R | 05 October 2009 (USA)
Deadline Trailers

A screenwriter travels to an abandoned house to finish a script on time, but a series of strange events lead her to a psychological breakdown.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Leofwine_draca DEADLINE is a depressing film, purely because it's so very predictable. It's a low budget haunted house shocker, starring Brittany Murphy in one of her final roles before her death from a drug overdose. It's pretty sad that her legacy includes roles in trash like this.Put simply, DEADLINE is a bore. It's about a writer who moves into a creepy old house (yawn) only to discover a box of video camera tapes in the basement. Big surprise there! This then gives the film the excuse to play out a back story involving separate characters in conjunction with the current plot. Sadly, they don't utilise found footage this time around, which might have made things a little more interesting.The Thora Birch story is more interesting than the present-day stuff with Murphy, insofar as they could have done away with Murphy altogether and the film would probably have been better. Unfortunately, even with the dual plots, the material is stretched out to breaking point, very little happens during the entire running time and it's all very slow and boring.Given that there are only four or so actors in the film, a lot is put on their shoulders, but none of them are very good. Murphy has the same expression from start to finish, and Birch barely registers. The male actors are even worse, coming across as laughable. All in all, this is another forgettable ghost story.
Paul Andrews Deadline starts as a novelist named Alice (Brittany Murphy) decides that the best way to finish her latest book & meet an impending deadline is to isolate herself in the middle of nowhere & completely immerse herself in her writing, she agrees to stay at a huge country house owned by a rich producer & her friend Rebecca (Tammy Blanchard) drives her out there. The house is huge & old but very comfortable, Alice hears noises one night & follows faint footprints on the floor upstairs to a room where she finds a box with lots of videotapes inside. Alice decides to look at some of the tapes & sees the previous residents of the house, a young newly married couple named Lucy (Thora Birch) & David Wood (Marc Blucas) who at first seem very happy. As Alices continues to watch the tapes it turns out that Lucy is pregnant & that David is insanely obsessive & jealous so when Lucy wants to leave him he reacts angrily. Alice delves into the mystery & discovers that both Lucy & David are listed as missing persons, meanwhile the ghostly sounds & unexplained happenings grow more frequent...Written & directed by Sean McConville this fairly sedate & unmemorable haunted house thriller is not to be confused with the similarly titled horror film Deadline (1984) which also deals with a writer losing their grip on reality but I feel that's more of a coincidence rather than this being any sort of remake, while not the worst film I have seen Deadline just isn't very good. The basic story isn't that original, someone who wants isolation moves to an old house in the middle of nowhere & starts to experience supernatural phenomenon before investigating the properties past & find some nasty stuff out, or in the case of Deadline maybe not since Alice is know to be mentally unstable & it might all be in her imagination & she may be suffering another psychological breakdown, yes that's right another one! The script takes it's time & then takes it's time some more, it's a good hour into this 80 minute film before things pick up & the horror aspects kick-in. While the opening hour is watchable enough I suppose not much happens & I can't get my head around the fact that despite the tapes not being numbered or dated & are placed in no particular order in the box Alice manages to watch them all in perfect chronological order! Coincidence? Luck? Who cares? The twists & turns are alright, they don't really save Deadline & make it special but they do prevent it from being a total waste of 80 minutes. If you have a particular liking for slow paced & sedate haunted house thrillers then Deadline is perfectly serviceable, just don't expect anything amazing.Deadline is well made for what it is, the main house is old but maybe isn't that creepy, I would certainly be more than happy to stay there as it looks very comfortable & well furnished. There isn't a cobweb or Rat in sight! There's no blood or gore, there are a few jump scare moments that most will see coming & aren't that effective to be honest. The whole film is just so average, I can't really say it's bad in any aspect other than it's forgettable & I didn't really like it personally that much. The fact that script concentrates almost entirely on one character for it's duration can be a problem because if that one character isn't absorbing it becomes hard to maintain interest & Alice is rather dull & bland.Filmed in Louisiana this had a supposed budget of about $1,800,0000 & looks nice enough throughout. The acting is alright, the late Brittany Murphy looks tired here & not that healthy while the once promising Thora Birch seems to have been reduced to taking anything she can get these days.Deadline is a passable haunted house thriller at best & a forgettable slow moving snoozer at worst, I can't say I hated it but I can't say I liked it much either. Fans of the genre may enjoy it more but I can't see most audiences getting too much pleasure from it. Don't put much effort into seeing it is my advice.
lathe-of-heaven First off, if really slow, atmospheric films that don't have a lot of action bore you, then this movie is NOT for you! Period. All you have to do is see the review here titled 'Snoozer, with a Stupid Ending' Point proved (well, at least if not actually 'proven', strongly suggested : ) Here is the deal; IF you are indeed going to make one of these really slow, moody films that on the surface come across as super simple, then you HAVE to do them well or forget it. The movie was beautifully photographed, VERY well paced for the material, and the acting was excellent. Do you realize how MANY frigg'n ways there are to screw something like this up? A lot! So, I honestly felt that it was put together quite nicely.Now, without spoiling anything, I just wanna say that something that I really appreciated about this film is that this 'kind' of movie (which you will understand, sort of, at the end) USUALLY is very heavy handed with the 'reveal' in the sense that they usually make it blindingly obvious. However, what I like about this one is that at the end, yes, something is strongly suggested, BUT still, things are left to be interpreted in a number of different ways (as clearly seen in some of the discussion comments below which you should absolutely NOT read before seeing the movie!) So, basically like I said, IF you like this kind of very slow, moody film where there is a very good atmosphere that builds gradually and creates a good mystery, and you don't necessarily NEED a lot of action or explanation, THEN yes, you should enjoy this movie...This film simply isn't for everyone. For example, I'm quite sure that there are MANY people who absolutely LOVE the 'SAW' or 'HOSTEL' films; quite the polar opposite of this film to be sure. So, in that case I wouldn't feel right reviewing those films because that is just NOT my type of film at all. (However, the makers of 'SAW' went on to make a couple of excellent Horror films, where people are NOT tortured or forced to do awful things, that I totally loved! ['DEAD SILENCE' & 'INSIDIOUS']) I think it is the same with this one... Likely, MOST of the people who have seen this movie and then come here and say 'Gee, that was REALLY stupid and boring' would fall into the same category: that it just isn't THEIR type of film, that's all.The movie isn't WILDLY fantastic or anything, just solidly well made; as a matter of fact, it really reminds me of another VERY similar film that I saw not long ago (I can't remember the title right off) But it was WAAAAAAAY more subtle than this one! It was similar where a woman (seemed like it was a REALLY well known actress too, perhaps Marisa Tomei, someone like that...) was staying in a remote house. And you just keep seeing this guy standing there in the room with her but she doesn't see him; there are LONG periods without ANY dialog at all. It just about ALL is based on mood and atmosphere. It was great too, but perhaps much more 'artistic' in it's approach and a bit more complex and layered in it's story than this one. This one here I would say was more directly psychological...But, there is one thing I can promise you...This movie is indeed much, MUCH better than it's current 4.x rating...
Spaceygirl Some-one has written a review for "Deadline", taking the time to explain point-for-point the erm, plot line of this movie as well as calling people stupid for not understanding it. Well, this movie was made for people like him. Pseudo-intellectuals who are of the opinion that the more obscure a movie is, how inexplicable it is somehow defines how GOOD it is. They are so wrong. " Deadline" is just a very badly written, badly directed and very badly acted movie. It's implausibilities are stretched even by horror movie standards. The scary scenes are clichéd and the dialogue is stilted. This is one to avoid.