Real Playing Game
Real Playing Game
R | 29 August 2013 (USA)
Real Playing Game Trailers

In a future not too far away, Steve Battier, an elderly, terminally ill multi-millionaire, accepts the offer of a company - RPG - that in exchange for a high monetary sum, provides a very select group of clientèle the chance to be young again. For 10 hours, 10 millionaires from around the world, men and women of fame and power, are transferred to attractive and healthy younger bodies, to live in a world of temporary rejuvenation, in a game of real thrills, where every hour someone must die.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
bowmanblue Okay, so the whole 'Hunger Games' scenario is very popular right now – the one where a group of people are stuck in some sort of situation that involves them having to kill each other so that one ultimately survives. Here, with 'RPG' Portugal throws its hat into the ring.In a not too distant future (where everyone drives slightly more space-age cars than now), a handful of rich people want to live forever, so they go to a place which makes them go into a 'virtual reality' world (think 'The Matrix')where they're portrayed as younger versions of themselves (to get a feel for what it's like to be young again). However, once there, they have to kill each other – only one can apparently be reincarnated. Why? I don't know. I don't think I picked up on that.So, there you have it. Oh, and this is probably a good time to point out that, if you saw Rutger Hauer's name on the poster, you may need to know that he's not in it that much. He's one of the oldies who quickly gets replaced by a younger version of himself (and hence actor).I can take the lack of originality in the plot and the slightly 'made-for-TV' feel of it all. It was the acting that got me. I've sat through countless badly-acted horror films and never let the acting annoy me. However, here, everyone seemed to be reading their lines. At first I thought it was because many of the cast didn't speak English as their first language. However, when I saw they had a British girl among the cast who also seemed to have trouble speaking English, I realised they had just had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for acting talent.The Hunger Games may be popular, but this is copying it in 'scenario only.' It's nothing like it. Therefore, if you're a fan of the Hunger Games, don't watch this expecting anything similar. Also, if you're generally a fan of people having to kill each other for sport (think Battle Royale or the Running Man), RPG isn't half as good as either of them.Just forget this film all together. I'm sure Portugal can do better.
Kirsti West I absolutely loved this film! It was thrilling, especially trying to figure out who was who before the characters did. I was not at all bothered by lack of special effects, and the plot concept was so deep that I doubt any movie maker could possibly satisfy the full exploration of the concept in just one movie length, even with a big budget. Well done and I loved the accents, it really helped to believe that these people indeed were from all over the world. I am going to google similar movies to watch right now, as this film has inspired me to find others like it. I really did not want it to end. I believe people these days expect way too much and I think the ratings users are giving this film are way too low for the credit deserved.
Zen-2-Zen I was willing to get past the thought that it's one more "Survivor"/"Hunger Games" concept ripoff and was curious to see if they managed to do something different. The beginning was promising but then it quickly descended into cardboard cutout characters and not much action either.I understand that this was a low budget production so they couldn't have much in terms of the SFX and action scenes but they could have made a great ensemble piece if they spent a lot more times thinking while writing, coming up with character developments and then treating it almost like a theatrical play with a lot of rehearsals. That's how a low budget production can compensate for the lack of expensive effects and fight choreographies - by taking the time to write much better script and rehearse actors to perfection.Instead they pinched bits and pieces from different aspects available to this kind of movie and ended up with nothing. Even "romance & sex" scenes were unconvincing.
renemaia I was very interested to see this movie after learning that it had been "made in Portugal" and especially after watching the trailer. However I was hugely disappointed. In fact,I left during the interval, something I have not done in a very long time. The acting was very stilted, I could not get into or enjoy the film. In my opinion, if this movie had been made in Portuguese, that is, actors speaking Portuguese, then the actors and the movie would have come across as more natural. I think they were concentrating so hard on speaking English they forgot how to act. This is a great disappointment as Portugal has produced great films and it is just a pity this is not one of them. The trailer appears to be the best part of the film.