The Echo
The Echo
| 25 May 2008 (USA)
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An ex-prisoner moves to an old apartment, where one gets to see in the middle of a domestic problem between a police officer, his wife and his daughter. When he tries to intervene, he will be caught in a mysterious curse.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
HON Shahi a good movie with nice story. Its a horror + little bit affectionate. don't know why it is rated so low.It may not be for the horror lovers but is worth seeing. And it has very good and interesting story which many great movies lack.Its the story about love , affection , violence, and somewhat cute and romantic.I had watched it in 2008 on HBO at midnight. Great time to see these kind of movies. I wasn't disappointed at all by the movie.. the story is awesome and everything else is OK. i had forgot the name of movie , and recently I was searching for it and couldn't find it .I tried a lot describing plot and asking on yahoo answers but it seemed not many people had seen it. i even tried on IMDb by categorizing by horror and sorting through a large number of movies , but could't find again due to its poor rating (??). Then one day I goggled " horror + violence +apartment + neighbor + prison " as these were the words describing the plot , and Bingo ,I found the movie. hope to see it one more time.
kosmasp Though I had no idea when I watched this, that it is a Remake of a movie called "Sigaw" (not to be confused at all with Jigsaw). Unfortunately I haven't seen the Original that is why I am judging this solely without any input from the Original. Maybe I would've only given it 5/10, if I had seen the Spanish language version that came before it, maybe I would've thought it improved it, as another reviewer did right here on IMDb on the comments section.But back to this, that has some nice acting and some really good looking people involved in the main roles. Don't let that distract you from the plot though. On the other hand, the beginning (audio) is so eerie, the movie that is following could never fully live up to that (on the horror scale that is). Still even with phoned in performances by Kevin Durand (gotta admire his physical presence) this still has a few things going for it. So the main character acts weird and doesn't really do or ask the things he should. But we're almost used to that in horror movies nowadays. The tension filled story almost completely makes up for that.
p-stepien Bobby (Jesse Bradford), an ex-convict who served time for involuntary manslaughter, is released from prison and attempts to reclaim his life. Cut off by former friends and relatives the only person willing to reignite their acquaintance is Alyssa (Amelia Warner), Bobby's former girlfriend and reason for indictment. Bobby moves into his mother's apartment, who died when he was locked away. However almost immediately afterwards strange occurrences and noises bring Bobby to verge of insanity...Is is over yet? The craze of repackaging all the more-or-less decent Asian movies into American crap-fest seems to have passed its expiration date and hopefully "The Echo" is the last we have heard of this. "The Ring" and "The Eye" were passable, because of the novelty, but this time around the predictable range of frights and scares and weird moving Asian chicks does not make for a compelling watch, but for a tiresome pass-time.The script also begs for improvement, as it basically barely balances its credibility on a ghost family, which aims to hand out vengeance on all those who decided to turn a blind eye in times of need. This basically extends itself to anyone who haphazardly stumbles onto the floor. Naturally the ghosts enter into a killing spree when Bobby happens to move in, despite the events having taken place several years back and having nothing whatsoever to do with our chance hero.And by the way - what is it with the crackpot old lady riding up and down the elevator? It has no meaning to the story whatsoever.
Chrysanthepop A remake of the Phillipino flick, 'Sigaw', 'The Echo' follows the traditional path of the typical European/Asian claustrophobic chiller flick. The story is simplistic, predictable and weak. Some of the subplots are uninteresting and don't really fit with the main story. It starts off slow and the tense atmosphere is very well maintained. This is no slasher flick. It's mostly atmospheric and that's where it succeeds. The creepy and claustrophobic interiors of Bobby's building and the stylistic execution, first rate cinematography and sound effects contribute very well in creating tension. While the lead character Bobby is well developed, I felt that the other characters suffered from poor writing. Jesse Bradford is excellent and he confidently carries the movie displaying depth and restraint. Iza Calzado is very good despite the way her role was written.As flawed as it is, it's not a bad suggestion for a one-time watch especially for those who enjoy films of this kind.