Beavis and Butt-Head Do America
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America
PG-13 | 20 December 1996 (USA)
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America Trailers

Slacker duo Beavis and Butt-Head wake to discover their TV has been stolen. Their search for a new one takes them on a clueless adventure across America, during which they manage to accidentally become America's most wanted.

IncaWelCar In truth, any opportunity to see the film on the big screen is welcome.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Aryana Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
ifrausto-10094 I've never seen this show before and I know it's suppose to be stupid. But that was the most stupidest thing I've ever seen.
MartinHafer Somehow, the MTV folks and Paramount Pictures were impressed enough by the "Beavis and Butt-Head" TV show to green light a movie version...a crazy gamble that paid off big-time as the movie turned out to be a hit and made them many times their investment. Why did the film work? Well, part of it is because the movie got rid of the most annoying thing about the TV show...the music videos. So, in the film you got nothing but Beavis and Butt-Head...and all their insanely stupid antics. Another reason, and this is a real shocker, Siskel & Ebert liked this one...a lot and folks took their thumbs up to heart!When the picture begins, thieves make off with the boys' television set...and they are naturally unable to function without it as watching TV is almost all they do. But through their efforts to find a television set, they wander into a murder for hire plot, destroy Hoover Dam and plunge Vegas into chaos, smuggle a killer virus from the US government, get on the FBI's most-wanted list and generally make a mess of everything while they laugh like idiots (because they are) at all sorts of childish double entendres. On their tails throughout is a crazed Federal Agent with a strong penchant for cavity searches.Sophisticated entertainment, this certainly is not. The film is very crude, often stupid and the animation is of only passable quality. But, it also is funny IF you are the sort of person who laughs at these guys and their idiotic antics. Others should steer clear and avoid the film at all costs!! As for me, I did (despite myself) enjoy it...and liked watching my wife roll her eyes and complain throughout about the dubious quality of the movie.
George Clarke Beavis and Butthead have always been tricky to love. The humour in their shows is often slow, and obviously childish. But with this great feature film, we get plot and constant laughs as they make their way across Amurhka casing trouble and destroying everything in their path!Of course, they don't know any better, and with the FBI hot on their heels we are thrown into a full length chuckle that never tires.I remember seeing it on the big screen upon release, and now, to see it again on DVD almost 20 years later (oh dear god), is quite enjoyable!Check it out and switch the brain off.huh huh... anus
LeonLouisRicci An "Elongated" Episode of the Terminally and Totally Dumb Teenagers makes it Clear that the Duo's Disgusting Double Entendres can Withstand the "Blow" Up and give Their Fans Ninety Minutes of Off the Couch Fun.The Music here is Part of the Story, not Music Videos that Either Suck or Don't Suck, so that Familiar Element from the TV Show is Abandon for Tourist Attractions and Road Trip Shenanigans.There is a Strong Plot about a Missing "Biological" Weapon as the Two are sent on a Wild "Goose" Chase and to "Score" with a Big Boobed Babe. Obviously, it is Not a Spoiler to say that will Never Happen, so B&B "Do" America while Attempting that most Elusive of Pubescent Pursuits.This is Visually quite Impressive with a Rob Zombie Montage Standing Out above it all as Beavis "Munches" on Peyote to keep from Dying of Thirst. The Opening is also Impressive with a Giant Monster and the Charlie's Angels/Starsky and Hutch Credits.Overall, if You Like the Boys You'll Like the Movie.