R | 04 November 2011 (USA)
Setup Trailers

A group of friends plan out a detailed heist that turns deadly when one betrays the other by taking off with the goods. Taking matters into his own hands, Sonny seeks out his revenge teaming up with the most dangerous mob boss in town to get back what is rightfully his. When he finally comes face to face with his longtime friend he will be forced to make a life changing choice.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Nadine Salakov "Setup" is about three friends who are into criminal activity and one of the three friends betray the other two."Sonny" (50 Cent) stops at nothing to find the former friend/betrayer "Vincent" (Ryan Phillippe). We find out near the end of the movie that "Vincent" betrayed his friends for money to pay to keep his father "William" (James Remar) in protective custody in prison. "Vincent" is the most stupidest character, it looks like his father is going to be in prison for a very long time, so you're just going to keep paying thousands of dollars every single month to keep him protected? very silly, "Vincent" is acting like the parent which is very patronising, bottom line his dad is in prison because of the choices that he made, it isn't the son's problem, if the situation were reversed it's unlikely that his dad would do the same for him, considering the way he talks to his son when he visits him in prison, there doesn't seem to be any love at all for his son.All the characters are foolish at one point due to getting involved in crime, but "Sonny" has a change of heart and chooses not to kill "Vincent" out of revenge, the Christian theme is good, but a major error is when the priest says "God can ALMOST forgive anything", there is no "almost", God forgives anything and everything, no matter how dark it is, when people ask God for forgiveness, He forgives!The famous sentence "No honour among thieves" is proved in this motion picture, so it shouldn't actually be surprising to the characters and to the viewers that one would turn against the others."Setup" is only about an hour and a half, it is fast-paced and never boring, the mob aspect doesn't outweigh the rest of the plot, thank God (it doesn't get anymore boring than mob depictions) Bruce Willis playing a mobster is annoying, but he is just a supporting character.Cinematographer Steve Gainer does a good job with the blue tint, it gives the movie a down to earth gritty vibe.There are not many interesting crime thrillers out there, but "Setup" is a must-watch.
antoniotierno A film that relies far more on the fame of its stars than the contents of the story itself, this low-budget action-thriller is an extremely basic crime/heist movie, attempting to highlight the "talents" of its star(s). In reality, Jackson is at best average as Sonny, with his monotone narration. His scenes with Willis highlight how far the rapper-turned-actor is from being a bona fide movie star, even if the Die Hard actor looks uninterested. Gunther also brings in odd direction, with sudden, jerky camera movements giving the feel of a television drama. There are plus points, such as the occasional humour in the script, but overall, awkward is probably a good adjective to describe this disjointed and strained film. Pity because the cast is excellent and the story might make sense, in spite of some plot holes.
juneebuggy As I'm sure with most people I only watched this because of the names attached; Bruce Willis, Ryan Phillippe and 50 Cent, thinking this has to be a decent movie even though I've never heard of it before. It was not. This was mostly a waste of time. Willis, despite the top billing on the poster is hardly in the movie and Phillippe just doesn't cut it as the bad guy despite all his tattoos. The script is weak, and the double crossed thief revenge thriller has been done way too many times before.50 does a decent enough job but he's just not a very good actor and the plot for the most part is based around his act of vengeance after his former partner in crime and childhood friend attempts to take him out after a major diamond heist. 'Sonny' then employs the help of a feared (but laughably stereotypical) mob boss (Willis)to help him recover the cash.There are a couple of other sub-plots running regarding Philippe's jailed father (James Remar), Jenna Dewan has a great scene with a glass table, we also get Randy Couture as a lame-brained thug and Shaun Toub as a mysterious hit-man who skulks about searching for the stolen diamonds -I actually enjoyed him.There are moments of Guy Ritchie-ness here too in the way they introduce "the muscle" 'the hit man" "the mob boss" and I suppose also in how all the story arc's connect and go awry.Ultimately a bit of a fail and not a movie I will remember anything about come tomorrow. 7/26/15
Kingston Hawke I normally only review movies while they are fresh in my mind, but I felt almost obligated to say how much I liked this movie to try and counter the rating that it's got. I think a lot of the hate is coming from the cast. People are mad that Willis isn't in it more, that Phillippe (who is one of the top actors period) is playing a bad guy, and that 50 Cent is in it at all. But truth be told, I liked the cast for the movie. The acting and script weren't Oscar worthy, but watching it late at night on Netflix with no expectations it actually impressed me. This movie is predictable, but so are 99% of movies to me, so that really didn't bother me as much as it seems to every one else. Other than that. If you're a fan of gritty, fun movies, you'll like. If you're wanting to see something complex and moving emotionally, you wont.