Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars
PG-13 | 14 March 2014 (USA)
Veronica Mars Trailers

Years after walking away from her past as a teenage private eye, Veronica Mars gets pulled back to her hometown - just in time for her high school reunion - in order to help her old flame Logan Echolls, who's embroiled in a murder mystery.

SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Izzy Adkins The movie is surprisingly subdued in its pacing, its characterizations, and its go-for-broke sensibilities.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Imme-van-Gorp I see all these negative reviews from people and then they end with "I haven't seen the TV show though". That made me want to write this review so I could maybe clear something up.I, who was a huge fan of the TV show, can understand why this movie sucks if you don't know the characters. I think it's safe to say that this is nothing more than a reunion. It's something fans should watch if they want to see what has happened to all their favourite characters from the show. I've also seen many reviews saying "where was the humour?". Also that I can understand. Almost every joke in this movie, is a joke about something that has happened in the TV show. I can't stress this enough: It's a great movie for fans of the TV show and it's better than most reunions, BUT it doesn't have a great story of it's own apart from the TV show, which makes it a boring and confusing movie for people who don't know the characters already.7/10. -Imme van Gorp
jtindahouse First of all let me start by saying I never saw a single episode of the TV series. The story behind this being financed by fans of the show is very interesting to me. I know I'd love to see a movie version of a lot of my favourite shows, even now over a decade later like this one. However, I see that this has failed miserably at the box office which probably doesn't bode well for it being done in the future. As someone who had never seen the show I was still able to enjoy it. I understood there would be a lot of throwbacks and references to events and characters from the show and I simply excepted those for what they were, even though they meant nothing to me. I liked the character of 'Veronica Mars'. Kristin Bell, along with the writers, have found a good balance between being a smart, switched on young woman and also being laid back enough to be relatable. I can very much see why she would work well as a television show's lead character. The story, a "whodunnit", is passable but probably the biggest let down of the film. It feels too much like just another episode of the show and isn't quite strong enough to justify a stand-alone film. There also aren't a lot of action sequences (probably due to the rather tight budget) so you often have to be patient through a lot of dialogue, even though it's well written for the most part. There's not enough here to make me go back and buy the series DVDs, but there certainly could be for some. And if nothing else a lot of fans of the show got a nice treat they probably never expected after having their show cut short at only 3 seasons.
bensonmum2 It's difficult to write about this movie without constantly referencing the television show. And I'm not sure how this movie would work without the three years of the context and background fans of Veronica Mars have. The movie covers a lot of ground - bringing characters back to Neptune, the inevitable character reunions, father/daughter moments, and a new mystery. And I'm sure non-fans could get frustrated by the many plot holes that come from trying to squeeze so much into 107 minutes. Compare that to the series where, especially in the first two seasons, the writers had hours and hours of airtime to introduce characters, establish plot, set-up conflict, and, in general, tell a story. I guess what I'm trying to say is that as a fan, I knew what to expect and had a built in bias going in.The amazing thing for me is how well it all works. It's like the show never went off the air. Just fast forward a few years and you're right back in the world of Neptune, CA. Sure, it would have been preferable for the plot to be stronger and tighter, but who cares? For a Veronica Mars fan, this is the ultimate "feel good" movie. An 8/10 from me.
blanche-2 I've heard so much about Veronica Mars over the years. For some reason I thought this was the pilot. When I heard all that back story, I knew I'd made a major mistake.Nevertheless, now my interest is piqued and I will definitely go back to the beginning of the series.In this movie, Veronica (Kristen Bell) leaves New York and a promising first job as an attorney to help an ex-boyfriend, who has been accused of murder in her hometown of Neptune, CA. It's a temporary, quick visit, but Veronica finds herself pulled into the case.The ex, Logan's (Jason Dohring) girlfriend, pop star Bonnie DeVille, was found dead. Bonnie DeVille actually attended high school with Veronica. It turns out that her murder may be tied to an older situation, which leads Veronica even deeper into the case and a high school crowd she sees at her tenth reunion.I enjoyed this, though I would have enjoyed it more if I had watched the series.I swear Veronica's father's house was Henry Spencer's house in Psyche, but apparently not. It seemed like an exact replica.