Green Lantern
Green Lantern
PG-13 | 17 June 2011 (USA)
Green Lantern Trailers

For centuries, a small but powerful force of warriors called the Green Lantern Corps has sworn to keep intergalactic order. Each Green Lantern wears a ring that grants him superpowers. But when a new enemy called Parallax threatens to destroy the balance of power in the Universe, their fate and the fate of Earth lie in the hands of the first human ever recruited.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
lawrenceconwayvulcan SORRY RYAN BUT I ENJOY THIS FILM!This is film that has taken a bit of a knocking down the years, even from it's own star making quips in the Deadpool films. But for me it is a great film to kick back and watch. Ryan Reynolds is Hal Jordan the test pilot who comes into possesion of a ring that inducts him into the Green Lantern Corps, an Intergalatic Police Force. Hal must come through a gruelling training process in order to face the evil entity known as Parrallax. Green Lantern features some of most exotic alien worlds ever to hit the screen. Reynolds makes for a great Jordan in particuar the films cilmax where in one moment where Parrallax tries to bait Hal who in response recites the Green Lantern oath which will send a shiver down your back. with a supporting cast that includes Mark Strong, Blake Lively, Peter Saarsgard, Tim Robbins and Angela Bassett with voice work by Geoffrey Rush and Michael Clarke Duncan Green Lantern is a blast to watch.
stringplayer The only parts of this movie that weren't incomprehensible were incredibly boring.Unfortunately, there very few boring parts.
bensonmum2 Cocky test pilot Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) is the first human recruited to join the Green Lantern Corps – a centuries old intergalactic police force. To the more experienced members of the force, Hal is unlikely to ever live-up to the standards of the Corps. Even Hal doubts he can measure up. Meanwhile, an evil being, known as Parallax, has escaped from an underground prison. The best and brightest of the Green Lanterns engage Parallax, but are ultimately defeated. As Parallax continues its deadly rampage across space, it's on a collision course with Earth. Without support from the rest of the Green Lanterns, Hal is left on his own to face an enemy too powerful for the rest of the Corps.I've never read any Green Lantern comics, so I'm not very familiar with the character, backstory, or anything else. Therefore, I'm not going to make comments on how faithful the film is or is not to the source material. Considering all the negative things I've read across the internet on Green Lantern, I was surprised to find I enjoyed the movie as much as I did. It's nowhere near as bad as I'd been led to believe. A few things that worked for me: the overall story arc, the handling of the Green Lantern Corps, the uber-creepy Dr Harry Hammonds, and some of the action sequences and death scenes. Speaking of death scenes, when Tim Robbins is burned to a crisp, it's one of the "best" moments in the whole film. I also really liked the way director Martin Campbell and the special effects people involved with the film chose to image the Green Lanterns' powers and bring them to the screen. Very creative. If some of the acting (Blake Lively displays the emotional range of a rock) and characters (Ryan Reynolds plays Hal like the biggest ass on the planet), Green Lantern might have been a much better overall film. Still, a 5/10 isn't all that bad for a movie that, going in, I thought was going to be hot garbage.Having watched Green Lantern after Ryan Reynolds made Deadpool, am I alone in looking at his portrayal of Hal as something like Deadpool- lite? It's like he used Green Lantern as a dry run of sorts for Deadpool. It's not as over-the-top, but there are similarities. However, with Deadpool, it's funny, but with Green Lantern, he looks like a d__k.
UofSciFi ******May Contain Spoilers First off I was very thrilled that they finally brought this character to the big screen. I had probably waited longer for this comic book character to get a Big Budget movie made more than any other Superhero character. This is my favorite Superhero. So when I learned they were making this movie, I could hardly contain myself.Now, the movie. I'D Like to say first, that I don't think this movie as bad as the critics said it was. It's actually an enjoyable movie. . . Now with that said, let also say that although its not bad, I was expecting this to be so much better than it is.I felt they used too much CGI, at times I felt almost like I was watching a cartoon. I wasn't crazy about the villain, it looked like he was fighting a Smog Monster. That entire last fight sequence seemed a bit anti-climatic to me, and I feel could have been done much better. Also felt like the movie needed more action. I would have like to have seen the Green Lantern do more crime fighting on Earth after he made himself known to the public. I think it would have been great to see the Green Lantern thwart a bank robbery, stop a runaway train full of passengers(stuff like that - Afterall, don't we go to see Superhero movies to see Superheros do Superhero things?) There was some positives I took from this movie. I liked Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan (when I first saw that he got this role, I had doubts- He pulled it off very well)...Mark Strong as Sinestro was Superb!Blake Lively was good in her role. All the actors did fine. Another positive I took from this was the Musical Score which also superb. There are certain aspects of this movie that were done extremely well.I would still recommend this movie, its a good popcorn muncher. I have heard that Warner Brothers is still planning a sequel but with a different director and wants the sequel to much darker than this film was. That could be a good thing, also could be a bad thing.. . but there hasn't been any movement on that front since Green Lantern came out on DVD. So who knows if the sequel will get made or not.