The Curse of Sleeping Beauty
The Curse of Sleeping Beauty
| 13 May 2016 (USA)
The Curse of Sleeping Beauty Trailers

Thomas Kaiser inherits an ancestral mansion that has been in his family for generations — only to learn that he has also inherited an ancient curse stemming back to the Crusades. Forced into his new role as “protector” — the guardian appointed to keep the evil demons in the house at bay — Thomas teams with an ambitious local realtor and paranormal cleric to unravel the mystery of the house, while struggling to awaken the beautiful Briar Rose, held captive in a terrifying netherworld seen previously in his dreams.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
cayotica I thought, with a title like this it's got to be a horror story but by two thirds into the movie I had convinced myself how wrong I was. An evil Jinn puts a curse on a beautiful princess and keeps her away from a world of possible Princes that may awake her. Well you just can't get anymore Disney than that can ya? But I'm older these days and had forgotten how scary Disney movies could get. Even with the dead giveaway at the base of operations, just before the ending, l was still rooting for Rose. My only question now is, will they finish it?6 stars, not scary, to me at least, minus 1 star for the Crypt Keeper's cousin's cameo. For a total of five stars
cheekyapple-56320 Okay let me level with you - this movie caters to a particular taste and style of film for certain people. If you're expecting Harry Potter then no, it's not for you. If you're expecting a gory gritty horror movie, no not for you. If you like "Beautiful Creatures"or "Pan's Labrinth" this IS for you and I suggest you give it a shot. There is a scene in the end that haunts me still, the costume and makeup was OUTSTANDING! I really must give props. And Gregory Peck's grandson reminds you of him the whole time - looks like him, sounds like him, and he was a good actor. The Director had a great sense of humor or perhaps the screenwriter as the dialogue was well written and there was some natural laughs. I liked the mystery of it - it really was a mystery. The ending is messed up but not predictable and reminds you that you signed up for a horror movie so that's what you're getting.
lil_majestic Based on the decently clever story line in this movie, you would think that the writer would have the good sense to come up with a ending scene resolution given the opportunity to put "The Curse of Sleeping Beauty" on the big screen but NO! There is zero resolution at the end of this film leaving the viewer wholly unsatisfied. Were there any resolution, be it happy, mournful or just plain out of the box, then I may have given this film a 7 or an 8 on the rating scale. To the writer, producer and director I say to you... "You have dropped the ball."
Geek Legion of Doom I've seen a couple of other reviews that seem to be less than favorable , so as someone who enjoyed the hell out of the movie,I felt i had to defend it somewhat. Lets get any of my negatives out of the way 1. There are a few conveniences, especially in regards to additional characters that pop up with the exact skills needed. 2. The twist is fairly obvious 3. The last 5 mins or so of this movie does feel a little rushed 4. Nit pick , i would have liked to see a little more of a horrified reaction to the events that unfolds from our protagonists Now lets talk about the good stuff1. Pearry Reginald Teo is a talented director. Has a James Wan feel about his style. He makes great use of camera work , with some good scares that are earned 2. The acting is pretty good .Ethan Peck at first I was like, ' Oh just another typical pretty boy lead' But I thought he really did a good job of selling the vulnerability of the character of Thomas , but still someone you can root for 3. Great location and set design. This house and the sets are super creepy. Nuff said 4. Some great scares. Some truly great moments involving mannequins. Great looking effects and some jump out your seat moments.I think the title doesn't do this movie any favors , as the Sleeping beauty part is so minor until the end. I feel Fantasy and fairy tale fans will pick this up thinking it's the classic story and be disappointed it's a horror film and horror fans will may miss it completely as they think it's just a Sleepy beauty movie I'd give this 8/10