The Cat from Outer Space
The Cat from Outer Space
G | 09 June 1978 (USA)
The Cat from Outer Space Trailers

A UFO is stranded on earth and impounded by the US government. Its pilot, a cat with a collar that gives it special powers, including the ability to communicate with humans, has eluded the authorities and seeks the help of a scientist in order to reclaim and repair his ship and get back home.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
abs1957 If you cannot enjoy a film where the hero is a gorgeous cat with a magic collar then you probably also hate other fantasy films like the Harry Potter series. You certainly need to chill out and stop watching all those super-serious gritty movies and enjoy some escapist fantasy ones instead.This remains the one and only film that my wife and I have ever paid hard-earned cash to see more than once at the cinema. It's that good, but only if you are a cat-lover!
wrightiswright Films lauding cats come around about as often as Halley's Comet, so whenever one does arrive it should be shouted about from the rooftops. Yeah, sure... Dogs save peoples lives, look cute and are a reliable source of defecation jokes, but can anything compare to the grace and mystique of a feline? I say no. And if you disagree, you're wrong. 'Nuff said.It's a pretty unusual plot... A cat from another planet crashlands on our shores in his spaceship, and needs 120k dollars worth of gold for repairs (Don't ask). He enlists the help of a maverick scientist, a ditzy blonde and a sleazy gambler to these ends, all the while pursued by the military and an evil criminal mastermind, who would LOVE to possess the pussy's magical collar (which has levitation and telepathic powers).What did I tell ya? I said it was an odd story... And yet, despite the sheer inanity of what's on display, it somehow all holds together. The mystical capabilities of the collar provide much of the humour, including freezing people in mid-movement, and helping to rig a very one-sided game of pool.The special effects are about as good as you'd expect from the 70's (e.g not very) but the adorable cat is so well trained you'd almost think it WAS an intelligent extra-terrestrial lifeform, and with the exception of an over-elongated climax in the sky, there's little padding here to make young minds impatient.So, not quite the cat's whiskers, but far from worthy of the litter box. Did'ja see what I did there?! 6/10
rebeljenn The Cat From Outer Space was one of my favourite children's' programs at one time in my life. I watched it over and over again. I don't really know what I found so great about the film. Maybe it was because of the action, the humor, and the fact that a cat was a star of the film...and this was no ordinary cat! This was a special cat that had special abilities. And this film is a typical 1970s Disney film.Although I enjoyed the film as I child, I find it a little bit too slow and dated now. And, it is a film for children. I don't think there is anything for adults unless you really like cats and like science fiction. Overall, it is not a bad film. It's just a little silly, and I would not readily recommend it over other films.
robertjhaus This is one of my all time favorite childhood movies. (Another was a movie about a robotic dog named C.H.O.M.P.S. another great family movie.) I am 33 now but was 6 years old at the time when this movie first aired. I remember watching The Cat From Outer Space back home on my parents big wooden Zenith console TV set. (Yeah those were the thing to have back then… That was a time where there weren't any VCR's or cell phones. There certainly weren't any DVD's or flat screen TV's.. In fact the only flat screen I remember was the super 8 motion picture roll up screen my dad dragged out into the living room when we wanted to play the silent 8 mm motion picture movies we took of our vacations… Ahh yester-year.) For years I had this stuffed cat (that kind of looked like Jake). I also had this toy plastic ring toss set. I used one of the rings from the set and it fit perfectly on the stuff cat I had. For years (as a child) I was able to play The Cat From Outer Space at home with my home made figure to represent Jake. This movie has stood out for me since I first saw it as a child and now today I still look back on those years with fond memories. This movie is definitely a charming lighthearted tale (or should I say tail) and I certainly recommend it for the young and adult alike.. It's a movie that all can watch, love and enjoy. It's a movie that also has some of the actors that were big at that time.. Sandy Duncan, Roddy McDowall.. To name a few were big stars at that time… Their acting is timeless in this movie classic. OK So if you like family movies and have a soft spot for fun and youth in your heart… Get the kids together (or just pretend you're a kid again yourself) and have a great time watching, The Cat From Outer Space.Rob..NYC