Third Person
Third Person
R | 01 December 2013 (USA)
Third Person Trailers

An acclaimed novelist struggles to write an analysis of love in one of three stories, each set in a different city, that detail the beginning, middle and end of a relationship.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Mohamed Salah NO SPOILER the amazing series of event of the three stories of those people who have complicated relationships between ending it forever or abandoning the partner of the relationship , always with a victim in between , victim in the shape of child ... all these characters will end in a strange way by the Michael ( Liam Neeson ) which play the leading role as a novel writer . the movie sends a messages through the scenario or the actors and the brilliant director , play a role to show a social problem
Ravid Wow great movie. Spoiler alert !!! Don't read this if you haven't seen the film and intend to.It seems like 4 different story lines but something Dident add up, Mila cunis was in NY and the writer in Paris so how was it that she was in the same hotel room as the writer? This made me suspect something other then a linear storyline... Also when the Adrian brody character and the writer had an almost similar accident... Then the car with Moran and Adiran despaired i kinda knew thease where figments of the writer's what was the real story? Only the writer? Was his lover even real? If not why was his wife blaming him on speeking to the lover while the boy was in the pool? Or did he talk to the publisher? Hell I don't know... It seemed like the writer was trying to make things right again in his mind. Good film
gjfrost The acting was very good, an 8/10 but the movie was so bad I wish I stopped watching it after the first 15 minutes of the movie. So if you liked it at that point please continue but if you hoped it was a movie that at the end of it would all blossom into this great movie you will be very disappointed. I did follow the movie, understood it like the other reviewers but saw that it lacked all of the elements, flow and character to make it worthwhile. Too bad because when you get that kind of good actors together and miss putting it together it lets these actors down. They wanted a great movie. They did their job yet the puzzle that was presented did not jelled together and bring forth the fact that when one experiences a huge loss in life, one may dream, experience horrible thoughts or have nightmares about life but after persevering their thoughts clear out and they can enjoy life again and even may come out better. If that was not the purpose of the movie then it should have been. Maybe it can be re-edited or at least have that word ending made real to the audience. Well done actors on your part!
M Great cast (you would think) but yet I found myself being incredibly frustrated by the characters. What a flop of a movie. Movies like this tend to ruin movie watching for me because for it to have been released means that a team of individuals whom I used to trust to pick great roles and make good films signed off on this crap. They maybe even bragged about it which is worse considering how terrible this movie really is. I watched without bias but yet again I felt annoyed for having sat through the whole thing until the end. I didn't pay for this so there's at least that but I sill felt like I should've been compensated for wasting my time watching this. Another BAD MOVIE from Hollywood. Odd how none of these A listers put their hands up and respectfully declined. Who could've read this script and been like "Yes! I want this on my resume"?! Crap from top to bottom. Thanks for nothing cast and crew and of course Paul..can't forget you in all this. Know when to shut it down, regroup, refocus and/or just toss a script in the trash. I really didn't appreciate this movie as you can see and it's unfortunately left a terrible taste in my cinematic mouth that will have me thoroughly check out any movies with skepticism from all involved in this junk.