The Canterville Ghost
The Canterville Ghost
| 31 December 1986 (USA)
The Canterville Ghost Trailers

A young American couple inherits an English castle, only to find that it is haunted by the spirit of a disgraced ancestor, doomed to stay on the estate because of his cowardice. The only way he can escape is if one of his descendants performs an heroic act, something he intends to get the husband to do.

Sexylocher Masterful Movie
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
DrabMac As much as I looked forward to and really wanted to like Patrick Stewart's portrayal of Sir Simon de Canterville, it just fell flat when compared to this version of the ghost played by Sir John Gielgud. As another reviewer wrote "he is Delightful!" He knows how to embody an English aristocrat with the proper snobbery and yet he still brings a light sensitive humor to the role that is just perfect.Ted Wass, Andrea Marcovicci and Alyssa Milano are well cast as a family that is struggling to come to terms with all the changes that have been thrown at them and although Ted can be a little over the top at times in other movies in this one he maintains just the right balance of humor without stepping over the line and ruining the tone of the move.This is a "must see" for any fan of Sir John Gielgud!
irish_draco I have always loved Sir John Gieldgud, and his portrayal of Sir Simon of Canterville, and I would have enjoyed being there. Alyssa Milano did great in facing the disappearing, emotions, and finally the caring of wanting free Sir Simon. An A++ for all enjoyment at all times, no stall scenes. Awaiting for the next scene is never boring. And blowing up of the table and food is really great. All The illusions showing the Professor bringing in the light of Lady Eleanor, and Sir Simon wanting to talk to her. And watching the movements of the eyes of Alyssa Milano and how she was so intrigued in seeing it all happen, and yet, she never wavered from her part. Joe
maxvaughn True this one is not very close to the original story, but this one had the most that modern viewers could relate to. It's funny and quick moving. Both Sir Gielgud and Milano are wonderful. As a child this was one of my all time favorite movies to watch every Halloween (true, that was a long list, but it was still fun). The scenes between the two main characters are the greatest. There are still the basic principles of the story are there - a friendship between a misunderstood spirit and an innocent girl who teach each that love is stronger than life or death. The saddest part is when the ghost hunter's equipment brings back Sir Simon's wife for only a moment, just long enough for her to see her and for her to call out to him. The best part of all is when Jenny takes her father to see Sir Simon. A great movie for any family or ghost lover.
plato-11 Sir John Gielgud is completely and utterly charming and delightful in "The Canterville Ghost". The rest of the acting is fair to average, but I would recommend this to anyone just because of Gielgud. He plays his role in a wonderful tongue-in-cheek way. We watched this in my eight- grade class when we were studying the plot curve, and all of my friends and classmates, not just a movie freak like me, adored Gielgud as the ghost. The only other movie besides this I have seen Gielgud in is "The Secret Agent", but he didn't do such a good job in that one. Still, I assume this film is a good example of what the rest of his work must be like, indeed, reading reviews of his other films, he has not gotten a bad review. I think I might check out "Arthur" soon. But I'm rambling now, and the point is that "The Canterville Ghost" was a charming movie.8/10