The Hitman
The Hitman
R | 25 October 1991 (USA)
The Hitman Trailers

After surviving an attempt on his life by his former partner, officer Cliff Garrett (Norris) exacts revenge on those who wronged him by going undercover as a hit man. He works to gain the reputation and trust needed in order to be accepted by the burgeoning Seattle-area criminal underworld, but it is all done in order to take it down from within.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
sol- Shot and near fatally wounded by his corrupt former partner, a police officer reemerges as a mob contract killer; he might be working undercover or he might be trying to getting to revenge, with things becoming clearer as the film progresses. If this sounds like a confusing plot description, it is because the film is arguably too complex for its own good; the action scenes are generally well done and Chuck Norris even turns in a decent performance as he mentors a local kid and gets to utter some witty quips, but these highlights are hard to appreciate as the film pitches Norris so deep undercover that it is hard to say where his agenda lies. What can be made out from the film is nevertheless often entertaining. There are many atmospheric nighttime shots and Joel Derouin's jazzy music score is perfectly moody. There is also a thrilling sequence set in the snowbound backwoods of Canada, where half the film is set, and the final few scenes are pretty powerful, over-the-top as the actions of vengeful Norris might well be. Salim Grant also deserves a special mention as the local boy who Norris befriends. There is a particularly touching scene in which Norris confesses to being scared of bullies when he was a kid too, and Grant manages to be wide-eyed and genuinely taken with Norris throughout without the film ever getting mushy or sentimental in this regard.
kargaan Again with the negative Chuck Norris reviews. Why?! An action movie doesn't have to have state of the art special effects to be great. Chuck Norris embraces his darker side in The Hit-man which I was to surprised to find was directed by his brother Aaron Norris. The Hit-man has got some really funny one liners and some added cheese here and there but I guess you can't make a pizza without sprinkling on some cheesy goodness. Not only is this a first for Chuck Norris having a darker hero role but it marks the second time iv'e ever heard him drop the F bomb which is pretty rare for Chuck Norris. My favorite part is when Chuck Norris tries to help a young boy with a bully but as it turns out the bully has a bully father to whom Chuck Norris teaches another lesson if you know what I mean. Ecellent movie especially if you like a cheese pizza with pepperoni one liners as the toppings.
CitizenCaine Chuck Norris once again attempted to expand his range a little with this action/thriller showcasing Norris' ability with a gun as well as his trademark kicks and punches. He plays a cop gone undercover after barely surviving a double-cross from a partner gone dirty. Michael Parks, who is always an interesting actor to watch, plays the dirty partner. While undercover, Norris tries to ferret out what's going on amongst three different ethnic mobs. While the mob action makes little sense, it's a good excuse for lots of gun play, semi-torture, and Norris pushing guys around while trying to play up a domestic side of his character mentoring a young fatherless boy. Norris is better than usual in this film and is usually so when not taking himself or the film he's in too seriously. His acting range is quite limited, and previous efforts of his to expand have backfired due to tired, formulaic scripts that failed to differ from film to film. Even though the film is nothing spectacular, it does contain some good stunt work and great action scenes throughout. Parks is again a heavy, and it's unfortunate he's rarely given a chance to stretch his range. ** of 4 stars.
ghostman16 Chuck Norris has made some good films (invasion USA)and some bad films (force of one)most of his films are good on action and The Hit-man is no exception.chuck plays cliff garret a cop who goes undercover as a hit-man for the mafia and takes on the Persian mob.whilst undercover cliff becomes friends with a young black kid who is getting bullied by a gang of kids so cliff takes him under his wing and teaches him self defence.what The Hit-man lacks in story it makes up in action. the only sidekick chuck has in this film is his unique sawn off shotgun and an incredible martial arts skill.Hit-man is quite a rare film so when i saw it was on telly i quickly recorded it on video and i am glad i did. chuck does an okay performance probably the best we can get from him and the actor and actress in the film are okay to. to end the review i will just say the Hit-man is not the best film ever but it is certainly fun to watch 7 out of 10.