Some Velvet Morning
Some Velvet Morning
| 13 December 2013 (USA)
Some Velvet Morning Trailers

Fred arrives at the doorstep of his beautiful young mistress Velvet after four years apart, claiming to have finally left his wife. But when she rejects his attempts to rekindle their romance, his persistence evolves into obsession — and a dark history between the former lovers comes into focus.

Cortechba Overrated
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
zif ofoz Tell them to skip this flick altogether!The give away that this movie is a set-up for the viewer is throughout the entire story. Velvet is constantly saying she must leave to meet a friend. But she never leaves the house! Plus she has every reason to leave because her relationship and conversation with Fred is 'rocky' at best. Fred is a most unpleasant fellow! But she stays to continue the conversation that she is clearly disturbed by. Something is surely afoot!I had never heard of this flick and because Stanley Tucci is a name in the actor world I decided to watch. Not such a good idea. The story drags on and on and you keep wondering why doesn't she just leave? By movies end you are ready to smack yourself for sticking with it! It's a trick! Hint, Hint!
kutty_shyam I saw my dog take a dump once, but it never crossed my mind to nominate him for the best producer Oscar, nor Would I nominate Neil Labute as a writer and director for Some Velvet Morning. In fact, if he made popcorn for the movie it would suck. I felt really sad watching Stanley Tucci and Alice Eve pass this move through their acting gut, much like I would pass a Taco Bell burrito gut ball through mine.Really I was so irritated and then the hapless twist at the end; I think we were supposed to yell bravo, instead of looking to get even with a shotgun, a box of lead shot and my favorite hunting dog. The only person I hate more then Neil Labute is Justin Bieber and then its a long drop to Hitler.Can't we invoke the Old Yeller statute, in a case like this. I know Labute likes to challenge his audience, but so does eating bad chicken. Here is an idea, make something that I might find entertaining. Actually I am entertained by people falling off their skateboard on Youtube how hard is that. Seriously.
merqabah Lets get this out of the way, its not a very entertaining movie, after all it contains only one location, 2 actors and it draws more from La butte's theater background than film language, this is also an oddity as it is a straight drama(occasional joke aside) unlike Labutte's dark comedies of the past; that said, solid and disturbing dialog, a surprising ending and a powerhouse performance by Stanley Tucci raise this as one of the most interesting films to come out in a while.As said in the summaries, the movie pits a bitter and unstable character played by Stanley Tucci against a woman played by Alice Eve, who seems to hold secrets in both her own life as well as the shared common past between the both of them, and as their conversation prolongs, secrets, bile and nastiness are spread all over the clinical white townhouse.Stanley Tucci, as said previously, steals every scene he is in, while Alice eve plays it more subdued, but then again, her character doesn't have as many grand moments, and she does a magnificent job, especially towards the end of the film.The cinematography and set design fit the movie perfectly, contrasting the neat empty house with the fiery discussion that takes place in it, and while I'm sure it was a deliberate decision, the hand-held camera seems to be operated by someone with Parkinsons disease, there are scenes where it seems to shake and bob all over the place, becoming a bit distracting.The movie may be off putting to many, first of all because the dialog is an exercise in spitefulness and cruelty, which many people will find hard to stomach, secondly at first glance there appears to be a randomness in the plot, which is to be expected as this is a dialog driven film, however this lack of entertainment may drive away some, finally there's THAT ending, some may feel cheated, some will think its one clever piece of cookie, and to say anything about it here would spoil the film in its entirety, Finally, i guarantee you, that if you make it past all the prejudices that could arise from watching something like this, you will find a very original, brilliant and haunting piece of cinema.
bjarias ... he's been there, done that time and again.. she is undoubtedly the wonderful surprise in this film. Beautiful and talented.. a very winning combination. It's not a movie that's going to get much mainstream recognition, but there's no doubt, she was absolutely phenomenal, exhibiting just how good an actor she truly is. A fan previously, but she's now amped it up to a new level of commitment. The storyline is as unrealistic as it can get, but you're not clued in until the final moments of the film. It's also a film that will benefit from repeated viewings.. what you might have missed the first time round will impress in added screenings.