Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United
Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United
PG | 29 July 2014 (USA)
Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United Trailers

Iron Man and Captain America battle to keep the Red Skull and his triggerman, Taskmaster, from unleashing an army of Hydra Brutes on the world! Sequel to the film "Iron Man & Hulk: Heroes United" and feature Iron Man teaming up with Captain America, it comes to accompany the live-action film "Captain America: The Winter Soldier".

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
TheVAFan Okay, stop me if you've heard this...Have you ever watched a movie or a sequel (seeing how this acts like one) and felt it was just doing the same thing the first was doing?Certainly felt that right there.The plot is a bit different from the Hulk one but unfortunately all the same problems you hated about the Iron Man & Hulk film are still here...And they turned up the badness volume to 8000.Of course you know what that means...The childish dialogue no sane hero would ever say is still here... except it's somehow even more childish and cringy to listen to. Well done writers.The humour that wasn't funny in the Hulk film is still here... And if this doesn't ring a bell, I don't know what will but it still isn't funny.The rather monotone voice work is still here.... except it's more monotone than ever before and when you even have Clancy Brown in your cast, that is not a good thing.The painfully bad and lifeless animation is still here.... except it looks more lifeless with everyone moving more jerkily than ever before and some really REALLY bad fight choreography. You'll swear it looks like they're trying a spot of ballerina dancing instead.Basically, I could have just copied and pasted everything I said about the Hulk film and the whole review would be almost identical. Because that's what this miserable piece of crap is, identical. Identical in how poor the animation is, identical that no one in the cast seems to be giving it his or her all and identical in that you shouldn't even be thinking about plunking your money on something like this."Groundbreaking CG Animation!" I've seen more ground-breaking animation on an old Atari 2600 game, and that is truly saying something.
gjenevieve Unlike the other reviewers, I do not care one way or the other what the graphics are like. Frankly, I don't find computer graphics to be that impressive. I am much more impressed by the old fashioned way of animating, where they draw it by hand and have to redraw each piece in just a slightly different position to make it look like things are moving. However, whether it is done via a computer or by hand, I do not really care. What matters to me is if there is a good story and if I am entertained.I thought that the story was actually pretty good. I liked how Red Skull was able to take the Captain's powers and the way he did it. I also liked that he was, at least at first, able to convert him to Hydra. This made for an exciting story line. I wondered how Captain America and Iron Man were going to be able to defeat Red Skull. I was also wondering how they were going to get Captain America to not be following Hydra any longer. I felt they did a good job with that. There were a couple of moments near the end when the Hulk showed up and was fighting that I found stretched believability.The thing that I liked the least about the movie was that they didn't use the actors that play the characters in the live action movies for the voices in this one. I think that would have made it a whole lot better.But, overall, I was entertained and I liked the story line. I would recommend this movie.
Terryfan Now Marvel has been making successful films on the big screen with The Avengers, Captain America and Iron-Man.So you think they would make a great movie with Captain America and Iron-Man joining forces.Well I'm afraid I've got some bad news this does not even give you anything redeeming about this direct to video animated movie. If Animated is what you call it.Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United has too many problems to even considering making it watchable.I don't know where to begin but what I can tell you is that it is not worth owning in your collection.The plot for the film is clearly design to be a cash in on the success of the two Avengers. Even with Red Skull as the main antagonist with Taskmaster at his side don't help the film at all.The Animation and graphics in the film are simple awful it's hard to even call it computer animated when it feels like some kind of anime with boring artwork. I have seen video games with better designs than this one.Also the voice acting is very boring it feels like the actors are being forced to give a performance and that puts into no effort what so ever so.Perhaps the best thing about this film is that is not apart of the Marvel story line so passing on it will not limit your enjoyment of the other films from Marvel.Iron Man & Captain America is a failed attempt to team up these two Marvel Legends.If you want to see them work together watch The Avengers or the Avengers TV series.I give Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United an 3 out of 10
moviejunkie0705 I have a theory. Marvel is SO successful on the silver screen, that they've decided to throw whatever is leftover on DVD, not really giving two craps if it's any good or not. While DC pours all their love into their DVD's, Marvel just give us mediocre nonsense like Iron Man.... I'm not writing that long ass title again.So what's wrong with it? Short answer. EVERYTHING. Like Black Widow & Punisher Heroes United (damn! wtf is with these titles?!) IMCAHU also has horrible animation (see example below), boring voice casting and a story NOBODY cares about (Red Skull is the bad guy, Hail Hydra, you get the idea).My biggest issue with this movie was the animation. Not even good enough to be on Saturday morning cartoons. IMHO, this kind of animation weakens a story, because it's stiff and affects the pacing badly. Action seems stilted and slowed compared to what's suppose to be going on.There's not much else to say other than if you miss this, you aren't missing much. Only watch if you're some kinda die hard Marvel fan. Otherwise, stick to DC for the straight to DVD movies based on comics. Trust me, they might be stumbling on their big screen adaptations but they are consistently hitting home-runs on our flat screens.