American Mary
American Mary
R | 31 May 2013 (USA)
American Mary Trailers

A young medical student struggling to pay tuition is drawn into the shady world of underground body-modification.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
torrascotia American Mary is billed as a movie about a medic who turns her back on the medical establishment and becomes involved in underground surgery for paying customers, who wish to have surgery the establishment would refuse. For obvious reasons as its mainly for shallow aesthetic reasons.It is well known that there are groups of people who demand surgery to change their appearance for any number of reasons but standing in their way is a medical establishment which refuses on ethical grounds. Why remove healthy tissue for aesthetic reasons? It seems that this wish fulfilment of a trained surgeon who will perform this type of surgery on demand, if you are rich enough, resulted in the character of Mary. She is basically a body-mod kinksters dream come true. It it doesn't take long for us to see the movie for what it is. It's a thinly veiled revenge movie against the medical establishment, most likely because they refuse to get involved with surgery this scene, where the supposed hero is much worse than her prey. The writers and directors the Soska twins, who I have never heard of before this movie, look like the cheeky girls at a goth disco. They turn up, assault a dancer for no reason then ask to have their bodyparts swapped for no sensible reason, other than they think it will be cool and they are rich enough to pay for it. This tells you pretty much what you need to know about the writers of this movie. There is the theme in this movie that wishing to use surgery to change your appearance is somehow leftfield or subcultural, however plastic surgery is now so mainstream celebrities don't even bother to conceal the fact they have had it. The only difference seems to be style. Most people by adulthood will realise that by dressing in back or adopting a subcultural dress code doesn't make people individualistic, especially when that subculture all look the same. If anything, they look more conformist in their uniforms.The movie seems to send quite a shallow message which is wearing black is cool, pointless violence is cool, swearing is cool, being rich is cool and prolonged torture is cool as long as its revenge. However, for revenge films to work properly the revenge has to be proportional. In this case its not. She is by far the worst person in the movie, however we are supposed to believe she is a good person because she still chats to her grandmother on the phone? That doesn't quite balance out against the sadism. As a result you don't care what happens to her.There are very few movies which deal with body modification which could have made this an interesting project. The movie seems to focus on the trendy for some fetish scene of body modification and is very shallow as a result. There didn't seem to be a mention of the well-known phenomena of people who wish to have healthy limbs removed and will risk death to achieve this outcome. There is surprisingly very little debate in this movie about the ethics of people who wish to have serious modifications of healthy tissue and the medical professions rejection of these procedures. The ridiculousness of some of the procedures in the movie beggars belief, but because Maybe this is why the bad guys are medics and Mary gets to torture them?This movie will likely only appeal to a mostly teenage subculture audience who already have an interest in body modification, which is very very few people. The problem with movies which focus on specific fetishes is they have a very narrow appeal. Unless you get off on bodymod stuff, which I suspect where most of the high ratings for this movie comes from, you may have a better use for your time.
Chris Smith (RockPortReview) The body modification sub culture is sort of the like the old time carnival freak show. People surgically mold, sculpt and pierce their way into something else but the person on the inside stays the same. The 2012 film "American Mary" features Katherine Isabelle, the breakout star of 2001's "Ginger Snaps", as a Med student who finds herself performing body mod surgeries that she finds out is quite good at.Being a poor college student Mary Mason answer's a Craig's List style ad for a sleazy strip club owned by an even sleazier younger guy. During her "interview" something goes terribly wrong outside and Mary if offered $5,000 to do some impromptu surgery on some guy. She is freaked out but does it. Word gets around to the underground body mod culture and she is approached by some pretty strange characters to help them finish their work. Isabelle plays Mary perfectly, she is desperate enough too take these strange jobs, but is still grounded and very professional. She provides a desperately needed service to the extremely rich who believe she is an artist who works in the medium of skin.She is first pursued by Beatrice who has transformed his/her body into Betty Boop. After completing a surgery on her for $10,000, her friend Ruby comes calling next. Rudy is transforming her body to look like an anatomically incorrect Barbie Doll and has a few things cut off and one thing sewn up. The film has a darkly comedic thread throughout. Ruby, Beatrice and the others are all portrayed as good people on the inside, but different on the out. While the exact opposite is true about the other so-called normal people.Back at school Mary is invited to a swanky party thrown by one of the big shot surgeons, but she has unknowing just stepped into the lions den. She is drugged and raped by the surgeon, but little does he know the unique skills that Mary has recently acquired. Mary exacts swift and painful revenge upon the Doc. Making him her test subject for new procedures, keeping him alive and aware the whole time. "American Mary" is full of interesting unique characters and well played throughout. It was written and directed by the Soska twins, Jen and Sylvia, who also play parts as customers to Mary. They bring a real sense of authenticity and care to the film, that would have been lost had it been done by anybody else.
bowmanblue I'm not sure how best to describe 'American Mary.' The easy option would be to call it a 'horror,' but that doesn't seem to do it justice on its own. It's more of a dark, horrific drama, charting a young medical student's disillusionment with her studies and pursuing the 'easy option' instead. This takes her into the path of some particularly weird and unscrupulous people.I read online someone describing the film as having a great beginning and middle, but lacking in the end. I'd tend to agree with that. The ending does seem a little sudden, like the film-makers kind of didn't know how best to end it in a way that would appeal to everyone. Your view of the ending will depend largely on how you view the characters.And the characters all play their parts well. Special kudos to Katherine Isabelle, who plays the title role. The film depends on making her role work and I think she succeeds.I don't know who I'd recommend this film to: it's one part 'torture porn,' one part horror, one part revenge movie and some general bloodthirstyness thrown into the mix. I suppose if you dabble in any of those sorts of genres, you should get something out of it. For some reason, I found the overall feel and 'story structure' most similar to the similarly titled American Psycho.
Scott LeBrun Modern imitation of some of David Cronenbergs' filmography is nonetheless interesting and watchable on its own terms. It's really more of a drama than a horror film, with touches of gore and dark comedy, and is slow paced enough that it may have some viewers fumbling for their remotes. It plunges the audience into a world of sordid and off putting characters in a tale of sex and fetishism. Ultimately, it works its way towards a somewhat conventional finish, but getting there is still an amusing enough experience.The lovely Katharine Isabelle, best known for her role as Ginger in the "Ginger Snaps" series, stars as Mary, a promising med student in desperate need of cash. So she accepts the offer from nightclub owner Billy (Antonio Cupo) to patch up a mangled associate of his. This leads to offers from other people, people who are into radical body modification, to perform a variety of "underground surgery". As Mary is immersed in this world more and more, it really takes a toll on her well-being.If it weren't for Ms. Isabelle, who looks extremely sexy in a variety of outfits, this would have been a little harder to get through. She delivers an engaging lead performance, and is believable throughout Mary's personality arc. It is fun to see Mary take her new business so seriously that she dismisses one potential patient who's willing to settle for something as mundane as piercings. And we do get to see a number of individuals who've had some pretty nasty things done to themselves.Some people may want to note that at least the gore in this movie is serving the story and never *becoming* the whole reason for its existence. The effects are generally well done.Sibling directors Jen and Sylvia Soska (who also cameo in "American Mary" as the German twins) do have some potential, so it will be intriguing to watch the progress of their careers.Six out of 10.