampire Academy is a better idea; they did that with City of Bones, which was rebooted as a TV show called Shadowhunters - which I love - and Tomorrow, When the War Began, which was rebooted into a TV show, as well - though I loved the movie for that. So why not Vampire Academy?Anyway, this adaptation didn't work for me, and I hold out for Vampire Academy to get its second chance on-screen - with a completely different cast (I will come up with my own dream cast), script (and if there are any changes, they have to make sense), and, of course, developers (like Julie Plec).
phoenix 2 It's been a while since I've read the books, but I don't think that it would have changed my rating if i haven't read them. I was afraid that the whole vampire mythology would have been confusing and the main problem of the film, but it was explained smoothly and I believe that even the ones who hadn't read the book wouldn't have a problem following the story. Other than that, the movie was a teenage high school drama with some blood here and there but not any actual horror scenes, which, in my opinion, would have improved the movie. Then there was the pace. The movie wanted to include everything from the book, which resulted to lighting speed action, as one sequence followed the next so immaturely that it didn't allow the mystery to develop. The performances were okay, at least, even though Dimitri was a little awkward. The vampires didn't look fake, as well, which was a relief. But I don't think I would watch the movie again, and I was surprised that the ending suggested a second movie.