PG-13 | 19 August 1994 (USA)
Blankman Trailers

Darryl is a childlike man with a genius for inventing various gadgets out of junk. When he stumbles on a method to make his clothes bulletproof, he decides to use his skills to be the lowest budgeted superhero of all.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
gavin6942 In a world where the crime is not under control (because of mob connections to the government), only one man can save the ghetto: Blankman. The danger is bad enough, but what happens when there is a love triangle -- a reporter, Blankman and Blankman's brother (also known as Other Guy). Oh my, the tensions mount.The Wayans brothers make bad movies. They're not particularly funny or well put together. Look at reviews for pretty much everything they've done and you'll see a trail of bad comments. This movie is no exception. While the concept was somewhat interesting -- an idiot savant ghetto kid who wants to be Batman -- it just didn't have a very deep structure to it and was too fluffy to be anything more than a waste of time.When the Wayans appear in other movies (say, "Requiem for a Dream") they're fine, but not in their own work. And then we get Jason Alexander thrown in here and just confusing me more. Was he funny or just a poor cardboard cut-out of a sensational journalist? I'm not sure.What really gets me is how Blankman talks like a mentally retarded person. If he were more normal with better speech and nicer clothes, I would have liked the movie slightly more. I understand the bad clothes were the joke, but it just really wasn't funny for me. It seems more like a way for the studio to save money on the wardrobe than a decent plot device -- if he can invent a bullet-proof liquid, why can't he match his shirt to his pants? If you like the Wayans, you'll love this. But if you like the Wayans, you also have a bad taste in movies, most likely. Sorry. Don't take it personally, but there's "so bad it's good" and "so bad it's bad" and this clearly falls into the latter category. Just get "Batman Begins" instead, or heck -- the original 1960s movie if you like the bad wardrobes. It's much better than this was.
Elswet This was one of those funny-DUMB movies that many of us secret away as a guilty pleasure. I found a lot of warmth of character...downright heart, if you this film. I'm not a big fan of the Wayans' work. I haven't been since the close of "In Living Color," but I catch myself admiring a performance here and there, such as Keenan Ivory Wayans' performance in Glimmer Man.This film, superficially, appears to be pointless except to provide mindless entertainment to the masses. But beneath that, there is sufficient meat into which viewers may sink their teeth, and which will serve as inspiration to those who have been downtrodden, regardless of the degree.The performances herein are adequate, and the comedy is well timed, if mindlessly juvenile enough to make you inwardly cringe. While this was billed as a spoof of the latest rash of superhero movies, Blankman delivers a geeky hero who saves the day, gets the girl, and warms your heart.It rates a 6.4/10 from...the Fiend :.
Joel The last time I saw this movie was at least a good nine years ago... years later, I find it just as funny as I did then.How could you not enjoy this movie? It was actually enjoyable to watch Damon Wayans' character make all these far-out gadgets... some of which look totally outlandish, but actually make sense! Sure, the comedy may be a little too goofy for some, but in the end, it helps. This movie also helped me further my belief that if you get out there and do something about a problem, you'll be making a real difference in a world of indifference.this movie is worthy of an 8 out of 10.
darkmanishere990 This movie is great! I have always thought Damon Wayans was a funny guy. (I thought he was awesome in "Celtic Pride.") However, I saw this movie on HBO not that long ago and wasn't expecting much. I was wrong and basically it is VERY funny. It has all different kinds of humor. Maybe it is because I am a huge Batman fan at heart, however the main character was very likable. (Yet you didn't feel bad when you laughed at him for being a wimp.) He literally did "scream like a Susie." Jason Alexander (It kind of does not look like him at first) does an excellent job also. I really wish they would make a follow up film. The movie also connected very well. So many comedies today go for a cheap laugh and don't worry much about making the story come together. Blankman did an awesome job at staying funny the entire length of the movie and also making the story come together. He is to date the only super hero who is a "strong wimp." It is a great movie for someone looking for some great laughs. This movie is very under-rated (I think) and totally deserves more good reviews. Totally worth the time to watch or rent. (I am buying myself a DVD copy to enjoy over and over again.) Thank you Blankman. R.I.P. J5! :)