A Haunting at Silver Falls
A Haunting at Silver Falls
NR | 28 May 2013 (USA)
A Haunting at Silver Falls Trailers

A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Jon Patrick I added this movie to my "to watch" list months ago but only just got around to watching it, so I wasn't sure what to expect when I finally got around to seeing it. Suffice to say hugely impressed by the quality of the movie and wish I had watched it sooner.Every aspect of the production was good but it was story arc and the twists in the plot that really makes it stand out. After I started writing my review I took a glance at the IMDb rating and couldn't help but chuckle when I saw that it was currently a 4.7. For anyone who may consider paying any sort of credence to that ridiculous number I would suggest you pay no attention and watch the movie for yourself.The acting as a whole was very good but there were two fantastic performances that need mentioning in Alix Elizabeth Gitter as Jordan and Tara Westwood as her psychotic aunt. Neither of these ladies have their own Wikipedia pages to my astonishment – they deserve a lot of recognition for their talents. There were two negatives and I'll mention them separately. Firstly I think Jordan's lack of friends or lack of emphasis on her social life other than the two love interests hinders the movie. It would have been good to show whether or not she did have a circle of friends rather than ignore that issue to make it a bit more relatable. The second issue was an oversight with the plot towards the end where Robbie is supposed to meet her at the back of the house but, after being attacked, this obviously doesn't take place. However, they don't mention Robbie afterwards or explain whether he just gave up and went home or continued to wait.The highest praise of all should be awarded to the ending of the movie and how satisfying it was. Usually horror movies will falter or lose steam towards the end but this movie saved the best drama for last. If anything there should have been more of a struggle between the Aunt/Uncle and Larry/Jordan as it ends up being quite an easy comeuppance. On that note the ending does come about rather quickly, so in retrospect they could have made it a bit longer to allow for everything to sink in and to explain where Jordan goes from here. It was a little rushed in that respect, but honestly I was on such a high from the satisfying conclusion that I didn't really notice until now.All in all I would highly recommend this to fans of the genre and feel compelled to congratulate them on a great piece of work.
Jaeon I give it a 7/10 since it was different from what i expected of it.There were many minor things throughout the film that could be nitpicked on but overall I enjoyed it.I just finished watching this on Netflix on my tablet while being distracted with things going on in real life. Maybe that's why I overlooked the adoption part but picked up on it as the film went on. Maybe they just quickly shot through that tidbit.Acting was decent. I'm familiar with the psych guy, he usually does well with his roles.The aunt and her boyfriend were cast well too. She really extrudes the dominant aura in a relationship, especially at the end of the film.I like how the movie pokes at the typical, make a move on the young girl yet he never did (til the end of course).My favorite part has to be when the lights flicker and the girl references the execution, LolWish they had concluded with the cop and the psych but again, decent film.
ArdentViewer The beginning of a horror movie is often familiar to viewers. It's up to each film to subsequently diverge in a way that is clever, holds attention, and genuinely frightens. Unfortunately, this movie failed on all counts.BAD ACTING: w/ the exception of the lead character and possibly the aunt, most of the characters were clichéd, unbelievable, & unsympathetic. SHAKY PLOT: I'm able to suspend my disbelief quite a bit. However, too many elements in this film don't make sense or tie together, even given assumptions of the supernatural. - Several of the characters (Robbie, the sheriff) were superfluous, adding nothing to the plot. - Perception of a shared delusion among girls in town (only triggered by prior knowledge) is far-fetched. If everyone believed that these girls had either been delusional or copycats, the fact that Larry divulged vague details to Jordan about ghosts would be meaningless. Jordan wasn't told anything about the twins or the fact that other girls had claimed to be "haunted." Larry's slip would in fact ONLY matter if her condition had a supernatural origin - an assumption not considered by anyone. - The fact that one or both of the twins repeatedly tried to hurt/kill Jordan - but supposedly wanted to send a message – is contrived. You can't have it both ways. Either ghosts are evil & want to kill, or they have unfinished business & try to communicate w/ the living. Both can't be true simultaneously - at least not without significant character development & backstory, neither of which occurred. The lame excuse thrown in towards the end that "Heather has a temper" is ridiculous. - If the ghosts could bring Jordan outside and nearly drown her in the bathtub, surely they would've been able to remove the ring from her finger. If anything, the ring was meant to stay on Jordan's finger to enable her to appreciate its significance & connect it to the other rings she eventually found/noticed. If the twins had really wanted to communicate, they would've left the ring alone. This entire subplot was obviously a weak (and failed) attempt to tie together disparate story elements. I could concede finding the ring in the jewelry box & suddenly realizing the truth, but the repetitive actions of touching fingers together were a big stretch. You can't just reveal something supposedly crucial (i.e., the dad and the twins having parts of the same ring) at the eleventh hour & expect viewers to accept it.What was the purpose of revealing the aunt & uncle's drug habit? It merely showed that they were hypocrites, but their morals were already questionable due to their mistreatment of Jordan. This didn't add anything.INCONSISTENCIES: - No psychiatrist would hold an intervention and allow outsiders to be present (his son, Robbie & the sheriff). This is highly unprofessional and unethical. - No psychiatrist would allow, much less encourage, emotionally fragile, impressionable patients to visit a death row prisoner. No sound-minded parents would permit this, either. - No death row prisoner (or possibly other prisoners) would be able to receive multiple visits from random strangers, much less underage girls. Visits would have to be negotiated in advance, w/ background checks conducted, clearances provided, etc. - No prisoner on death row would be permitted a last-minute visit from a stranger ON THE NIGHT OF EXECUTION. This is beyond absurd. - If the aunt & uncle had been smart enough to avoid any prior suspicion, wouldn't they have been smart enough to check if Larry had departed before having an all-too-incriminating conversation outside the house? LOOSE ENDS - What was the point of Robbie calling Jordan, saying she wasn't crazy & asking her to meet him? Nothing ever came of this. At best, this was a case of bad editing. At worst, it was yet another dangling plot point. - What was the point of Jordan's aunt revealing that Robbie had a history of rape? This fact has no bearing to the plot. If it was meant as a red herring, it failed. Red herrings must be convincing in order to be meaningful. - Why introduce the father about to be executed? We can presume that he is killed as planned, since we aren't told otherwise. We haven't known him long enough to care, yet most viewers wouldn't like an innocent man being killed. This is pointless. - We are never told how the twins were killed. This information would be important. It could have been used as clues to tie the twins' murder in with the subsequent deaths of the girls, and even Jordan's mother. Instead, the viewers are left hanging in this regard. - We are never given the motives for killing the twins in the first place. We can surmise that the other murders covered their tracks, but why the first murders? Aside from a few vague morsels, we aren't privy to the aunt & uncles' psyches. In order to be sold on their guilt, it's necessary to have explanation and insight into the characters (both of which were absent). LACK OF SURPRISE - Once the uncle buckles Jordan's seat belt and lingers on her, we knew we was sketchy. I immediately suspected he had killed the twins. This was a bit too obvious. - Once we discover that the aunt & uncle had been responsible for all of the girls' purported "suicides," I realized that Jordan's mother was among this group. Why would it take Jordan so long to connect the dots? It isn't often that I'm unable to identify any redeeming value from a film. This is one of those rare cases. I only gave it three stars due to the likable character of Jordan (played nicely by the lead actress), and the fact that I didn't predict the aunt's involvement in the murders.
MissOceanB Great fun ghostly film that will leave you questioning certain events throughout. Personally, I thought the story was not bad at all! Some of the plot could have been better filled, but for a lower budget film, it does seem "higher budget". The special effects were good, some spooky "jump in your seat" moments and the acting was actually very well done. Some viewers may find it a bit predictable, but this could also be questioned throughout the film. I do wish the film had been longer and much more creepy scary (I really like it when my adrenaline starts pumping - those types of Haunting thrill movies are my favourite, but to each his own). It would be interesting for this film to have a prequel, that would really make the film (and prequel) stand out. Overall, dim the lights and enjoy this "fun" haunting thriller!