PG-13 | 19 March 2009 (USA)
Duplicity Trailers

Two romantically-engaged corporate spies team up to manipulate a corporate race to corner the market on a medical innovation that will reap huge profits and enable them to lead an extravagant lifestyle together.

MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
nzpedals I watched the DVD twice, and then a third time with the director's commentary, and still can't join all the pieces together.The basic story is clear enough, there are these two huge pharmaceutical companies in cut-throat competition to provide the consumer with such essentials as ... a new shampoo, a special car-wash, premium diapers, (you name it, they'll make it, and sell it), each has industrial spy employees with labels like "techintel" and "counterintel" and they get up to all sorts of devious activities to try and learn what the other is doing.Agents Ray (Clive Owen) and Claire (Julia Roberts) are at first on opposite sides, but later, they join together (socially as well as commercially!) to go for the corporate area.Duplicity is all over the place, they strive to get the secrets, but... how do they know they are not being duped themselves? They don't, and the viewers don't know either. Even the final revelations might be yet another piece of duplicity? The acting is great, but the confusion starts early with scenes that we are supposed to remember, and to know when they become relevant. ie, three years later... then 18 months ago, 14 months ago. Besides the two chief agents, there are back room analysts whose names and roles are a bit unclear. One particular scene involves CEO Garsik apparently talking to a double of himself, but only very briefly. Strange that this is not followed up?The support cast are really good, Carrie Preston, Tom Wilkinson, Kathleen Chalfant especially, and there are a few especially good scenes with good dialogue, but overall, it gets my rating of ..."could have been much better".
SnoopyStyle Competiting CEOs Howard Tully (Tom Wilkinson) and Richard Garsik (Paul Giamatti) truly truly hate each other. Back in 2003 Dubai, Claire Stenwick (Julia Roberts) working for the CIA drugs and takes advantage of Ray Koval (Clive Owen) working for MI6. Five years later, both are working in corporate espionage but are surprised that they're on the same team. Claire has worked her way into corporate security for Tully. Koval is working under Duke (Denis O'Hare) who is running the operation and works for Garsik. Tully is introducing something revolutionary and Garsik wants to know. Claire and Ray can never truly trust each other as spies for hire.Tony Gilroy is the writer/director. I like this murky complicated written story. I really like Roberts and Owen. It's a fun spy versus spy with twists and turns. They have great chemistry together. The drawback is mostly the product. It's a bit of a letdown and I'm not sure the final twist is as compelling as it thinks it is. It feels like a big artificial twist to pull the rug from under the viewer. And I don't think it makes complete sense.
LeonLouisRicci This One may be just a Notch too Clever and Complicated for its own Good as it Almost seems Apparent from the Get-Go that this is going to Alienate a lot of Leisurely Types that are Looking for some Breezy Entertainment to Kick-Back and Take a Break and Breathe Easily. Not a Chance.It is a Ramped Up and Rotated, Turned and Twisted, Back and Forth Film for Thinkers. it Challenges You Every Time it Flashes Back. it Makes You Pay Attention Every Time it Monologues. It Asks You to Listen Up and Stay Frosty. it can be Very Rewarding in the End but if You are not up to the Task, its going to Wear You Out and Put You through the Ringer.There are Laughs and Deadpan Delights with Two Movie Stars Backed Up with Two Leading Supporting Character Actors. So there is Clive Owen and Julia Roberts with Tom Wilkinson and Paul Giamatti in Director/Writer Tony Gilroy's Snappy, Sizzling Rom-Com-Dram and it is All Done with Style and Glitz as it Makes Gleeful Fun out of those Corporate Types that are Very Serious about Shaving Cream and Toothpaste.
strongplace I just recently viewed the movie Duplicity with Clive Owen and Julia Roberts. Having saw there performance in "Closer" and noting what great chemistry these two have, I knew I would eventually watch this film.I am a sucker for a good thriller. And, if u like thrillers, this movie has it all. There are so many twists, and deals, and double crossings, you almost have to take a dramamine to get through it. It does get a little wonkish and complex during the middle. However, if u hang in there until the end, you will not be disappointed. If you are looking for a simplistic action flick with a lot of explosions and very little plot, this movie is not for you. However, if u are looking for a sleek, sophisticated thrill ride of a movie, this one is for you. This is an excellent movie.