PG-13 | 02 November 2012 (USA)
Vamps Trailers

The modern-day story focuses on two beautiful young vampires who are living the good nightlife in New York until love enters the picture and each has to make a choice that will jeopardize their immortality.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
stormhappy106 considering the cast here, this film had some promise. BUT NO--everyone in this awful mess of a film fails miserably, with the possible exception of wallace shawn, who is always amusing--Richard Lewis has never looked worse--the writing in this film is so banal, unfunny, and so pointless that it defies description-- each scene makes less sense than the one before it,so disjointed that my mouth was agape in astonishment--the soundtrack is ...really bad lol Alicia has aged and doesn't fit in well here, and Sigourney Weaver,committing a bloody massacre, and why? and then some xray vision comes out of her eyes,why? Malcom McDowell is so old that its distracting and....well why go on? Stay away from this film unless you are desperate and drunk
seamikey I enjoyed this movie up until it went off on a tangent about the NSA and the current administration as well as the use of technology (iPads, Facebook, etc.). I felt that this movie was not the time or place to tackle such subjects. It was meant to be a lighthearted comedy - which it was up until that point. To me, it seemed to throw off the "funny", and just did not fit with the theme of the movie.I have enjoyed Amy Heckerling's work since the days of Fast Times At Ridgemont High (best HS movie EVER!), and was sorely disappointed when this cutesy, feel-good comedy veered from the script to launch a not-so- thinly-veiled attack on our government. Sure, not everyone agrees with what's happening in today's world, but a comedy about two hot vampire chicks is NOT the platform to express your opinions. Keep to the subject at hand, make us laugh and forget about life for a while.
Prismark10 If Vamps was released in the mid 1990s it would had been a big hit. This independent film has known stars and a named director but could not get a cinema release and went straight to DVD and pay TV.Alicia Silverstone who was in her mid 30s when she made this film plays a vampire (Goody) who turned in the mid 19th century and has found a reason for her continued existence with her much younger friend (Stacy) who only turned into a vampire in the early 1990s. The two socialite vampires live the good life in New York CityThey are good vampires as they do not bring human blood but rat's blood instead. They were turned into a vampire by Sigourney Weaver who still has homicidal lusts and attracts the attention of vampire hunters such as Wallace Shawn who plays Van Helsing.Stacey and Goody regularly attend a Vampire's Anonymous type organisation as a social gathering and support. One of their members played by Malcolm McDowell is Vlad the Impaler who has now taken up knitting.Complications arrive as the vampires are being pursued and bought out to the open, not helped by Weaver's antics. Stacey falls in love with Van Helsing's son and becomes pregnant, Goody becomes reacquainted with an ex-boyfriend from 30 years ago who has gone older but she has not. Goody decides things needs to be resolved.The film is supposedly a comedy/horror but outside of a few scenes there is very little horror and can easily pass as a Sex in the City type comedy with Vampires.There are a lot of references to history and archive footage of old films as Goody recalls her live for over 150 years and all the social and technological change since then.The film actually zips along pretty well. The special effects were rather ropey here and there, in fact there were a throwback to another era. There were some laughs and a few visual jokes. the actress keep things ticking along nicely but it looks too much like a chic rom-com with fangs.The main problem is who is this film aimed at? As I said twenty years ago it would had been a big hit but Silverstone is not a big star anymore. Wallace Shawn, Malcolm McDowell and even Sigourney Weaver would only be appreciated by an older audience. There is even a brief cameo from Marilu Henner which only Taxi fans would appreciate.There is an appearance from Dan Stevens now better known for Downton Abbey who plays the love interest for Stacy but aside from him younger audience might not be too interested it in people talking about the 1960s counter culture or voting for Dukakis.
David_Brown It is not even debatable who the greatest Science Fiction/ Horror film actress of all time is and that is Ms. Weaver. But this film is the exception to that rule. Her performance as the evil Cisserus is without question the worst of her career. Spoilers ahead. The scene where she is killed by Goody (Alicia Silverstone), Stacy (Krysten Ryder) her b/f and dad Van Helsiing is beyond bad. There are many ways to kill a vampire, and a chainsaw is not one of them. The single worst performance belongs to Silverstone who sucks in everything she is in: " Batman and Robin" and " Blast From The Past" to give two examples. in fact, her performance as Batgirl is the single worst performance in a comic book film in history ( "Howard The Duck" and Jonas Hex" included) if there is any highlight it is Malcolm McDowell as a reformed and knitting Vlad Dracula. One more point: I am so sick of Hollywood acting like everything liberal ( ACLU , left-wing lawyers and the opposition to the Vietnam War) is wonderful, and everyone else is bad ( no wonder why Conservatives such as me) do not go to the movies like we used to. basically, don't waste your money on this film, wait for it to be on cable and record it and just watch McDowell's scenes. One star from me.