R | 28 August 2014 (USA)
Kite Trailers

When Sawa's mother and policeman father are found victims of a grisly double homicide, she begins a ruthless pursuit for the man who murdered them. With the help of her father's ex-partner, Karl Aker, and a mysterious friend from her past, she becomes a merciless teen assassin, blasting her way through the dark world of human trafficking only to uncover a devastating truth

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
aquibdoescalculus The Anime Kite was released back in 1998 in a 2 episode OVA form. I really loved that Anime (I watched the censored edition) and watching "THIS" again in Live Action was Fun. But Its not worth if you're watching the same thing. I rated 9/10 on the Anime version but i'm going to rate this a 5 (2 less for making it same scene by scene).Also, for those didn't watched the Anime or its not Available in their country i'll recommend them to watch this flick. Although it has a simple story but its fun to watch. The action sequence is really amazing in the LIVE ACTION.Another Good thing is that The Anime Actually was an Hentai but they managed to cut those scene in the LIVE action for making this eligible for public to watch and that is a really-really good thing to do. Making a good story "worthy to watch". Another thing i liked About this movie was that they managed to keep the Environment as similar as the Anime version to create that awesome feeling inside the viewers.
lois-lane33 I thought it was OK. I think a lot of people thought this was a terrible movie. I've seen worse films than this. It's kind of a science fiction in that its set in the future-when things have completely gone to seed as if the world is covered by a single huge run down city full of gangs like 1980's "The Warriors" set in NYC. Maybe because it didn't have a budget of 999 trillion dollars people didn't respond to it. I thought there was enough 'SF Tech' in it to make it a believable SF picture. The acting was OK-its uncommon that a teenage gal is the main character in any kind of SF film so that was different. Plenty of fight scenes so that should appeal to a lot of people-and plenty of grit in general in it also. I can't remember seeing it advertised anywhere when it came out. Maybe I just missed it in the cinemas. Would work better on a large screen- kind of a tight squeeze on a TV. The only thing I can really criticize about it was the film was too drab in terms of the colors of the surroundings it took place in. 50 shades of gray is still better than watching grass grow.
Pavel Mayer Seeing a 4.3 rating on IMDb, I did expect that something must be wrong with Kite, but found it to be an overall good movie.Story, Acting, Camera and Setting are without major flaws, and within the genre the story is quite believable and has no obvious holes.The ending even holds some surprises, and there are a number of memorable scenes.So why the low rating? My theory is that there are a number of factors:The mainstream audience may have a problem with the soundtrack which can be annoying if are not at least a little into dubstep (I found it a prefect fit for this movie) To purists the characters may be not cool enough; they are too vulnerable, too human and fail too often be bad-ass uberheroes The mainstream may find the setting too dark, while purist may not like the brightening elements in the storyIt might have been a masterpiece if the film makers would not have tried to please the mainstream. It almost seems as if there was a struggle between those forces who wanted to appeal to a wide audience and those who wanted to go to the extreme. The mixed result seems to keep many people unsatisfied, although I regard it as well above average.I can recommend to watch it and make up your own mind. I believe that "Kite" will be more appreciated over time and find its audience.
leonblackwood Review: What a terrible movie! The acting is extremely poor and the movie seemed cheap and not really thought through. I got fed up with trying to follow the predictable storyline and the girl that played the lead just didn't do it for me. Basically, its about a young girl whose trying to find out who killed her father, with the help of Samuel L. Jackson who was her father's partner in the police force. The young girl goes round taking down crime bosses, with ease, just to find out that the culprit is closer than she thinks. From the beginning you know exactly what's going to happen, so it was pretty badly written and directed. The scenery looks really cheap and I really don't know were the director found these terrible actors. Samuel L. Jackson must have done the movie as a favour to the director because I can't see him reading the script, thinking that it was going to be amazing. Personally, I think that it was a total waste of time and money and I just hope that they don't try and kick off a franchise.Round-Up: What the hell is Samuel L. Jackson doing in this terrible movie. He certainly doesn't need the money, so there must be a hidden agenda, why he agreed to have his name tied to this film. The leading character has only starred in a couple of TV series and she made a brief appearance in one of the Underworld movies. At the age of 20, she really needs to get a move on if she wants to make it in Hollywood because this movie doesn't do her any justice. The same goes for the young boy, who also wasn't that great in the film, so it's obvious that the director casted Samuel L. Jackson to try and get an audience. Sadly, I doubt that people will even rent it on DVD because it's really not that good.I recommend this movie to people who are into there action/thriller movies about a young girl trying to find out who killed her father with the help from Samuel L. Jackson. 2/10