I Could Never Be Your Woman
I Could Never Be Your Woman
PG-13 | 11 May 2007 (USA)
I Could Never Be Your Woman Trailers

Mother Nature loves to cause mischief, and she steps in to help two love-starved souls find happiness. She helps an aging professional woman and single mother, Rosie, who's unlucky in love find her match with Adam, a much younger man. As their relationship blossoms beyond physical attraction, matters complicate when her adolescent daughter starts to fall for a handsome local boy.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
tintosecco We don't need to think so much why it didn't make much success, what we need is to accept the clearly truth. Is really hard to find a story like this and so sincerely, very well written, great story with very common situations that follow us those days.Michelle, gorgeous, sexy as always, baggage for a few, and we see, funny and graceful, thanks! Sooirse, the child, beautiful and talented, cheerly voice, makes you think, how good is to be yourself, congrats and success. Nice crew, Paul, like a straight line, maintain his work spreading laughs, very nice to see that. At the end, the combination of all this it creates a great time with someone or even alone, it doesn't matter, I just enjoyed what those people had done. Thank You!
jehaccess6 I purchased the DVD to see more Michelle Pfeiffer. Well, she carries the film on her lovely shoulders. Even with her hair in a rumpled mess, she is stunningly beautiful at 49.Rosie (Michelle Pfeiffer) is a television writer/producer struggling valiantly to remain hip and relevant in a teen culture that has long passed her by. She reads all the teen magazines and annoys her daughter with her attempts to decode the evolving teen speech patterns to remain employable in a youth-obsessed television industry.I enjoyed watching Rosie attempting to smooth the path for daughter Izzie just starting to deal with the complexities of puberty and dating. Rosie's ex-husband adds to her difficulties by acting less mature than his barely teen-aged daughter.Paul Rudd was effective as the younger man (Adam) who falls for the beautiful older woman. He apparently was not simply the young stud looking to advance his career by romancing his lonely boss. This being Hollywood, the assumption about the insincerity of his motives is widespread. Adam is perceived as attractive by many of the young women his age, especially after his growing career success. Adam finds no attraction for these young women and remains devoted to Rosie.I found the closing musical number quite offensive. The Hollywood animus to George Bush (president at the time of filming) was over the top. Supposedly, Bush would stab his mother for a gallon of gas. Well, I have never seen any account of Bush where he actually demonstrated anything less than devotion to his mother.Oh well, despite this attitude I found this a better effort than many others out there.
MLDinTN Michelle Pfieffer plays, Rosie, a writer on a hip teen show called You Go Girl. She's the Hollywood cougar. Her pray is aspiring actor, Adam, whom she hires to play a guest spot on the show. He's also about 15 years younger than her. At first, she's not keen on going out with him, but decides she can try to get past the age issue. She's also raising a teen daughter, whom has her own boy problems. Rosie's secretary, Jeannie, decides to mess with her situation and tries to make Rosie think Adam is seeing Brianna, star of You Go Girl, behind her back. Soon her lies are discovered and Rosie and Adam have a happy ending.FINAL VERDICT: I didn't think it was funny. I thought it was very average and I can see why it wasn't in theaters. Plus Michelle Pfieffer's face, particular her chin, looks really weird. She may have had some of that bad plastic surgery they make fun of in the beginning of the film. I don't recommend this one.
tfalconi This movie is by Amy Heckerling who is the one the brought you Clueless Which was another great film. This film had an all star cast and more than solid Directing, Acting, and Script. The only negative is on the studios part which is this movie did not get a decent budget, Not to mention i believe this movie sat on the shelve and the decided that they needed to clean it out. So then they decide to make it exclusive to blockbuster. This movie could have made money for then, it's just a shame. There is one more thing and that is Tracy Ullman. She was great however her part was a little awkward, and off. Other than that it's a great classic.Your Average Movie Guy-Trever