Welcome to the Punch
Welcome to the Punch
R | 27 March 2013 (USA)
Welcome to the Punch Trailers

When notorious criminal Jacob Sternwood is forced to return to London, it gives detective Max Lewinsky one last chance to take down the man he's always been after.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
GazerRise Fantastic!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Majikat So much to like about this film, from the great choice of Actors; McAvoy, Strong, Mullen, to the revenge plot and interactions. It did however disappoint in one particular scene showing an inside gun fight with spraying bullets, missing everyone, it all went a bit over the top Hollywood at that point.With a few tweaks this could easily have become a Brit classic. Still very enjoyable!
dexton-84908 For me this crime film is just about up there with Heat.Shot beautifully making the city of London look wonderful.I can mostly leave British crime films. I don't feel there are many with their own identity these days. Most just try to imitate American films. Not since the days of Get Carter are there intrinsically British crime films with their own identity that are actually good films. The bog standard "he's got a shooootaaaaaa!!!" dialogue seems to mostly win out. 'Welcome To The Punch' does it for me though.Mark Strong is great, Johnny Harris quite frankly gives me the creeps and has incredible scenes.A total buzz of a film and a proud 8 out of 10
Ajeesh Vijayan James McAvoy and Mark Strong plays the lead role in this Eran Creevy's Brit Action Flick. Synopsis 3 years ago,Max Lewinsky was severely injured during a combat with the notorious criminal James Sternwood and was waiting for a chance to take on James.. Now James has returned to find his son's killer who got killed in a gun fight. Max in pursuit of James and then teams up with him to find the real culprits I liked the movie coz of its fast paced narration and good action moments. The story's good but something was missing whole total in it. The lead actors were good in their roles. Bgm and camera-work was fine but not the best. You can try this if you are looking for a time pass action thriller. My rating 6.8 on 10
jmvscotland I've just wasted 96 minutes of my life on this so I won't waste too much time on a review. This movie? Totally unbelievable rubbish. Not exciting, not suspenseful, not credible, wooden acting, predictable plot. Nothing new at all. It's a British movie that's trying to be an American shoot 'em up drama. The Americans make some wonderful movies but with an awful lot of duds thrown in, many of them of this tired old ilk. If I wanted to watch a thoroughly predictable and ridiculous good guys and bad guys movie of this type, it would probably be one of the better American ones. Seriously, don't waste your time and heartbeats on this crap. JMV