Beautiful Kate
Beautiful Kate
R | 06 August 2009 (USA)
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Ned Kendall is asked to return to the remote and isolated family home by his sister, to say goodbye to his father who is dying. Ned also brings his young aspiring actress fiancee who struggles with the isolation. When home he starts having memories of his childhood many involving his beautiful twin sister and his older brother. These memories awaken long-buried secrets from the family's past.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
arasheps I look at movies first from the cinematography point of view, And that was what got me in the start, but as the movie went forward, as I saw acting, as I saw story telling I found out that I'm looking at a masterpiece. Somebody recommended Last Ride, I really like Last Ride but this movie is really in a different league. I didn't know who this movie director is(I do this willingly to don't have any predict) and after I finished it I looked at the director's name: Rachel Ward, yeah Rachel Ward's masterpiece. Bryan Brown's acting is the best, i didn't know Sophie Lowe but she is probably an actor(Isn't actress creepy?) to remember her name for the future. Also time dimensions is something touchable in this movie. I highly recommend it if you consider yourself an open mind person, because you should enjoy the kind of passion thats going to get injected to you.
andrea so many great actors that played their parts wonderfully, but at the end of the day, there is not one bit of originality. The film is trying to be a mixture between America, Sam Shepard, fools for love and the typical Australian movie, small community, smelly pub, indigenous people, broken cars, isolation, loneliness, etc... same same same, including soundtrack (including red mullet actor!). well-acted and that's it. are we ever going to see a movie about the REAL Australia, where actually people live? Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane.... why always in the surreal empty landscape with the small good (or ill) willing community? when you strip the film bare, there is not much there, lots of empty scenes to fill up the nothingness of the events. events that are so predictable, that there is not one aspect left to the imagination. Is that going to happen? yes it is. no element of surprise, no enlightenment. OK, good thing, apart from the acting, it's shot very well, but is that enough to produce another Australian movie?
DownundaDVD It's easy to pick on a movie that's based on a very good book because expectations are very high, and you have an idea in your head before you even see the movie. So I'm not going to make comparisons for the sake of it. Just one criticism that I cant see anyone who read the book will argue with, and that's the change of setting from Idaho to South Australia. The big problem here is that the American wilderness is never as "dead" as the Australian wilderness. In fact just look at the title of 'Deadheart' (another Bryan Brown film by coincidence).The impact of the change of setting is that the characters are so marooned and cut off. You never get that sense in the book, where the wilderness is their natural haven. That doesn't mean the actors aren't believable. They are and first time director Rachel Ward has done something special in relating the female experience. I felt every scene that worked, and the pacing is just right. I've read some ridiculous reviews that this is a film for women. Well it's not, it's about how women relate with their world in a universal way. That makes this a universal story and a movie worth seeing.
spinoza42 Set in the Australian outback, I found Beautiful Kate to be a moving experience and one of the best films about family relationships. The film is based on a book by Newton Thornburg. Unfortunately the book is out of print but hopefully the film's success will lead to it being reprinted. Kudos to Rachel Ward for bringing this to the screen and for transforming a book set in the USA seamlessly into an Australian setting. Ben Mendelsohn is superb in this challenging role. Frankly I cannot understand those who have criticised the characters and the plot as clichéd. This movie goes places others fear to tread. My spoiler alert is that the movie does contain material which some people will find disturbing or offensive. One person walked out during my session and I know that others have too. If you want to know exactly what I am referring to look up the name Alexandra Maryanski or Robin Fox on Amazon.