R | 14 July 2017 (USA)
Blind Trailers

A novelist is blinded in a car crash that killed his wife and several years later rediscovers his passion for life and writing when he embarks on an affair with the neglected wife of an indicted businessman.

Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
adonis98-743-186503 A novelist blinded in a car crash which killed his wife rediscovers his passion for both life and writing when he embarks on an affair with the neglected wife of an indicted businessman. Despite the pretty good perfomances as a whole 'Blind' doesn't reach it's fully capable potentials on creating a nicely done romantic and dramatic story and instead it goes on making mistakes that the genre is known for such as cheesy lines and over the top drama that doesn't work at all. Very disappointed cause i thought that this movie had some good potentials. (5/10)
esteban1747 A film with an interesting plot, an educational one about the values of disabled people, those who struggle to live and forget their disability. A blind man is a human being who can see through his soul and his feelings. A blind man can write books, he/she can taste good food, good wine and even enjoy healthy air from uncontaminated environments. Those experiences are clear in the film. Above all, there is the fact that the blind can love and desire, live happy moments with their partner. The film exposes all these virtues of the blind person and the baseness of a rich person, unable to maintain a reciprocally affable relationship, and even capable of hitting someone who does not see. Intelligence on the side of the supposedly weak and the ruin on the side of the opulent.
orange-96798 It was the type of movie that revives the Christian in us all. You will pray for a twist or turn to improve the plot or pray for an end. The movie and actors failed to bring the watcher into the plot. Trying to find some shard or crumb of a plot, with withered acting from actors trying to become "reborn" as movie stars, created a painful and embarrassing viewing situation - when with accompanying guests. The casting seemed to fail this movie more than the screenplay. I just don't like being the conduit of aging actors trying to revive their careers. There is a reason why Hollywood isn't calling them, and this movie will remind you of why.
screechy_jim As a romantic at heart I love a good love story and this is certainly a good'n. I was so surprised to see Demi Moore I wasn't sure it was even her to begin with. She's great in this and really fills the part well, as does Baldwin. They have a great on screen chemistry as well as presence so whenever they are featured together on screen it works very well indeed. Dylan McDermott is also very good with a particularly powerful performance as the husband of Suzanne Dutchman (Moore's character). The rest of the cast is very able; Viva Bianca, Steven Prescod (who isn't listed as a cast member on IMDb) and particularly Eden Epstein are very good here. Gerardo Rodriguez also stands out with the little he is given. There is just enough involvement in the story from the supporting cast to make the film work well without overshadowing the leads or complicating he story unnecessarily. I love the way this balance has been expertly applied.The film has a lovely easy free flowing pace that progresses effortlessly. Scenes shift easily as the story develops and anticipation is with you on the whole journey. Practically everything is done well. Nothing is over exaggerated or laboured, nothing is weak or too understated. Great credit here to the production team.It's not a complicated story by any means just a simple tale of flowering love in modern times between two people n situations we can all identify with. If anything my gripe would be that it is too straight forward. You won't be surprised by any of the developments, there are no twists, turns or diversions from the rather uncomplicated path, and the outcome though quite delightful can be seen a mile off. This isn't always such a bad thing; plots with over complicated story lines twists and surprises are often badly done, exaggerated or overused to the detriment of the film, which I find grossly annoying. However a little more drama 'may' have added a star or two more to my rating.As it stands its still a very good film, very enjoyable and definitely recommended.