The Answer Man
The Answer Man
R | 18 January 2009 (USA)
The Answer Man Trailers

Twenty years ago, Arlen Faber wrote a book about spirituality that became wildly popular. These days, he's a curmudgeonly recluse who only enjoys the company of his chiropractor, Elizabeth. As Elizabeth's warmth starts to melt Arlen's cold heart, he comes to realize what love really means.

Micitype Pretty Good
GazerRise Fantastic!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
copperncherrio This film follows the mystery man who wrote the most popular book of all time, answers that he has for God and the answer to them. He stays in recluse and is infuriated by his search for true spirituality, and in lieu of searching for the solution for his back issues he is entranced by a woman who hasn't heard of him.The follows three people in their life and how they come to effect one another and while romance.Movie with some very thoughtful, quirky quotes ever. Enjoyable and thoughtful this is one of my favorite movies with Jeff Daniels, or at least my introduction to the brilliance of Jeff Daniels.
Jay Harris This was released on 6 screens in late July 2009, after being in various film festivals,It left the theatres 3 weeks later having a poor box office. Title changed to THE ANSWER MANSimple reason why,there are no major actors in any role. Jeff Daniels is the lead. He is OK BUT he really is not a leading man.The female roles are done by actresses little known to me, except for Nora Dunn. The writer/director in his maiden effort is John Hindman.I give him an E for effort.Newcomer --- Lou Taylor Pucci is quite good as the alcoholic book store owner & very young Max Autisell as young Alex is adorable. The film had possibilities but has too many F words to really be likable. Filmed in Philadelphia,Nice cinematography.Ratings: **1/2 (out of 10) 73 points (out of 100) IMDb 6 (out of 10)
John_T_Chance If the purpose of the film was to make the viewer relate to the film exactly the way a reader would react to meeting fictional writer Arlen Faber then mission accomplished. I was deeply disappointed in this movie. As it unfolds, you expect the film to deliver something profound and moving. It never does nor even comes close. It's clichéd filled and aimless. It makes no real statement about faith and offers nothing of substance. The movie revolves are three characters and you never really emotionally connect with two of the three. The exception being the alcoholic bookstore owner, that character was well written. Unfortunately, the main leads are disappointingly weak. Jeff Daniels and Lauren Graham deliver wonderful performances as expected but there really wasn't anything extraordinary for them to work with in terms of the script.A big disappointment.
C-Younkin When drama is rushed it can feel like the slowest thing in the world. The characters never get any time to breathe. The turmoil that they go through feels so compact, tidy, and meager that it's like your watching nothing at all. That's what it's like watching "The Answer Man", writer/director John Hindman's dramedy-romance about trying to find God and the answers to life's problems. The quest for life's answers seems like a subject done before and this movie is way too bland, stale, and unbelievable to really find the heart.Jeff Daniels plays Arlen Faber, who 20 years ago wrote a book called "Me and God", centering around a conversation he had with the big man himself. The book was a mega-hit but nobody has ever really seen Faber in person. Perhaps because he's a reclusive, angry, stressed out asshole that hates people. He spends his days reading other self-help books and meditating; neither seems to lighten his miserable mood though. When he throws his back out one day, he meets a chiropractor named Elizabeth (Lauren Graham), an obsessive single mother trying to raise a young son. She has no idea who Arlen is at first but after reading the book, she seems to think that he is the one for her. Luckily he likes her too. Kris (Lou Taylor Pucci) completes this tripod of people. He's a recovering alcoholic, just out of rehab, managing a failing bookstore.The whole thing follows James L. Brooks' "As Good as it Gets", without ever reaching a great movie, or even a good one. These people will come together and help each other but it's all done in such a weak and contrived way that none of it is effective. Arlen wants to get rid of some books so he makes a deal with Kris in exchange for some life answers. But can't Arlen just throw them away and not be bothered with Kris at all? And who is Arlen exactly? He changes from miserable crank to charming romantic lead with the snap of a finger. Saying he hates people in one scene and then taking on this silly relationship with Elizabeth where he shows her his monster action figure collection and befriends and acts as father to her young son are very schizophrenic and unbelievable. And Kris' failing business, his alcohol problem, Elizabeth's struggles raising a young son, and the daddy issues that Arlen, Kris and the son have are all given short shrift so that we can see a too-cute romance that never gets off the ground.If Hindman had taken more risks and allowed us to empathize with the characters a little more, this movie would have been much better but it just feels like everyone is trying to shoot it and then move on. No care is given. Daniels tries. He's a good physical comedian and some of the movies best lines come at his most cranky. "I hope to find a cure for people who listen to techno" Arlen mumbles at one point. Graham has a nice smile but she's not called upon to do much. And Pucci tries to grapple with the weight of addiction but he seems more like a fifth wheel than a character and his plot line is just distracting."The Answer Man" looked like a mature, adult answer to some of the crappier romantic comedies coming out this year but it winds up getting it mostly wrong.