The Numbers Station
The Numbers Station
R | 26 April 2013 (USA)
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When the moral values of a longtime wetwork black ops agent is tested during his last operation, he receives an unfavorable psych evaluation. Now he is given a break and a seemingly uncomplicated assignment of simply protecting the security of a young female code announcer, code resources and remote station they are assigned to. After an ambush and one phone call later, it becomes a complicated fight for their survival.

Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Mike Beranek Having read a lot of lukewarm reviews I was relieved to find myself falling for this modestly produced work set in the kind of lonely British military base my Dad spent much of his NSA career in. Operators in US signals intelligence, like the heroine here, also a civilian technician, have to function without a clue about the wider global implications of their job. It's certainly worth a story or two. True as critics point out there's not a lot of story here or even much real danger, or body count. However the bleak dimly-lit scenes and Cusack's deadpan persona leave you thinking the worst might well happen just for the hell of it! Without giving anything away the film is pretty pessimistic from start to finish really. For me it is the contemporary Noir elements, the style and the brooding moodiness that give this film merit and individuality. It is actually more realistic than sexier spy thrillers -- real espionage is brutally dull and crushingly amoral so much of the time. The Numbers Station reminded me of Retford playing the man on the spot in the bookishness-meets-CIA-treachery in Three Days of the Condor, only this time mostly in the dark....just remember - don't trust trust anyone.
Reno Rangan The idea for a film seems good, but it did not work out for this film. The screenplay lacks some good scenes. The suspense was weaker and so the action sequences. Though the film had good actors in the lead and visually looked fine, like the locations. Most of the story was set in a single location, except the opening sequence. Almost a minimal cast film. So it had all the qualities to succeed if the plot was developed smartly.The story of a CIA's field agent who has been assigned to one of their remote stations in England after he had failed to obey the order from his fellow senior officer. A code operator Katherine, whom he has to protect find himself in a tight position when their building was breached. Once again, his professional ethics are tested, but how he deals the situation is what covered in the remaining parts.Its most certain that John Cusack days are over in the entertainment industry, just like Nicolas Cage and John Travolta. But it's good to see them at least in small flicks like this. So I did not expect much from it, hence not got disappointed. But I thought it should have been better in a few areas, because I've seen lots of good B movies these days. One time watchable film, but looks like it is a simplified version of 'Wanted'.5/10
Magnus Svensson It's no master piece, but it is way better than it's current score (atm 5.6). This is a classic action movie somewhere in the middle of an unholy "bond", "die hard" and "taken" trinity.Malin Åkerman makes an impressive acting performance in every way, incluing an extremely convincing "being knocked out"-scene. She kills her role in every way possible and this role should never be held agains her in any way. The story is much deeper than first portrayed and makes you feel for the protagonist, even before there is a dilemma portrayed. Once the dilemma is in place, the story goes on in a well paced manor but without any big surprises.To keep it short, this movie is really enjoyable but you might be able to guess the outcome even after 10 minutes of runtime.8/10
lois-lane33 Everybody has seen films about 'black ops' stuff. This film is completely different. In this film you see 'black ops' guys acting like barbarians towards other human beings who did nothing to deserve it. The fact that 'they might compromise something' is hardly a qualifier for shooting down an unarmed teenage girl-which is what the film depicts. The term 'disgraced black ops person' as that applies to John Cusack's character has about as much meaning as a poem from Pol Pot. I have never seen the world of clandestine operations depicted in quite this way before. It of course makes me wonder if it is true. The acting is as usual great from all involved. I think movies are not about the actors anymore-they are about the ideas presented in the movies. This isn't a very glossy film but it is thought provoking-if making people think was the filmmakers objective I think they achieved their objective.