Breaker! Breaker!
Breaker! Breaker!
PG | 01 April 1977 (USA)
Breaker! Breaker! Trailers

Truck driver searches for his brother, who has disappeared in a town run by a corrupt judge.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
bensonmum2 IMDb's plot summary for Breaker! Breaker! Is short and sweet – "Truck driver searches for his brother, who has disappeared in a town run by a corrupt judge." There's really not much more that needs to be said about the plot. Chuck Norris goes looking for his brother, discovers he disappeared in a backwoods town, kicks everyone in sight, calls his trucker buddies to bust up the buildings, rescues his bother. That's it. There are no twists or turns or other surprises. Breaker! Breaker! moves from point A to point B in the straightest line imaginable. If the writers spent more than 30 minutes on the script, they were wasting their time. For me, Breaker! Breaker! is predictable, silly, and not a lot of fun. Watching Breaker! Breaker!, it's difficult to believe that Norris would go on to have the film career he did. Other than kicking a few dudes, Norris doesn't offer much. He was never an award quality actor, but some of his films are at least entertaining. Even some of his early films are fun – I especially enjoy Silent Rage. I say this to point out that I'm not a hater – I just don't enjoy this movie. Two things that I did, however, enjoy were the performances of George Murdock and Jack Nance. Murdock's over-the-top portrayal of Judge Joshua Trimmings is one of the few highlights. And Jack Nance is always a lot of fun. It's a shame these guys are wasted in this turkey of a film.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Despite being from 1977, a movie 2 years younger than myself, I still sat down to watch it, given the fact that it starred Chuck Norris. I didn't read the synopsis, nor did I know what it was about, but it had Chuck Norris, which in itself is a selling point.I must say that "Breaker! Breaker!" seems like a hybrid between "Convoy" and "Over the Top", yet it failed to live up to both movies in any noteworthy manner. It captured nothing interesting from either of these two movies, and while this would seem good as it would not be a copy of either movies. However, "Breaker! Breaker!" just failed to be unique.The movie is a rather boring one at best, with a slow paced and rather pointless story. And this permeated throughout the entire movie, making it a less than mediocre experience.I managed to sit through 53 minutes of "Breaker! Breaker!", and believe me that my attention and focus was sorely tested. I just ended up giving up, because the movie wasn't taking any turn for an improvement, and it just thrummed on in the same monotonous and irrelevant pace that it had been since it started.Now, I am not overly a huge fan of Chuck Norris, and I am most definitely not a follower of his just because he is Chuck Norris. But I decided to watch "Breaker! Breaker!" because I found it by chance and his movies were usually fairly entertaining back in the day. However, "Breaker! Breaker!" was just not one of those entertaining movies."Breaker! Breaker!" is surely a movie for the dedicated fans of Chuck Norris, but you might actually be better off watching "Convoy" or "Over the Top" instead.
Blueghost I saw this in a drive in way back when, and didn't think much of Chuck Norris as an actor. I still don't, but he's an okay performer. He a martial arts action star, and does what he does on screen. I was never a fan of his, but this movie seemed okay for what it was.Truth is I can't recall too much of it, but it did entertain. It was something about a truck driver rescuing some family, and as usual Chuck does his martial arts thing against the good old boys of hick town USA.The truth is it's kind of a dumb flick. Not something I'd recommend, even for a night's viewing, but if you like seeing martial arts on the big screen against corrupt hicks, then give this film a whirl.
disdressed12 for a Chuck Norris film,this one isn't that's one of this earlier's not his best by any means.but it is a lot of fun to watch.the plot is nothing new.corrupt town town,run by a corrupt judge and corrupt police.older brother sets out to find younger brother who disappears on his first solo trucking run.finds out out he may be somewhere in the corrupt town,either dead or alive.older brother sets out to rescue younger brother and becomes a one man wrecking crew.that's the synopsis in a nutshell.obviously there's lots of martial arts action.and it's actually pretty well done.there aren't a lot of flashy camera tricks to make it look fancy.the acting is adequate for this genre.i've seen much worse in my time.for me,Breaker! Breaker! is a 6/10